![]() It was the year 2000 way back when I used to work in corporate in the UK. A work colleague friend was leaving to return to Boston & it was his last weekend in the UK. I was free that weekend & asked what he would like to do. He wanted to go somewhere else, to visit somewhere else in Europe for his final weekend. Great idea! We spent the latter half of the week searching for flights & when we didn't find anything by Friday, I suggested that we come into work with our suitcases & if we still didn't find anything we would go to the airport & see what we can find there. We finished work early & I drove us to the airport, how exciting! We had no idea where we were going, we were thinking Dublin, or Prague, or Amsterdam,... When we arrived at the airport there was just one flight available, it was to Tenerife! If you don't know Tenerife is a Spanish island close to Africa, it's a beautiful island that I have visited before, so we got those flights & flew on an almost empty plane to our sunny destination. When we arrived we hired a car, had dinner, drinks & slept on the black volcanic sand beach. The next day we drove right around the island, stopping for delicious food along the way & swims in the ocean. It was so amazing. We found a stunning town with a gorgeous hotel, around a courtyard right in the centre of town. Went in to enquire about a room & they only had the honeymoon suite available, which they could give us for the same price as the other rooms, for our inconvenience! It was beautiful, we had access to the roof where we could sit & people watch the plaza. We felt like the universe was treating us to the time of our lives. On the Sunday we continued to drive the rest of the island & found a beautiful little beach called Los Gigantes, which is named for the giant cliffs around it. It had a little fish restaurant on the beach, so we shared dishes all day, swimming, relaxing in the sunshine until the sun started to get low & we thought, it might be a good idea to fly home now! Arriving at the airport, completely convinced that the universe was giving us the best of the best, we were shocked & amused to find out that there were no seats on the flight back left available. It was fully booked. Not only that but the airport was closed on Mondays too, so we had problem on our hands! My friend said that if he didn't get back he would have to work another week to fulfilled his contract, so it was really important that he get back. We went on standby for the 2 fully booked flights to return. One passenger didn't turn up to the first flight, so I took the seat, my car was at that airport & I told him to just get back to the UK anywhere & I will collect him from whichever airport he lands at. I landed to receive a text message from him that one passenger hadn't turned up for the second flight & so he was an hour behind me to the same airport! Phew! We arrived home at about 3am. I arrived in work first the next day & when people asked how my weekend was, all I could do was laugh. I had to wait for him to get into work to tell everyone what we had done. No matter how impossible things might seem, if you go after your dreams the universe will ALWAYS support you in them. Do you have a magical story of everything working out brilliantly? Share it in the comments ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
![]() It was 1992, I had just graduated university in England, 8 month's pregnant & alone, I could no longer trust my boyfriend of 6 years so I had ended the relationship. I had finished a temporary job that I had taken because being a student before you get pregnant meant that you don't qualify for maternity benefits, only those who were unemployed or employed did. I had to work until they would no longer let me work. After my son was born I got financial help from the government, it wasn't much but it was enough to live off for which I was grateful but I knew that things had to change. I just couldn't remain stuck in this poverty trap, I knew I deserved better. Little did I know that things were about to get much, much worse. I applied for entry level graduate jobs & landed myself one. The wages only just covered my 1 room apartment rent & childcare costs. I knew I had to do it anyway to get myself out of this situation. I was determined to do whatever it took to set myself free, to have the income that both me & my son deserved. What it took was: getting a pushbike & having a baby seat fixed to the back. Riding my son to the childminder, then racing the journey to work that would have taken anyone less desperate at least 25 minutes. Working a 7 hour day only taking a 30 minute lunch break. Racing back to the childminder because if she worked more than 7 hours she charged overtime rates which I didn't have. Getting us home to feed & bathe my son before putting him to bed. Eating white bread with a slice of ham & mayonnaise for dinner. It took me going from my usual 58kg down to 44 kg. It took me walking out of work slamming doors after asking for raise & being told that if I was "serious" about this job then I would put more hours in! (even though I told HIM about my situation) It took every ounce of my energy, fat, determination & will power, then I got a raise. The raise that allowed me to eat & for me to be healthy again instead of just making sure my son was healthy. I shed a tear writing that, taking myself back there. They were the hardest of times. I am also proud of myself for those times. That raise was the start of many. Over the next few years I not only earned plenty but I also invested wisely & grew my money significantly. 8 years & 2 more children later I left that same job because I had achieved everything society told me would make me happy & I wasn't happy. I had the money, I had the job which I only worked school term time so that I could spend time with my children. I had a few holidays a year. I had a new car. I had a big house. I had it all, but I felt so empty inside. The life I was living wasn't fulfilling me. I made a brave decision & gave it all up. I needed to follow a new path. I started meditating & got onto the path of a deeper more fulfilling life. Unfortunately, for my financial wellbeing only, this path had me reading spiritual books that told me that I should be of service to others, that I shouldn't want things for myself, that this would happen naturally as a result of helping others. It didn't. It was a lie. Unfortunately I was around spiritual people who were abundantly challenged, who told me I shouldn't be doing anything for myself, that I would get my reward after I die (this sounds so ridiculous to me now it makes me laugh). But laugh as I might now, I believed it all back then. I went from being wealthy to having nothing, literally nothing. Because I love helping others with my gift this nothingness stuck with me for many years, only just getting by, thinking that if I just help others my reward will come some time, some time soon maybe universe, sometime before I have to pay this bill universe? I was missing something fundamental, something that I had realised way back in 1992, that I deserved better, that I deserved financial plenty for ME, for MYSELF, for MY life, for MY enjoyment, for MY wellbeing, for ME. I had spent years trying to barter with the universe, pretending like everyone else was more deserving than me "I'll help hundreds of people, just please help me pay this one bill" & I did! I was so depleted, surrounded by people that needed help, both in my professional life & in my personal life. It was exhausting. But still I didn't get that I needed to know that I deserved it, I needed to want it for ME Every time I was guided to look at my reasons for wanting money the spiritual guilt would come out from hiding & I would try to find more righteous reasons for wanting the money "I'll give it away", "I'll help many people with it", "I'll help the needy" always thinking that everyone else was more deserving than I was. These spiritual beliefs about money crippled me for so many years. I could clearly see when it had happened, when the money stopped growing & rapidly started to disappear, but I couldn't pin it down to the actual belief that had caused me to only just survive again... until I did. In 2012 I published my first book "The Healing Path Within" I meditated to talk to my guides & said "Great! Now I can help millions of people!" my higher self said "Not likely, you won't allow the results of it back" That was a punch in the gut, but I knew it was true. Why would a book help when everything else I had done hadn't helped? So over the last 6 years I have focused on healing my abundance, on questioning my beliefs about abundance, on releasing past money memories, blocks & raising my abundance consciousness. The final step was to recognise that I deserve plenty for ME, for MY life, for MYSELF. What beliefs hold your greater abundance away? Comment below ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! If you are constantly being disappointed by the way that people treat you, if you are constantly let down by people, if you think that if other people would just BE better to everyone then you would feel better, this blog is for you! How others treat you is totally up to youWe not only attract out of others whatever matches how we feel about ourselves, but we also can't help but reflect back to others how they feel about themselves, too. This means that how others treat you is totally up to you. Your ego might want to tell you that you're the victim & that everyone else is the problem, but ask try this: Name one person that you really respect & valueNow imagine being with that person & being rude to them, disrespecting them, undervaluing them & criticising them. Hard to imagine isn't it? In fact it's hard to imagine anybody doing that to them, because these people have a self-respect, self-worth & self-confidence that always attracts its mirror from others. Don't wait for someone else to tell you your valuePeople can only reflect back to you how you have been feeling about yourself. Wait for someone else to value you & you will wait forever, because nothing will change. Everything you attract is a reflection of your past self. You have the power, you can change your future by valuing yourself now. It starts from the inside (as with everything in life). Imagine you are the person who everyone respects & values![]() Who would you have to BE in order to be that person? How would you feel about yourself? How would you be around other people? The truth is that these feelings of self-respect, self-worth & self-confidence come from actions that are taken in daily life that respect, value & appreciate yourSELF. So rather than waiting to feel self-respect before you will start to respect yourself, start doing things to respect yourself. Examples: You might have always put others needs or wishes before your own, putting yourself at the back of the line. You might start to put your needs first, putting yourself at the front of the line & then look after others if they ask you to. In other words, putting your oxygen mask on first. You might have been giving to others even though you feel depleted. You might want to only give to others when you feel like you have plenty to give, so first give to yourself & do the things that fill you up. You might have been upset when others criticise you & tried to argue with them to defend yourself. You might want to tell those who criticise you "That hurts me, why are you trying to make me feel bad about myself?" then choose to be around those who appreciate you instead. You might have accepted all kinds of bad behaviour from others that makes you feel bad. You might want to say "No" & walk away from them. You might have accepted the crumbs from others, been hyper grateful when anyone does the slightest thing for you, when someone gives you a little attention, when someone gives back at all, when someone says one nice thing to you in the middle of criticising you. You might want to decide that you will only accept the best from others & start giving yourself the best. You might want to learn to ignore others unless they are truly loving you how you deserve to be loved, treating you how you deserve to be treated, respected how you deserve to be respected, valued how you deserve to be valued,... Take a step backOnly those who have self-worth, self-respect & self-confidence can really give to others. So don't try to prise it out of those who don't have it to give (that includes yourself). You might have to be alone for a while, until you start to attract those who CAN give you the level that you deserve, let that be ok. It's worth it, believe me. If in doubt, step back. If you're not sure if someone is treating you how you deserve to be treated, don't retaliate, don't argue, don't respond at all, just take a step back. If you're not sure if someone is able to give you the love, respect, value & appreciation that you deserve, take a step back. Give yourself this space to decide for yourself if this is good enough for you. Give them the space to think if they really want to have you in their lives & how they might treat you differently if they decide that they do. That goes for friends, family, colleagues, bosses, partners, clients,.. it goes for everyone. What & who can you take a step back from?Share in the comments below, who can you take a step back from? What situations aren't the best for you that you can take a step back from? ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() What bad habit do you want to stop? Today I decided that I want to stop spending so much time inside in my air conditioning & get outside more. I have a very active life, working out almost every day, riding around my tropical island on my bicycle, going to the pool for a swim, but even so, the majority of my time is spent in my room in my air con, working, reading, listening to podcasts, meditating, watching movies, etc. So this morning I went for a beach walk after my daily fresh juice to kick start a new habit. What good habit do you want to start? Today I decided that I want to start writing a new blog twice a week. So guess what? Here I am, after my meditation, my fresh juice, my beach walk & breakfast, sat writing a new blog. And what better subject to write about than the thing that I am personally focused on today? When I ask my customers these two questions the answers that usually come back are general such as "I want to stop feeling anxious. I want to start to be motivated" I categories these as intentions rather than habits. A general intention of wanting to stop feeling one way & to start feeling another way are great intentions. They plant the seeds within you, they place an order with the universe that your higher self can lead you to. Then all that you need to do is to follow the clues, to read the books that you stumble across, to listen to that podcast that someone posted about, to become more self-aware of what is actually going on inside of you when you feel that feeling that you no longer want to feel, & to seek help from someone who has already achieved this so that you can easily achieve it too. Intentions are great, but habits are a different beast all together. Habits are a specific thing that you can do every day that will lead you to feeling a certain way, that will improve your life in some way, that will put you on the course that you really want. Habits show the universe that you intend to do something about your intentions! Your intentions can be general, but if you make your habits specific you will be on a fast track, an upward spiral, to achieving those intentions. So let's get specific! Answer these questions in the comments below & let's do this together. What bad habit do you want to stop? What good habit do you want to start? ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() I've heard it said that we attract everyone into our lives because we are somehow in alignment with them. However, I have seen & experienced that this is not true. It can be true, but ONLY if we are going with the flow of the law of attraction. 3 days ago I was in a friend's restaurant, I was in there for a couple of hours but one moment I felt to go say hi to him. When I did he was crying with joy he was so happy, he had just received amazing news & he was high flying. That was a reflection of my vibration. I could have gone to say hi to him when I first arrived if I believed that I "should" have, but I didn't, I went with the flow & the encounter happened when JOY was present. Many years ago I had repeated bad experiences with my family because I thought I "should" be around them, somehow fix the relationships, I "should" have been able to hold my vibration to make everything alright. I couldn't. It was impossible. They were always themselves no matter what my focus. I carried the weight of that on my back for so long until I gave up. On giving up I just didn't have those kinds of encounters with them or anyone else like them anymore. I didn't feel the need to sacrifice myself, my happiness, my life, to be around them. I lost my "should" & suddenly I was in the flow of all the good stuff. I was meditating 2 weeks ago & received a lesson about this subject. Our vibration is constantly changing, one hour we can be joyful, the next hour we might be fearful, etc. As we flow with these feelings we attract a match to what we are being. So we attract those who are joyful, or the joyful part of someone (to the point of their OWN personal ability to be able to reach that vibration) when we are in the joyful vibration, as long as we allow ourselves to be around those who are flowing with us instead of forcing ourselves to be with family, friends, lovers, husbands, people in need, or whoever else we feel we "should" be around. Likewise, we attract those who are fearful, or the fearful part of someone (to the point of their OWN personal ability to reach for fear) when we feel fear, as long as we are flowing with life & are not forcing ourselves to be around those we think we "should" be with. The same goes for any experience in life, jobs, places, customers, businesses, restaurants, anything. If we think we "should" be there or go there or do that & that is not where are good feelings are directing us to, then we buck the current of the law of attraction. The good things that the universe has for you are NEVER found in the "shoulds" Share your experiences & ah ha's in the comments below ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
February 2025