For the last 2 weeks I've been talking about reaching out for what you want & this week we are being asked to be at peace with what we are reaching out for. Often people can think that they cannot reach out for what they want because external circumstances are preventing them from doing so. "I don't have the money to...", "I don't have the time to...", "I don't have the freedom to..." But none of these are actually true, because these conditions that we think are stopping us are just ingredients that come along when we reach out for what we want. For example, if you decide that you are going to do something, the money will turn up. A few years ago I was walking in a town I had never been to before, through an ocean front park with swimming pools & there was a standing wave machine, to surf on. I was in my swim gear, I didn't have any money with me, you needed money to have a go on this machine. Nevertheless, I knew how much I wanted to go on it, I'd never tried one before, & I knew that anything is possible. So I said I was going to do it. My companion said that we can't do it because we don't have the money, I said we will get the money somehow. He said "How?" I said "I don't know yet, I'll let you know when it shows up" So I went up to the booking counter to ask the price & to see if there was some possible way of doing it without money, there wasn't. Then I was drawn to a cafe nearby, to an ice cream counter, where there on the floor was a dropped note, the amount that we needed to go on the wave machine & enough for an ice cream each too ha ha! The money wasn't an important ingredient here, that was easily manifestable, the important ingredient was my belief that I could do it, I wanted it, I believed I could, I reached out for it & I got it. The universe is very accomodating. But what if I had let my companion's "We can't do it because we don't have the money" belief to override my belief? What if I let another belief like "I shouldn't want to do this" to rule? What if I believed that I didn't deserve to do it? There are so many beliefs that can stop us from reaching out for what we want, from believing that we can have what we want. That the ingredients haven't turned up yet is a lazy excuse for not adding the ingredients that you do already have inside of you, your belief, your determination & your inspiration: your true power! The only thing stopping you from instantly manifesting anything you want is not being in alignment with it, or in other words, a block to it. A block is a resistance to, or a contradiction to, what you really want. What is your biggest block? How can you release it? Your higher self knows! Book your 3-page biggest block reading today here!
It was 1992, I had just graduated university in England, 8 month's pregnant & alone, I could no longer trust my boyfriend of 6 years so I had ended the relationship. I had finished a temporary job that I had taken because being a student before you get pregnant meant that you don't qualify for maternity benefits, only those who were unemployed or employed did. I had to work until they would no longer let me work. After my son was born I got financial help from the government, it wasn't much but it was enough to live off for which I was grateful but I knew that things had to change. I just couldn't remain stuck in this poverty trap, I knew I deserved better. Little did I know that things were about to get much, much worse. I applied for entry level graduate jobs & landed myself one. The wages only just covered my 1 room apartment rent & childcare costs. I knew I had to do it anyway to get myself out of this situation. I was determined to do whatever it took to set myself free, to have the income that both me & my son deserved. What it took was: getting a pushbike & having a baby seat fixed to the back. Riding my son to the childminder, then racing the journey to work that would have taken anyone less desperate at least 25 minutes. Working a 7 hour day only taking a 30 minute lunch break. Racing back to the childminder because if she worked more than 7 hours she charged overtime rates which I didn't have. Getting us home to feed & bathe my son before putting him to bed. Eating white bread with a slice of ham & mayonnaise for dinner. It took me going from my usual 58kg down to 44 kg. It took me walking out of work slamming doors after asking for raise & being told that if I was "serious" about this job then I would put more hours in! (even though I told HIM about my situation) It took every ounce of my energy, fat, determination & will power, then I got a raise. The raise that allowed me to eat & for me to be healthy again instead of just making sure my son was healthy. I shed a tear writing that, taking myself back there. They were the hardest of times. I am also proud of myself for those times. That raise was the start of many. Over the next few years I not only earned plenty but I also invested wisely & grew my money significantly. 8 years & 2 more children later I left that same job because I had achieved everything society told me would make me happy & I wasn't happy. I had the money, I had the job which I only worked school term time so that I could spend time with my children. I had a few holidays a year. I had a new car. I had a big house. I had it all, but I felt so empty inside. The life I was living wasn't fulfilling me. I made a brave decision & gave it all up. I needed to follow a new path. I started meditating & got onto the path of a deeper more fulfilling life. Unfortunately, for my financial wellbeing only, this path had me reading spiritual books that told me that I should be of service to others, that I shouldn't want things for myself, that this would happen naturally as a result of helping others. It didn't. It was a lie. Unfortunately I was around spiritual people who were abundantly challenged, who told me I shouldn't be doing anything for myself, that I would get my reward after I die (this sounds so ridiculous to me now it makes me laugh). But laugh as I might now, I believed it all back then. I went from being wealthy to having nothing, literally nothing. Because I love helping others with my gift this nothingness stuck with me for many years, only just getting by, thinking that if I just help others my reward will come some time, some time soon maybe universe, sometime before I have to pay this bill universe? I was missing something fundamental, something that I had realised way back in 1992, that I deserved better, that I deserved financial plenty for ME, for MYSELF, for MY life, for MY enjoyment, for MY wellbeing, for ME. I had spent years trying to barter with the universe, pretending like everyone else was more deserving than me "I'll help hundreds of people, just please help me pay this one bill" & I did! I was so depleted, surrounded by people that needed help, both in my professional life & in my personal life. It was exhausting. But still I didn't get that I needed to know that I deserved it, I needed to want it for ME Every time I was guided to look at my reasons for wanting money the spiritual guilt would come out from hiding & I would try to find more righteous reasons for wanting the money "I'll give it away", "I'll help many people with it", "I'll help the needy" always thinking that everyone else was more deserving than I was. These spiritual beliefs about money crippled me for so many years. I could clearly see when it had happened, when the money stopped growing & rapidly started to disappear, but I couldn't pin it down to the actual belief that had caused me to only just survive again... until I did. In 2012 I published my first book "The Healing Path Within" I meditated to talk to my guides & said "Great! Now I can help millions of people!" my higher self said "Not likely, you won't allow the results of it back" That was a punch in the gut, but I knew it was true. Why would a book help when everything else I had done hadn't helped? So over the last 6 years I have focused on healing my abundance, on questioning my beliefs about abundance, on releasing past money memories, blocks & raising my abundance consciousness. The final step was to recognise that I deserve plenty for ME, for MY life, for MYSELF. What beliefs hold your greater abundance away? Comment below I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! This happy chappy is called Masuru Emoto & his work rocks. He has been experimenting with water & words. He talks to water then freezes it & looks at its structure under a microscope. What he found was positive words make pretty ice crystals & negative words make ugly ice crystals. Considering we are watery beings these findings have great consequence for us. I saw this experiment he did with rice today & I want to explain how to use these principles to grow your finances because you can & it's easy! Here are 3 jars. Each contains rice & water. The jar on the left was told "I hate you" & you can see from this picture that it has turned brown & it starting to rot. The jar in the middle was told "I love you" & you can see from this picture that is has remained healthy & white. That putrified rotting mess on the right hand side was told nothing - it was completely ignored! These principles apply to water, to rice, to us, to everything in the world including your finances! Most people have finances like the jars on the left & right. Which is yours? If your finances are in the left jar you struggle with them, you do not like your finances, you are dissatisfied with them , you talk about how you don't have enough & so the universe continues to give you rotten finances. If your finances are in the jar on the right, you are so scared of your bills, your credit card debt, your rent, everything, that you stick your head in the sand & completely ignore your money. The universe continues to rot your finances & take them away from you as fast as it can. However, if you would like to have your finances in the healthy jar this is what you need to do: Love your finances right now just as they are. Even if you have $20 in the bank (I have been there, done this & it works!) give thanks that you have a roof over your head, that you somehow pay your bills, that you are in a financially stable country, that your finances are better, even if only slightly, than they were before. Love your finances right as they are. Really love them. Do not ignore them anymore, face them & love them. Your finances will flourish with this energy & you won't even need to do a thing, the universe has this one covered, it grows that which is loved & it will do it for every grain of rice & every single person including you! Enjoy your growing finances. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! How can you remain positive in times of adversity? How can you accept what is happening, when what is happening doesn't feel good? On the east coast of Australia we have just been battered by an ex-tropical cyclone. That's a hurricane or a tornado to those in other countries. For 3 days we were subjected to high winds, almost constant rain and flooding which has wreaked havoc for thousands of people here. For those 3 days it was safer to stay indoors at all times than to go out at all. Even venturing to the back garden could yield you a tree on your head. Sadly a few people who decided to go out and sight-see the floods and devastation whilst the storm was still in progress, were killed by trees falling on them. We were lucky, we lost power and therefore internet for just a few hours on Monday. Others (including my son) aren't so lucky and haven't had power for 4 days now. It ended this morning. We woke up to the sunrising and silence. It was a very good feeling. I went out to look at the damage, and found a tree completely blocking us off from the road, as the picture shows above. I called the council to let them know that the tree was down blocking us from being able to get out and informed them that my parter is disabled and even though I can climb over to next door to get out, he's stuck where he is. Within 15 minutes 2 trucks had turned up and our tree was chopped into pieces and taken away. I've cleaned up the rest of the debris around the outside of the house and apart from lots of shredded leaves, everything is now clean. Whilst Oswald (the ex-cyclone) was battering us, there was nothing to do but accept that we could go nowhere and do very little. I was on the final 2 days of a cleanse detox and knew that it wasn't safe to go out to get veggies for our meals, it just wasn't worth the danger involved. We made do with brown rice and mixed beans with a little frozen spinach. While we were housebound we made the most of our time. Instead of lamenting what we couldn't do, and focusing on what we didn't have, we focused ourselves on what we did have and felt an appreciation for that. We had electricity most of the time, we had internet and television most of the time so that we knew what was going on and when the end was in sight. We had water, we had plenty of food in the cupboards to sustain us for longer. We spent our time relaxing and enjoying each other's company. Cooking a quinoa breakfast by candlelight was fun - luckily we have gas so with a box of matches to light the stove instead of the electrical ignition, we could still have warm meals and drinks. We were very lucky. We still are very lucky. We live in an area that doesn't flood. Other's aren't so lucky and are still experiencing the after effects of all of that water that came down on us making its way to the ocean. We are so lucky, we live across the road from the beach. There were 7 meter waves. Luckily the ocean dumped more sand on the dunes instead of eroding them and flooding our houses with sea water. My point is, while we focused on what we had, what our blessings were, how lucky we were, we just got luckier and luckier. In the midst of adversity, we managed to create our own luck by our positive focus throughout. The final piece of luck being our fallen tree being removed within an hour of my calling the council. We are still counting our blessings and will remain doing so to attract even more blessings. I wasn't always so positive and able to see the benefits of every experience. I taught myself to be like that after experiencing quite possibly the most negatively focused family in the world. When I was negatively focused all those years ago, I was miserable. The misery caused me to desire change. I had had enough of feeling bad. I decided to find another way. The other way was acceptance of everything. As soon as I accepted everything, instead of resisting my experiences, I started to see the benefits of everything. I started to become positively focused. It changed my life. What are you negatively focused on? Would you like to change those experiences by being able to focus positively? Let us know in the comments below! I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! You have a higher self that is constantly leading you to everything that you want from life. The more you are aligned, or matching, your higher self; the easier the path is. The truth isn't out there: the truth is within you. When you have thoughts & beliefs that are aligned with your higher self, you feel good. You will have feelings of excitement, happiness, joy, gratitude, peace, love,... When you have thoughts & beliefs that are not aligned with your higher self, you feel bad. You will have feelings of sadness, tiredness, depression, anxiety, anger, unhappiness,... This is your inner emotional guidance system letting you know that you are not matching what your higher self knows to be true. We all want to feel good, and this guidance system is supposed to lead us to those thoughts and beliefs that make us feel good: the thoughts and beliefs that will lead us on our path of ease. It's really important to listen to how you feel and change your thoughts and beliefs until you feel good. However, fear is a false emotion. It is not a real emotion. It is not part of your emotional guidance system. Fear is created by your ego when your ego wants to protect you from something. Fear disappears the very moment that you override it and do whatever you wanted to do anyway. Think about it: You are about to jump out of a plane to parachute. You are fearful. Your ego is trying to protect you. The moment you ignore than fear and jump anyway, the fear is gone in an instant. It wasn't a true guidance system emotion, it was a false emotion created by ego. Listen to your true emotions; those emotions that make you feel good or bad. Change your thoughts or beliefs if you are feeling bad unti you feel good. Align yourself with what your higher self knows is TRUTH. Your truth is found inside of you. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
September 2024