![]() For the last 2 weeks I've been talking about reaching out for what you want & this week we are being asked to be at peace with what we are reaching out for. Often people can think that they cannot reach out for what they want because external circumstances are preventing them from doing so. "I don't have the money to...", "I don't have the time to...", "I don't have the freedom to..." But none of these are actually true, because these conditions that we think are stopping us are just ingredients that come along when we reach out for what we want. For example, if you decide that you are going to do something, the money will turn up. A few years ago I was walking in a town I had never been to before, through an ocean front park with swimming pools & there was a standing wave machine, to surf on. I was in my swim gear, I didn't have any money with me, you needed money to have a go on this machine. Nevertheless, I knew how much I wanted to go on it, I'd never tried one before, & I knew that anything is possible. So I said I was going to do it. My companion said that we can't do it because we don't have the money, I said we will get the money somehow. He said "How?" I said "I don't know yet, I'll let you know when it shows up" So I went up to the booking counter to ask the price & to see if there was some possible way of doing it without money, there wasn't. Then I was drawn to a cafe nearby, to an ice cream counter, where there on the floor was a dropped note, the amount that we needed to go on the wave machine & enough for an ice cream each too ha ha! The money wasn't an important ingredient here, that was easily manifestable, the important ingredient was my belief that I could do it, I wanted it, I believed I could, I reached out for it & I got it. The universe is very accomodating. But what if I had let my companion's "We can't do it because we don't have the money" belief to override my belief? What if I let another belief like "I shouldn't want to do this" to rule? What if I believed that I didn't deserve to do it? There are so many beliefs that can stop us from reaching out for what we want, from believing that we can have what we want. That the ingredients haven't turned up yet is a lazy excuse for not adding the ingredients that you do already have inside of you, your belief, your determination & your inspiration: your true power! ![]() The only thing stopping you from instantly manifesting anything you want is not being in alignment with it, or in other words, a block to it. A block is a resistance to, or a contradiction to, what you really want. What is your biggest block? How can you release it? Your higher self knows! Book your 3-page biggest block reading today here!
![]() In my many years of giving psychic readings, helping my customers to get aligned with what they want in life & manifest it all, one thing comes up over & over again, that is: asking for the wrong things from the universe in the first place. Mary wants to lose weight, so she has an idea that she might exercise. She asks the universe for more air, she knows when she has more air she will be able to exercise. She writes it down in her journal, more air please universe! She affirms it "I have more air!" She tries to find out why she hasn't got more air, she tries to heal it in herself,... She never gets more air. OK, this is a silly example, but it's what people do, over & over again. Everyone knows that you just start exercising & then your body naturally starts to breathe harder & faster, the air is already present in whatever quantity you need. So if Mary had just asked for what she actually wanted, to be slim, then started to exercise, because she had already had the guidance to do that to get to where she wanted to be, she would have naturally attracted more air into her lungs. It was always there available for her, she just needed to do it. Of course people rarely ask for more air, it's usually money that they ask for, thinking that they can only start to ask for what they really want with that money once they have that money, so that they can fulfil their desires themselves & not rely on that pesky universe that demands alignment with what they are asking for! Can you see the problem here? Abundance of anything, air, money, friends, opportunities, apples, yellow butterflies, smiles, customers, ideas, words, thoughts, anything, is ALWAYS available to EVERYBODY. You just have to ask for what you actually want the money FOR & go for that, just start doing it! You just have to ask for what you actually want those friends FOR & just start doing that! You just have to ask for what you want those opportunities FOR & do that! You just have to ask for what you want those apples for & go pick them! You get the picture. Another way that people ask for the wrong thing is that they ask for what they don't want anymore. For example, they might ask for their anxiety to go away, or they might ask for their illness to go away, or they might ask for their depression to be healed. On that face of it this seems like an aware ask, but it won't work. Why do you want your anxiety to go away? What is it that you want a good mental state for? What would you do with that? What is it that you REALLY want? Ask for that! Why do you want your illness to go away? What is it that you want with health & wellbeing? What would you do with that? What is it that you REALLY want? Ask for that! Why do you want your depression to be healed? What is it that you want with a good emotional state? What would you do with that? What is it that you REALLY want? Ask for that! Dream bigger, go deeper, what is it that YOU really want? Share it in the comments below ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() "This can't happen again, I won't survive it again!" was my cry to the universe after I had been raped for the 3rd time in my life. I was 36, it had been 18 years since it had last happened, 22 years since it first happened. I thought I was done with that story long ago. I was living a synchronistic life, a business woman, things always worked out magically for me, then Bam! It happened again. I felt broken, but not too broken to recover. This time. It couldn't happen again. I wouldn't survive it. I knew that deep in my heart. I knew that something had to change & I knew that something had to be me. I had flown away from my abusive family, to live on the other side of the world. I had followed my spiritual calling. I was helping lots of people to heal. My heart was open. I was making a difference. I didn't know how I had manifested this again but I knew that I needed to find out so that I could release it. I didn't tell anyone about the first rape, there was nobody safe to tell. I told a couple of close friends about my second rape, but I had been to visit a court just weeks before it happened & I had witnessed the victim being abused even more in the court room. I knew that I could never do anything about it without even more pain inflicted on myself. But this time it was different, I knew that I would kill myself if it happened again, this time it was a matter of survival. I needed to tell someone who could do something about it. I needed to do something about it. I told the police. They had a counsellor contact me to help me through the next stages, it was the help that I needed all along. I would not recommend anyone go through the court process, unfortunately, it still is a terrible ordeal where you are abused again, only this time in a room full of people who should know better. The system is loaded to protect the perpetrator & to belittle the victim. But I would highly recommend the counselling because this is what I found: I had grown up in an abusive household of alcoholics. This made me accept abuse as normal. I had no capacity to discern a dangerous person from a safe person. I was open to anyone. I had no boundaries. Even the spiritual teachings I was following had me seeing the best in everyone & thinking that this would protect me. It didn't. I was taught life skills by my counsellor, she taught me what is acceptable, what isn't, she taught me how to take control of ongoing abusive relationships, how to have boundaries to protect my feelings, to protect myself. We did role playing so that it became my new normal. I had to unlearn a lifetime of being taught to accept everyone & everything, but with the right support I did it. The abusers that I had an ongoing relationship with were suddenly scared of my new empowered energy & they backed away out of my life, without even having to say the things that I had practised with my counsellor. It was working! Next I had to change my story. My story was one of the victim overcoming, of the phoenix rising. My story was all about healing from the old story. Even my business was all about that too. Yesterday my tattoo was finished, it's a phoenix. The time was right to have this reminder of the story that I have left behind. Because there has to be an end to it. There has to be a new story. A new story has to take its place for the healing to be completed. I am no longer living the story of the abused one who overcame, that story has ended now & they all lived happily ever after. I am now starting to live the story of an empowered woman starting her new life at age 47, with big dreams, unlimited potential, with strong boundaries, knowing what she wants, unwilling to accept anything less from anyone, addiction-free, a life of excellence, of the best. I know that the abuse won't happen again, because people have tried to abuse me recently & I have drawn up strong boundaries to them immediately. I now recognise those who aren't loving themselves & so who are capable of abuse, it shows obviously in addictions. When people show me who they are I believe them instantly now, I set my boundaries because I know that I deserve the best. I know that rape won't happen again because I am strong & no longer open to being abused. I know that I am free of this story now because I can deal with everyone random situation life throws at me with strength & empowerment. There are a few common tales being lived: The victim's tale is a terrible story, it's hard, it's depressing, it's not inspiring, it's like a bottomless pit. The medical drama tale is similar to the victims story, it's just a more specific tale of woe. The hero's tale (otherwise known as the Phoenix rising tale) is an interesting story, it's one that many choose, I chose it, it's dramatic, but the adversity is hard to take & you have a lot of healing to do from it. Although the healing leads to rewards which are great, there has to be an end to this story. The happily ever after tale is a different story, it's a new one, it is no longer about overcoming adversity, it is about a whole new creation. It's unique to you & what you want to experience. What would you like to come after the hero's tale? You are the writer & the director of your life. You can continue telling the old story or you can write a new one & choose who you want to play the parts in that new story. What story have you been living? What story would you like to live now? Share your old & your new story in the comments below ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() My morning routine doesn't stay the same, but it always has similar components to it depending on how I feel when I wake up. This morning this is exactly what I did: I woke up & went for a pee. It was 6am, I was still tired, so I put a guided meditation on my phone & went back to bed. An hour & a half later I made myself a coffee & I took the writing pad out of my bedside drawer. I wrote down my goals for the day, some goals for the month & some general things that I wanted to manifest. I listened to a 30 minute hypnosis, because my previous meditation had felt more like lie-in laziness, & I wanted to empower what I had just written down with my good vibes. I took a shower, put my bikini on, grabbed a banana & rode my bicycle down to a local juice bar for a fresh juice. After my juice I went to the pool, took this photo, had a swim, ate my banana, sunbathed during which I got 3 ideas of action to take toward those goals I had written down. I came back home, hung my bikini out to dry & got to work. This blog was one of the 3rd of those ideas, I already acted on the others., it's 11:33am right now. I feel amazing! This morning's routine is heavier than usual on the guided meditations, it doesn't involve as much exercise as usual because I'm recovering from yesterday evening's Muay Thai training, I will work out later today, it is focused on my work goals because I feel like working today. Some days I wake up & I feel energetic, my body wants to move & so I will do a shorter meditation, write down my goals & desires, throw my workout gear on & head to the gym. Usually while I'm on the treadmill I'll get the ideas for the actions to take that day, when I am fully in my body & not in my head. Whatever happens, however I feel, I try to write down what I want every morning. If I let this slip, my results stop happening. The rest is self-care, listening to my body, mind & soul. That self-care is important to fire up my energy to get those results that I have asked for, it's important because it makes me feel great, it makes me feel empowered, it makes me feel in control of my day, I get to be the director of my day! I have a pad that I can tear yesterdays page out of, I acknowledge what I achieved the day before then I scrunch it up & throw it in the bin. On my fresh page I write down is the number of customers that I want that day dependent on my energy levels & how I feel, & I write Thank you universe! If I have asked for 8 customers say, then I will write 1 to 8 in circles below, the after the number 8 write a star (this is for an extra celebration if I surpass my goals). Throughout the day I tick off the circled number, one by one & give thanks for them. Next I write down what I want to accomplish this month financially, again I write down the figure, sometimes 3 times, then I write Thank you universe! in order to surrender & hand my request over, rather than try to do it myself. Then I write down things that I want that haven't manifested yet, things like a new phone, an equal romantic partner, the number of new leads I want on my mailing list, fitness goals (I constantly challenge my body to being healthier, stronger, faster, better,... it's fun for me) I always write Thank you universe! after each request I don't think too much about it, I don't spend a lot of time doing it, in fact the less time I spend on it the better, because writing it down is about surrender & letting it go. It's a shopping list for the day from the universe, I don't need to memorise it, keep thinking about it, I have handed it over & can trust the universe to pop ideas into my head for the actions to take to make it all happen. Do you have write your goals down daily? Do you want to try it? Share in the comments below what your morning practice is & how it helps you ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() What bad habit do you want to stop? Today I decided that I want to stop spending so much time inside in my air conditioning & get outside more. I have a very active life, working out almost every day, riding around my tropical island on my bicycle, going to the pool for a swim, but even so, the majority of my time is spent in my room in my air con, working, reading, listening to podcasts, meditating, watching movies, etc. So this morning I went for a beach walk after my daily fresh juice to kick start a new habit. What good habit do you want to start? Today I decided that I want to start writing a new blog twice a week. So guess what? Here I am, after my meditation, my fresh juice, my beach walk & breakfast, sat writing a new blog. And what better subject to write about than the thing that I am personally focused on today? When I ask my customers these two questions the answers that usually come back are general such as "I want to stop feeling anxious. I want to start to be motivated" I categories these as intentions rather than habits. A general intention of wanting to stop feeling one way & to start feeling another way are great intentions. They plant the seeds within you, they place an order with the universe that your higher self can lead you to. Then all that you need to do is to follow the clues, to read the books that you stumble across, to listen to that podcast that someone posted about, to become more self-aware of what is actually going on inside of you when you feel that feeling that you no longer want to feel, & to seek help from someone who has already achieved this so that you can easily achieve it too. Intentions are great, but habits are a different beast all together. Habits are a specific thing that you can do every day that will lead you to feeling a certain way, that will improve your life in some way, that will put you on the course that you really want. Habits show the universe that you intend to do something about your intentions! Your intentions can be general, but if you make your habits specific you will be on a fast track, an upward spiral, to achieving those intentions. So let's get specific! Answer these questions in the comments below & let's do this together. What bad habit do you want to stop? What good habit do you want to start? ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
February 2025