![]() We are not machines! We are complex biological, spiritual, emotional, physical & mental beings yet conventional medicine tends to not only isolate one of these such as physical, they also isolate each organ & system, as if we are merely a machine with separate parts to be "fixed". We are so much more than this. Any issue that we have will change most other systems in our bodies. For example, when we have an emotional issue it affects every cell in our bodies, it changes our hormones, it affects the gut microbiome, how much fat our body will lay down to protect us, our mindset, our subconscious mind goes on high alert & is more active than usual to protect us. An emotional issue isn't just an emotional issue. We do ourselves a disservice when we label something as purely emotional, or purely physical. ![]() We are living in an age of extremism that doesn't serve us. It's either black or it's white, not shades of grey in between. Be careful falling into the trap of thinking everything is spiritual or emotional & never physically about your lifestyle choices & your environment! Just as a pain killer can allow you to get the essential sleep that you need to be able to heal when you have a headache for example, so too energy healings can clear the way, soothe your reactions, relax you to be able to access your own innate healing within. With my psychic gift I also give essential clues as to what is really behind how you're feeling in your body. All it takes is for you to be open & ready to receive the healing. That might sound like a given, but sometimes we hold onto our pain because it serves us in some kind of a way. Perhaps you have a hard time receiving from others, being taken care of by others? This trait often renders people unwilling to accept healing energy, even when you really believe you want to receive it, there is a lock there. But fear not! I feel those blocks & I ask for their release so that I can get in deep! ![]() My guides told me to switch the live meditation show on YouTube to an energy healing show, in order to showcase my energy healing work but also to help those who need this healing. Whether you come live or watch the replay you will be included in the energy healing if you are open & ready to receive. All you need to do is watch the video, click like of course, comment "Open & ready to receive" then follow my prompts to a meditative state & receive! Come along & share it with your friends too! Click here to find the replay of the last session & subscribe to be invited to the next live healing
![]() Empaths tend to be over-givers & therefore attract people who will take take take. It's exhausting, so let me teach you how to change this pattern! The universe is always in a state of balance and when we are out of balance we attract people who are also out of balance but on the opposite side of that balance. Perhaps you believe that it is good to give give give, to be generous, and you're right, it is. But perhaps you also believe that it's not ok to receive, that it's not safe to receive, or that it makes you selfish to receive. When you pair these beliefs up, you have the recipe for an over-giver who doesn't allow reciprocation in. You might think that if you receive more, then that makes you selfish. But if you think of a scale, on one end of the scale you have those who are completely selfless, who will only give & never receive. On the other end of the scale you have completely selfish people, who only take & will not give a thing. In the middle there is balance. Those who allow themselves to receive as much as they give, those who know they deserve to receive as much as they give. ![]() These people who are in balance, they can give more & when they do they start to receive more, because they allow it, because they believe in this balance. It is a form of self-love, to know that you deserve to receive. Now put yourself in the shoes of the universe. It's your job to match up energies so that everyone gets what they want. You have one person who only wants to receive & they want to give nothing at all, you also have another person who only wants to give & they want to receive nothing at all - MATCH! You will put those 2 people together because they are an out-of-balance match right? ![]() How to receive more: 1. Change your belief system. It's no better to give than to receive. They are both good. Balance is best, 2. Change your expectations of receiving. Know that love is incomplete unless you include yourself in that, self-love. Expect to receive as much energy, love, etc. back as you give out in the world. 3. Hold back your energy in the non-reciprocal situations you have found yourself in. Stop doing it. Opt out. 4. Notice reciprocity. Allow yourself to receive from what you give. Charge for what you do. Ask for that raise because you work hard. Choose reciprocal people to engage with. When a situation is one-way, remove yourself from the dynamic. No longer be willing to supply the takers with what they are asking for: supply without giving.
![]() For the last 2 weeks I've been talking about reaching out for what you want & this week we are being asked to be at peace with what we are reaching out for. Often people can think that they cannot reach out for what they want because external circumstances are preventing them from doing so. "I don't have the money to...", "I don't have the time to...", "I don't have the freedom to..." But none of these are actually true, because these conditions that we think are stopping us are just ingredients that come along when we reach out for what we want. For example, if you decide that you are going to do something, the money will turn up. A few years ago I was walking in a town I had never been to before, through an ocean front park with swimming pools & there was a standing wave machine, to surf on. I was in my swim gear, I didn't have any money with me, you needed money to have a go on this machine. Nevertheless, I knew how much I wanted to go on it, I'd never tried one before, & I knew that anything is possible. So I said I was going to do it. My companion said that we can't do it because we don't have the money, I said we will get the money somehow. He said "How?" I said "I don't know yet, I'll let you know when it shows up" So I went up to the booking counter to ask the price & to see if there was some possible way of doing it without money, there wasn't. Then I was drawn to a cafe nearby, to an ice cream counter, where there on the floor was a dropped note, the amount that we needed to go on the wave machine & enough for an ice cream each too ha ha! The money wasn't an important ingredient here, that was easily manifestable, the important ingredient was my belief that I could do it, I wanted it, I believed I could, I reached out for it & I got it. The universe is very accomodating. But what if I had let my companion's "We can't do it because we don't have the money" belief to override my belief? What if I let another belief like "I shouldn't want to do this" to rule? What if I believed that I didn't deserve to do it? There are so many beliefs that can stop us from reaching out for what we want, from believing that we can have what we want. That the ingredients haven't turned up yet is a lazy excuse for not adding the ingredients that you do already have inside of you, your belief, your determination & your inspiration: your true power! ![]() The only thing stopping you from instantly manifesting anything you want is not being in alignment with it, or in other words, a block to it. A block is a resistance to, or a contradiction to, what you really want. What is your biggest block? How can you release it? Your higher self knows! Book your 3-page biggest block reading today here! ![]() This week we are invited to open up to amazing opportunities & amazing abundance, so how do we do that? Our stories that play over & over in our minds manifest into our life experience. This means that as we have observed what happened to our parents & those around us, we have stories of what the world is like, of what is available to people, of what happens to people. These stories come true for us because they are our stories. But it's a sabotage to think that these stories are true, because look over there at other people with totally different life experiences, they have different stories & it shows in their different life experiences. So first we need to let go of stories we have about "how it is" & open up to the infinite abundance of possibilities that are available. There is an infinite amount of life experiences that we can have on this planet, it's up to you to create your own story rather than live other people's old stories. Opening up to what you would really love to do requires you to love yourself, to be compassionate with yourself, to know that you deserve to have a good life experience. It's only when you love yourself enough to do what makes you happy that you will be of service to the rest of the world in a way that will easily attract more abundance to you. This isn't about finding something to do that you don't like to do to chase abundance, it's being more of yourself so that people naturally want what you love to do for people you love to do it for. Happy confident people who are being themselves & having a good time are very attractive. Abundance is not only about seeing the abundance that is everywhere around you, it's in recognising that you ARE the abundance, you have the abundant resources within you, as everyone else does. For example, Joe has a job collecting tickets in a booth, but Ben doesn't have a job, Joe earns money from that job, his resource inside of himself that he uses for that money is his time, Ben also has the same 24 hours every that Joe has, so that abundance resource is within them both. Alice writes for a local newspaper & Jenny writes a best selling novel, Alice makes a certain amount of money from the newspaper & writes many more words every week than Jenny does, but Jenny makes a whole lot of money from her books, their internal resources are very similar, they both have the same time & they can both write. Peter Porsche makes excellent cars, Kevin Lada makes cars too, they both know how to make cars & know how to run a business too & they attract different levels of abundance. Patricia likes to keep to herself & spends most days alone, Sarah is outgoing & very friendly, she has an abundance of friends that Patricia doesn't have, yet they both have the same human being resources inside of them for friendships. In each of these examples you can see it's how they use the resources that they have inside of them that attracts the abundance that they experience, and how they use their resources depends on how they feel about themselves & how they feel about the abundance that they want in their lives. But in every single case the abundance resource is inside of them. There is nothing that we should want or shouldn't want. We are free to choose anything, that is what abundance is! You don't have to want more friends if you like time alone for example. You don't have to want more of anything if you don't choose it. Yet there are many people experiencing less abundance than they actually choose because they are not honouring the abundance of resources that are within them & believing in their potential to attract anything that they want from them. What stories are you telling? What abundant resources are in you? What abundance would you like to experience next? Tell us in the comments below ![]() The only thing stopping you from instantly manifesting anything you want is not being in alignment with it, or in other words, a block to it. A block is a resistance to, or a contradiction to, what you really want. What is your biggest block? How can you release it? Your higher self knows! Book your 3-page biggest block reading today here! ![]() I used to think it was my duty to sacrifice myself for others. I used to think I was a good person for trying to help anyone I saw in need of help, whether they asked for it or not. I used to think I gained some kind of credit for giving up my energy, my wishes, my well-being, my time, to give others what they wanted. At one point I was doing it in my business too, I was giving all of myself, constantly every day & getting so little in return. It was exhausting & I used to think it was other people's problem. I had believed the rhetoric that if you just give, give & then give some more then it will come back to you, eventually. But then it never did. What did happen was that I burned out & I became resentful that I was giving it all without getting what I needed, never mind what I wanted. I learned that this kind of giving is in fact judgment of others. So imagine someone coming up to you & telling you that something in your life, that you love, that you enjoy, is actually a problem & they have come to fix it! You know how that would feel right? Hmm, actually, this isn't a problem, I love it. Or maybe you would believe them & allow them to "help" you? I know I have done both in the past. But I have also been this person perceiving problems where there really aren't any. Trying to help when really I am judging what I see in others as a problem when it isn't, or if it is, that's for them to decide & to find their solution in connection with their higher self. The thing is when we are in alignment, when we are focused on our life & creating what we want in our lives to make ourselves feel good, then we end up being of true service to others, not by looking at them & deciding they have a problem, but by doing what makes us feel great. For example, I love doing the weight loss coaching, but I'm not going up to people who I think are fat & asking them do they want it? Ha ha, I am just putting it out there for those that do & having a great time teaching them & helping them when they ask for it, no judgment involved. I love giving readings, but I'm not going out looking for people with problems to ask them do they want a reading on it (I so used to do that!) I just offer the service for those who want it. I love doing the management for my friend at the Muay Thai gym here, it is so much fun, but it wasn't because I thought he had a problem with it. However, in the last few days I have found myself seeing problems in my close relationships & wanting to help. Just after I shot the week ahead reading I realised that I was doing it again! You see, everything should be a win win situation. You don't need to give up anything for anyone else. Martyrdom isn't cool it's really annoying to everyone including the martyr! When you are in true alignment, doing what makes you feel great, you will want to do things that help others, not because you have noticed there is a problem with them, but because it feels so much fun to do it. Take a look at what you are doing that doesn't feel good. Why are you doing it? What is the problem that you have perceived that needs to be fixed by you doing this? Isn't that a judgment? Could you allow yourself to just do what you love? Let us know in the comments! ![]() The only thing stopping you from instantly manifesting anything you want is not being in alignment with it, or in other words, a block to it. A block is a resistance to, or a contradiction to, what you really want. What is your biggest block? How can you release it? Your higher self knows the easiest path to releasing your greatest resistance & can lead you step by step to breaking free of it. Click here to book your biggest block reading today! |
Be Healing!
February 2025