![]() We are not machines! We are complex biological, spiritual, emotional, physical & mental beings yet conventional medicine tends to not only isolate one of these such as physical, they also isolate each organ & system, as if we are merely a machine with separate parts to be "fixed". We are so much more than this. Any issue that we have will change most other systems in our bodies. For example, when we have an emotional issue it affects every cell in our bodies, it changes our hormones, it affects the gut microbiome, how much fat our body will lay down to protect us, our mindset, our subconscious mind goes on high alert & is more active than usual to protect us. An emotional issue isn't just an emotional issue. We do ourselves a disservice when we label something as purely emotional, or purely physical. ![]() We are living in an age of extremism that doesn't serve us. It's either black or it's white, not shades of grey in between. Be careful falling into the trap of thinking everything is spiritual or emotional & never physically about your lifestyle choices & your environment! Just as a pain killer can allow you to get the essential sleep that you need to be able to heal when you have a headache for example, so too energy healings can clear the way, soothe your reactions, relax you to be able to access your own innate healing within. With my psychic gift I also give essential clues as to what is really behind how you're feeling in your body. All it takes is for you to be open & ready to receive the healing. That might sound like a given, but sometimes we hold onto our pain because it serves us in some kind of a way. Perhaps you have a hard time receiving from others, being taken care of by others? This trait often renders people unwilling to accept healing energy, even when you really believe you want to receive it, there is a lock there. But fear not! I feel those blocks & I ask for their release so that I can get in deep! ![]() My guides told me to switch the live meditation show on YouTube to an energy healing show, in order to showcase my energy healing work but also to help those who need this healing. Whether you come live or watch the replay you will be included in the energy healing if you are open & ready to receive. All you need to do is watch the video, click like of course, comment "Open & ready to receive" then follow my prompts to a meditative state & receive! Come along & share it with your friends too! Click here to find the replay of the last session & subscribe to be invited to the next live healing
![]() How do you know if a thought is your intuition or you're just making it up? How can you be sure that you have received guidance or whether it was just your subconscious mind? How can you tell what is inspired thought and what is just imagination? Deciphering subconscious thoughts from superconscious thoughts is an art that takes practice. The practice is meditation. In meditation we remain present in our conscious minds as much as possible. We notice the distractions of noises, body sensations & thoughts, but we try not to get pulled into them. The more we practice meditation the more we might notice a difference in the types of thought that come up. ![]() The subconscious mind has a negative bias. It plays an important role in our psyche. We have a subconscious mind to protect us from what might hurt us. The subconscious mind therefore tends to have a negative narrative that is constantly going on in the background. It can remind us of what we haven't done, what we did that perhaps we need to think about so that we don't repeat it, what might happen to us. The subconscious mind tends to be loudest when we are distracted, when we are stressed or on auto pilot. Even if we are meditating, the subconscious mind tends to be loudest when we are finding meditation difficult to settle into. There is an imaginative component to the subconscious mind too, those conversations that might happen, if he says this then I'm going to say that... The subconsious mind has a voice that we are very familiar with. It is like a small child, it needs to be heard, it's concerns need listening to, so that it can relax. No amount of trying to deny this mind, or these thoughts will take its power away. Listening to it yet putting it in its place is the best way to deal with this mind. ![]() The superconscious mind has a positive bias. It speaks up mostly when our subconscious mind is quiet. So the superconscious thoughts & imagination tends to happen from a very focused or quiet place within ourselves. The thoughts show up like we are receiving them. These thoughts tend to be about things that you would be unlikely to make up yourself. They can appear to be random thoughts, or ideas. There is an imaginative component to the superconscious mind too, the imagined scenarios that just keep getting better & better. Remember, the superconscious mind has a positive bias. The more we meditate the more we have access to the superconscious mind & the more practiced we get at feeling the difference between subconscious thoughts & superconscious thoughts. They do FEEL very different, their origin feels different. As a psychic I am tapping into the superconscious mind to do my work, When I was learning to trust the superconscious mind I would often read for people & be surprised that the advice that the superconscious came up with was different than I would have advised. It can seem wiser than regular solutions that we might come up with as human beings but it can also seem more random, as if it's not connected to the question at all. It is only through acting on the superconscious thoughts that you get the confirmation that it indeed was right, or as a psychic, on speaking the advice to the customer even when my subconscious mind is saying "that can't be right!" that I get the confirmation from the customer that it's what they needed to hear. ![]() If we act on our subconscious thoughts of course, we tend to get the opposite effect. It's not wise, it's rarely the right thing to do. Subconscious minds are great at getting us to avoid eating that toxic mushroom, or to run from that tiger, but it's not great at navigating life in 2024. The subconscious mind may also appear to be giving you a positive imagination experience when it is really coming from ego, wanting to win, wanting to be right, wanting to save face, wanting revenge, etc. The ego aspect is where we might not see clearly that the subconscious is always always always coming from a negative place. The more you meditate, the more you will notice the subtleties of these two minds, how they feel different, how they come forth when we are in different states of being, how they say different things. Once you get better at recognising what are superconscious thoughts, act on them & you will get confirmation that it is indeed divine guidance. Meditate LIVE with me every day on my YouTube Chanel www.youtube.com/BeHealing
![]() We each have 3 minds & the practice of meditation allows us to not only experience all 3 minds, but to ascertain which is which. Mistaking one mind for another can lead to problems in life that can be avoided with more mindfulness. The conscious mind is the mind that we focus with. When we want to think about something in particular we think with our conscious mind. Put your consciousness in your big toe on your left foot right now. The power of the conscious mind allows us to place our consciousness anywhere we can imagine it to be. The conscious mind is the observer in meditation. The mind that we practice bringing ourselves back to during the meditation. The subconscious mind is the protective mind. It has a negative bias because it is there to keep us safe from harm. It has a narrative. It has us taking the perspective of others viewing ourselves, when we wonder how others think or feel about us, this is the subconscious mind. It is the mind that worries, that projects into the future what could go wrong. It is the mind that dwells on the past, of what happened that would have been better not to have happen. The subconscious mind is often the narrator of our lives. We are a communal species yet we are often living isolated from each other - the subconsious mind thinks this is dangerous for our wellbeing, it literally thinks we won't have food or shelter and we will die. This mind wanders off into the negative all day long if we let it. The conscious mind often goes along with it, until we wake up from that state & bring ourselves back to the present moment. ![]() The superconscious mind is intuitive. It is where our inspiration comes from. Some people never reach this state of mind & only function from their conscious & subconscious minds. The superconscious mind receives thoughts, inspired thoughts, that move us forward along our life path. When we have a conscious wish, a conscious mind intention, our higher self takes that intention & knows our path to manifesting that intention. When we sit in meditation or similar spiritual practice for long enough, bringing ourselves back into the present from the subconscious mind & also from external distractions. in time we can experience this higher mind. We can also experience the superconscious mind when we partake in activities that quiet our mind enough, this could be while showering, while gardening, whilst waling in nature, whilst swimming, or a creative activity that has us in the present moment & not succumbing to the subconscious mind. The higher mind thoughts come TO us, we receive the thoughts. They are not something we would make up, although you might wonder whether you have made them up with either the subconscious or the conscious mind. The thoughts can be of a person, a place or even something that you should say to somebody, they can be a new idea, or creative inspiration. Sometimes a whole book can be created by the higher mind, the thoughts repeating over & over until the book is written. 8 of my 9 published books were written starting at 3am and ending whenever the book was complete that same day. Higher mind thoughts can be short snippets, you think of somebody then you bump into them. Take note of all superconscious mind thoughts & take action on them! They are the secret to a magical life of purpose. Join me for daily meditation on my YouTube channel to practice present awareness of the conscious mind, to be aware of subconscious thoughts & also superconscious thoughts & to discern between the two. Either meditate with me live every day if you catch me live or watch/listen to the replay & meditate with me but in your own time (there is no time, we will still be meditating together) Click here to meditate with me
![]() Regular meditation has so many mental, spiritual, emotional & physical benefits. A recent study took angiograms, the x-ray of arteries around the heart, which shows up the formation of blockages that cause heart attacks in their test subjects. They had them meditate every day & then they took angiograms again. Putting the videos side by side they showed that the constrictions had gone, the blood was flowing well to parts of the heart that blood flow had stopped to. Seeing this evidence was enough to convince me, or remind me, to meditate daily. Now I go through meditation phases and I don't know why I stop, because the personal benefits that I receive from daily meditations is immeasurable, but it seems I need to have reminders like this to get back on the meditation train. ![]() I committed to meditate every day & I had the idea of doing it LIVE every day on my YouTube channel to invite you to meditate with me. I do it before I start work, which is at different times each day, but if you catch me live you can meditate with me or find the replay on my YouTube channel & meditate in your own time. I do it for about 30-60 minutes, but you can join in for 5, 10, 15, however long you want to. Please remember to click the like button on the videos & leave a comment, it helps the algorithm put me out there more! So many people tell me "I'm not good at meditation" and "I can't quiet my mind!" Firstly nobody is "good" at meditation, it is a practice of being present with all of the distractions, the thoughts, the feelings, the noises, the itches, that voice in our minds saying "stop meditating, go do something else" being present with that, knowing that it IS the human condition, we all have it & it's ok. In mediation we can be present with it & aware of it & accept it all. This is how we learn self-love through meditation too, it's ok to be human! Secondly, we all have a subconscious mind, nobodies mind is quiet! Our subconscious minds have a vital role to play in our wellbeing, it chirps on and on about danger, fear, negativity, to try to keep us safe. Meditation isn't about quieting the mind, although you might find the longer you meditate the quieter your mind is, you are not going to be able to force it to happen. It's about being present with it, noticing when the thoughts come up. ![]() A practice I find helps with this presence is calling everything out, it helps to keep me in observer mode instead of getting caught up in the distractions. For example, my meditation might go something like this "thought, itch, noise, memory, ache, thought, noise, noise, what is that noise, thought, thought, thought, focus, feeling, thought, ..." on and on it goes. Generally around the 10 minute mark I feel my nervous system relax, around the 30 minute mark I can feel a euphoria that leads me to feel gratitude, but this doesn't happen every time & it NEVER happens if I am trying to make it happen... At no point am I trying to feel anything, trying to think anything, or trying to not think. I'm just bring present with whatever is going on inside & outside of me. Would you like to join me? Check it out on my YouTube channel here & let's meditate to gain all the many benefits of meditation, mind, body & spirit!
![]() Worry is like praying for what you don't want. When we worry we are imagining the worst possible scenarios, we are focusing on what we don't want happening in the future. Our minds hold our super powers. We are conscious creators & we attract what it is we are thinking about. The way this happens is by the law of attraction. When we worry, when we focus on what we don't want to happen, worried that it might happen, firstly we attract more thoughts that are like that worried thought. When we worry it feels bad, this heightened negative emotion tells us that our higher selves don't agree with the way we are thinking, but it also shows us that we are adding our other super power, our emotions, to fuel the attractor pattern, we are literally throwing gasoline on the fire that we already started. So our minds will naturally pick up on even more worrying thoughts, thoughts that other people have had, thoughts that you have had in the past & your mind gains a kind of momentum on this same subject of worry. This momentum will then attract evidence in the world around you, so you will see what you are worried about around you, you will see it happening to other people, you will witness it around you. With this evidence, your mind believes it even more & more momentum is gained. Until you manifest it for yourself & say "See! I knew that would happen! I was right!" but the truth is "See! I made that happen! I created it!" So how can we break free of this worrying pattern? It might seem logical to affirm the opposite, so if you're worried that you will fall off a cliff, to repeat to yourself "I won't fall off the cliff, I won't fall off the cliff" or if you are worried about money to affirm "I am wealthy". However, the mind is not stupid, it cannot be convinced of these things that are in opposition of its trajectory. The 5 steps to stop worrying 1. Own up to you using your super powerful mind to create what you don't want. Make the decision to change this from this day forward. 2. Be compassionate with yourself. Negative thoughts feel horrible. It's important to soothe ourselves rather than punish ourselves for this. Give yourself a hug. 3. Know that with a momentum of worry it will be hard to change, that you will naturally keep attracting similar thoughts for a while, but with ongoing awareness you can turn it around. 4. Relax. Breathe. Clear your mind. Focus on the small simple things that make you feel better. Stroke the cat. Go for a walk in nature. Do the gardening. Work out. Wash the dishes. Clean out the garage. Take care of yourself. Eat well... When you focus on these small things, taking care of yourself, on the simple things that make you feel good, you distract your mind from the other stuff. Meditation will be difficult when you are in worry, but once you are focused on the simple things, you will feel better & meditation will be easier. A clear mind will naturally tend to the positive because your higher self will pull you in that direction 5. Don't talk about your worries with others. Don't engage in conversation about it when others want to talk about their worries. Don't read about things that worry you. Don't watch the news. Don't watch worrying movies. Protect yourself from anything that instigates more of the worry energy. Give yourself the best chance possible. Listen to inspiring podcasts. Watch inspiring movies. Read inspiring stories. Look for evidence of positivity in your world & you will find it. Practice these 5 steps consistently until you gain a positive momentum that is easy to maintain. See you on that positive spiral! ![]() The only thing stopping you from instantly manifesting anything you want is not being in alignment with it, or in other words, a block to it. A block is a resistance to, or a contradiction to, what you really want. What is your biggest block? How can you release it? Your higher self knows the easiest path to releasing your greatest resistance & can lead you step by step to breaking free of it. Click here to book your biggest block reading today! |
Be Healing!
January 2025