Success means achieving your goals. Your goals are personal & unique. Your personal goals are dependent on your own personal value system. Success to you might mean plenty of money, or a happy family, it might mean freedom to be creative in any way that you desire, or being in a happy relationship. Whatever success means to you, there is a healing path to finding success in your goals. 1. Decide on your goal Decide on a goal that is important to you. Not what someone else might want for you. Make it specific and decide on a date by which you will accomplish it, write that date in your calendar and tell others your goal. 2. Write down your affirmations Think about what you would need to believe about yourself and life in order for that goal to come true with ease. Write down all of these beliefs as if they are true as affirmations. Say these affirmations a few times a day, in a mirror, looking yourself in the eye. 3. Release your blocks There will have been 1 or more affirmations that were the harder for you to believe than others. Pay attention to these affirmations and what your current belief really is. Look at how your goals are currently manifesting in line with your current beliefs in this area and know that you can let these old beliefs go and choose your new beliefs. This process takes time and perseverance, but it is possible and it's best done with the best help available and with accountability! Share your goal in the comments below and let's keep each other accountable for them! I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
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Being polite and grateful are often seen as high vibrations and a good thing, but they are more often than not negative vibrations and they can hide deep issues. "Please will you read and comment on this blog?" The word please is seen as a polite addition to a request. The word plead is seen as begging for your request to be completed by another. However, there is very little difference between the energy or vibration of both please and plead. When you have low self-esteem, low self-worth, and have low confidence in yourself you are likely to expect your requests to be ignored. Adding a please or a plead to your requests is trying to counteract your negative expectation to make it into a positive expectation, yet it doesn't work. It doesn't work because you cannot change a negative vibration into a positive one with words. Pleading or pleasing for someone to fulfil your request highlights that there is a negative expectation vibration within you, which in turn shows that there is an underlying issue within you. Someone who is confident in themselves, who allows themselves to receive from others, who gives freely and who has high self-worth will make requests without pleading for them to be fulfilled, without even pleasing for them to be fulfilled: their positive expectation gives off a positive vibe and positive vibes produce positive results and positive reactions in others. A queen, who is very confident in her worthiness to receive, will not add a please to every request she makes "Off with their head! Please" It diminishes the energy of the sentence. We've all heard a negative vibration please before "Please can you get off my foot?" It doesn't feel good. We've all seen a passive-agressive note before "Please get yourself some parking lessons. K Thanks" It doesn't feel good. Politeness, pleases and thank you's are often a sign of deep insecurity especially in those who insist that others use manners in this way. The words thank you are seen as a partner to the vibration of gratitude. Let me burst that bubble for you! You're struggling financially. You are in a vibration of lack. You say a quiet "thank you" to everything that you receive. That thank you vibration has a little gratitude vibration in it, but it's just a side dish to this vibration "I'm so glad I got this little thing because there is lack and there's not much more coming and I'm so grateful to be receiving this little thing that I don't deserve. I hope that brings some more to me." - It will not bring more, it will just send abundance running away from your vibe. Your partner finally takes the bins out "Thank you!" (At last, the lazy good for nothing) very little true gratitude there. Billy and Jenny are having an argument over the ownership of a pencil. Billy thinks it's his. Jenny thinks it's hers. A teacher steps in and makes a decision for them "It's Jenny's, Billy give the pencil to Jenny" Billy gives the pencil to Jenny and Jenny says "Thank you" (I told you so, I'm right) There are more occasions that each and every one of us uses a negative vibration "thank you" than there are occasions that we use a pure gratitude vibration "thank you" Negative vibrational thank you's also show deep insecurities, the need to be right, unworthiness and all kinds of things. What is behind your need for requiring politeness? What is the real vibration of your please? What is the real vibration of your thank you? I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! There are 2 types of romantic relationships: Lesson relationships and Soul Mate relationships. Lesson relationships come into your life to teach you something. You attract them into your life to match your energy at that time. Your match comes in for you to teach them the lesson that they need, and for them to teach you the lesson that you need. These relationships are supposed to come and go. They are generally of short duration 1-7 years. Although many people try to hold onto these relationships for longer and they try to make them work. Many people make the mistake of marrying a lesson relationship. This happens because the lesson is so familiar to us. It feels like home because it has generally come from repeating our parent’s lessons. We feel safe in this relationship, even if the relationship is not particularly safe for us. It feels like love because the lesson has been connected with our idea of love in the past. But this isn’t true love, yet it is a love lesson. It’s our role in these relationships to learn from them and understand what true love is from them. They are our guides to show us where our relationship issues lie. They are stepping stones to finding the soul mate relationship. Lesson relationships are supposed to last for the duration of the lesson and then be released. As you grow emotionally and spiritually in life you will grow in different directions from these partners. This is because you have opposite lessons to learn in a lesson relationship. So when the learning is underway or completed they will no longer match you, they will oppose you. There was only ever a mismatch in the first place, but the right mismatch for you both at that time so that you could learn from each other. Lesson relationships are never wasted relationships. They take you one step closer to your soul mate relationship. Even if you decided not to learn the lesson in that relationship and then recreate the same issue in the following relationships 10 times over, they are still not wasted, because they are showing you this aspect of yourself. The more ingrained the issue is the more examples you might need to be shown. Just as you might think you have dealt with a lesson and healed it, you might find that it comes up again with a different face on it, or in a slightly different way, so that you can fully practise you learning. Each lesson relationship is a gift. Lesson relationships are never failures. Soul Mate relationships however, are our spirit’s match. These are the relationships that we attract when we have finished our lesson relationships. This is the partner who not only matches us perfectly but who is also going in the same spiritual direction as us too. This is the partner that we are not going to grow apart from. This is the partner whose hand we will be holding when we are old and grey. The honeymoon phase doesn’t exist in Soul Mate relationships it goes on forever. There are no lessons in this relationship. There are no challenges in this relationship. There are no compromises in this relationship. There is no working at this relationship. This is the relationship that is perfect for us in every way. This is the person who will love everything about us, the beauty, the flaws, our light and our dark side. This is the person that we will love completely too, their beauty, their flaws, their light and their dark sides. This is the one that we have unconditional love with. There is no “putting up”with anything in this relationship. It’s smooth sailing. This is the relationship that gives us full support. This is the relationship that we can completely relax in. This is the partner that will love our authentic selves. We don’t need to be on our guard at all with this person. This is the partner that will not try to change us in any way. This is the partner that we will not want to change in any way. This is the partner that we will want to love and support. This is the relationship that is balanced between giving and receiving. This is the relationship where you agree on the important things. This is the relationship where you can read each other’s minds because you share the same mind. In this relationship you will find you have so many things in common. In this relationship you have shared so many similar experiences in the past, you have been travelling along parallel paths learning similar lessons in your relationship journey to find each other. In this relationship you can trust fully, there is no jealousy. This person will have all the things that you want in a partner plus all the things that you never even thought that you’d want in a partner. They are THE ONE for you. Perfect in every way for you. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! Your self awareness is in a state of constant growth. My body reminded me just how much everything is connected this week. Have you ever realised that you have a habit, a symptom or something going on in your life that you were not aware of previously - even though it was always there? I realised that I have a habit of chewing my lips and the inside of my cheeks. It's a symptom of anxiety that has been with me for as long as I can remember. It goes like this: my tongue searches around for rough parts in my mouth or on my lips, when it finds some my teeth get to work on them, biting off the rough parts in an attempt to make them smooth. It doesn't work. In fact it makes them worse. Other anxiety symptoms that I had as a child were pulling at my hair and sucking it. I became aware of this background habit a few months ago and I set the intention to stop doing it. I rarely do it now, unless sometimes when I'm reading a book or watching a film I'll catch myself doing it again. I've known for a few years that I have a very tight jaw, especially on the left hand side. I knew that this was due to anxiety. But I hadn't linked the chewing of my lips and cheeks until now. I searched for solutions other than the usual solutions of relaxation etc. because these habits never happen when we're relaxing, they happen when we are focused on something else and therefore they escape our awareness. I found a great solution, which apart from being funny, also worked very well for me to remain conscious about the habit. I talked to my mouth like this "Lips and cheeks, I'm going to start taking better care of you. I'm sorry that I let tongue and teeth abuse you for so long. It has really been getting to jaw too, sorry jaw. Tongue, stop searching around for rough bits, lips and cheeks are going to be rough sometimes and that's ok, they're perfect just as they are. Please stop telling teeth to do something about them. Teeth, stop it! Lips and cheeks aren't food. Your job is chewing food. Leave lips and cheeks alone now please. I'm also going to start taking better care of you too. Jaw, I'm sorry that this has been affecting you for so long. We're all going to help you to release that." I continue the conversation with my mouth whenever I catch myself chewing again. Yes, I'm that crazy woman talking to her mouth. I also went for a Chinese neck, shoulder and head massage to help alleviate the tightness in my jaw. It was divine, it was also emotional in parts. The massage had me searching online for acupressure points to help with the release of anxiety. When I started to massage my own acupressure points, they were sore on the side that my jaw is the most sore and not on the other side. So my left side is holding the anxiety. The most painful acupressure point was also very close to my wrist that is weak and has an injury. My wrist starts hurting when I don't feel worthy. This led me to give myself a reading on it for clarity of what this anxiety/tightness/habit is all about. My higher self told me that it is a reflection of my not forgiving myself for the past, and it is showing up now for release because I need to be ready to travel for my work and I have been blocking this travel by not forgiving myself. I hadn't thought of it in that way before, but it makes so much sense. I want to travel but I've also been quite glad that I haven't been able to, because I feel that I SHOULD go visit my children if I can travel, but that option isn't possible, and so I have been stuck in this state of blocking myself from all travel as a result. Our body gives us all kinds of clues as to what is going on in our energy. When you start to become aware of symptoms it means that it's time to release them, it's a sign of healing. The more you focus your awareness on the symptoms with an intention to finding a solution, the quicker the universe will put a solution. The solution requires you to act on whims, like searching online for solutions, going for a massage, searching online for acupressure points to relieve anxiety,... Action is required when you have the inspiration, and when you have that inspiration it is essential that you allow yourself to take those steps to heal. Go for those massages or whatever else is calling you, get that reading to get more information about it, follow up on ideas that pop into your mind. What have you become aware of in your body lately? Are you seeking solutions for it? What leads have you been given? Have you acted on them? Let me know in the comments below. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! Your reality is personal. Nobody else's world is the same as yours. We all have unique energy patterns made from our thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, words & actions. These energy patterns attract like-energy to them. So we might attract 10 people who are similar to us in one way or another - but nobody matches us perfectly, that would be impossible. We are unique vibrations of source. Our own personal reality is a reflection of our selves, therefore if you want to make external changes in your reality, the only way to change it is by changing yourself. You cannot mould your external world, change others, change society, you can only change yourself. You've probably heard all that before, but what does it mean on a practical level? It means that when you want to attract new circumstances, new kinds of people, a new job, whatever it is that you want to change, you must change yourself to match the characteristics of what you want. Let's say that you want some new friends because you are growing and changing and the friends you have around you drag you back down to where you were and no longer want to be. 1. Decide exactly what the new friends that you want will be like. What are their characteristics? How old are they? What do they do? What do they wear? Where do they go? What do they talk about? Go into as much detail as you can. 2. Once you have a complete picture of the new friends that you want, take every single detail and apply it to yourself. Learn and have those same characteristics, start doing what they do, wear the clothes that they wear, go to the places that they go, start talking about the same things as they will talk about, etc. 3. Stop doing all the things that you used to do, say, wear, go, etc. Let everything else that isn't what you want go. You might think that this will just make sure that you randomly bump into those new friends because you will be doing the same things and therefore the random meeting will be more likely, but that's not true. This will change your energy so that you start to attract people with like energy into your life. This is at a subtle energetic level that everyone can perceive. You know that feeling when you just click with someone? When you feel comfortable in someone's presence? That is the law of attraction at work. You can do this same practice for anything you want in your life. Want more money? What do people with more money do, say, wear, go, live, etc.? Be that! Let everything else go! Want a new job? What do people with that new job do, say, wear, go, etc.? Be that! Let everything else go! Want a significant relationship? What would your dream partner be like? Be that! Let everything else go! It's a simple process but it takes the courage to pretend for a while, and to let go of old behaviours, people, friends, jobs, thoughts, clothes, etc. Share below what you would most like to change and what changes you will make in yourself to attract what you want. I'd love to hear and help you! I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
November 2024