Lately some of my wishes have been manifesting within 2 hours of first thinking about them. Ok, the bigger manifestations, those things I really, really, really want, they are taking a little longer to manifest, but still the next steps to them are manifesting within hours too.
So let me share my secrets to easy, fast manifestation with you & explain why this works. Firstly, we are electromagnetic beings. This means that we manifest using both electricity & magnetism. Our consciousness, our minds, is the electrical aspect of our being. Our nervous systems are producing electricity all day & all night. The more cohesive that electricity is, the more our minds are generally quiet & still, but are also focused when we think about what we want, the more powerful it is in projecting those wishes into the universe. So the quieter our minds, the more powerful they are. This seems a contradiction, why would less electricity mean more power? Our magnetism is our energy, it's our emotional state & our attitude. This comes from the heart, it's how we feel. The better we feel the more powerful is our magnetism. We are literally more attractive the better we feel. Is this starting to make sense now? So the way we manifest is to bring both of these super powers together, our quiet mind focused on our wishes & our heart feeling really good. The more we can keep this energy throughout the day, the faster & easier our manifestations. To be able to achieve this requires us to stop our usual patterns of overthinking, over busy-ness, negative thought patterns, thinking about what we don't want, thinking of what could go wrong,.. because we have experienced what this brings - it manifests more of what we don't want really fast & easily! It requires us to stop feeling bad, which generally means stopping focusing on the bad things that are in our lives, the bad news, what is missing, the problems, the issues,... & start focusing on what is right in our lives, what is going well, what is wonderful in the world. What would you most like to manifest with ease & speed this month? ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
Be Healing!
February 2025