![]() My business is not my hobby, although I love what I do. My business is my calling: I work for God. I have been given a great gift that is quite unique even in the psychic and healing community and I have developed this gift in order to be of best service to those that are brought to me for their messages and guidance. I take my orders from God, from many spirits that make up source that want to help us to change the world and create the heaven on earth that we really want. I have a big role to play. In order to be able to provide the service that I provide I need to spend many hours every single day meditating, doing my own inner work, learning, growing, centring myself, grounding myself, channeling my own guidance and direction for not just my business but for the whole planet. I need to have my space, my own nurturing space without external energies that hamper the field in which I work, so that I can exercise this gift in the way that I choose - which is excellence. There are many things that I can't do without compromising my gift and delivering sub-standard service: Channel messages in a live group setting. Channel messages in a hall full of people at a fair. Spend more than 3 hours a day 3 times a week with customers. Stand in front of a live audience and hold the energy I need in order to channel from source. I could do those things, but my work would be substandard and I am not willing to provide a substandard service: I would be disrespecting and abusing my gift. There are things that I can do without compromising my gift: Channel messages to many people in a webinar when I'm in my own space, in control of my energetic environment. When I do this I cannot work with other customers for the rest of that day. Channel messages to 3 people, 3 times a week, as their mentor, or as a new customer needing their first guidance. My work consists of paid work (customers who have signed up for my mentorship schemes), poorly paid work (the special offers that attract first time customers who need my services and need to hear the very important messages waiting for them) and free work (the free initial consults that I give than often turn into full sessions). The poorly paid work and free work that I do are my way of giving back, my way of being of service to those who really need my help. They do not even cover the cost of my business expenses to provide this service. It does not pay me, this is my charity work. Lately I have had some very rude recipients of this charitable work, who have thought it necessary to tell me their opinion of me, my work and my prices. It’s okay if you don’t resonate with me, my message, my services, my products and my prices. You do not need to let me know about it. You don't need to tell me if you think I should be different. I don’t need to know your opinion: it will not stop me from being me and doing what I do best. I am focusing on serving the people who do resonate with me, my message, my services, my products and my prices. Thanks for your interest, please unsubscribe right now from my mailing list and my social networking pages. I work for God and I have an important role to play. I don't ever do anything that I am not directed to do by God. I refuse to compromise the quality of my gift and my work to pander to other people's insecurities about themselves. I can lead a horse to water but I can't make her drink. I have set my prices to be able to honour my sensitivities that make my work possible in the first place. My reduced priced offers do not honour my gift and my sensitivities and will be discontinued. To be the best person that I can be, to be excellent at what I do, I have clear boundaries and when you cross those boundaries I will delete your comment, email, contact without even reading past the first disrespectful words. If you continue contacting me you should know that I don't even open the emails or read one word of your comments. Sometimes I will respond by communicating which boundary you have crossed, if I feel your awareness level is high enough for it to make any difference to you. This is who I am and what I do. I am the best at what I do. My path is excellence in leading great changes on this planet. This is my gift and I know what I can do, can't do, will do and won't do. I am confident and clear about who I am and what I do. I stand in my authenticity and truth. I suggest you do the same. Who are you? What do you need in order to be excellent at what you do? What are your boundaries? Are you standing in your truth? ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
![]() Some of my deepest self-worth issue patterns came up this week and so I'd like to talk about this. Our life experiences are a reflection of the energy that we have within ourselves. Always. When we have low self-worth we follow patterns of trying to increase that self-worth by being told we are worthy by others through trying to prove it to them. These attempts to prove it to them so that they will tell us we are worthy never work because nobody can reflect back to us what we are not. Some of us take an independent stance. We become so independent that we don't even realise that we making others around us dependant on us. We take responsibility for everything. We provide for everyone. We do the work of 10 people and still they don't value us. Although this feels like independence it's not, independence is looking after yourself, not looking after yourself and 20 other people too. This is a pattern of care-taking others in the hope that they will value us so much that we believe it ourselves. It never works. Some of us protest what others are doing or not doing because deep inside we feel bad about doing or not doing those things ourselves. We hope that if we can persuade everyone else to change that we will feel better about ourselves - feel worthy. Some of us believe other peoples assessments of our own worthiness way too much. Even when we disagree with them, we take it on board deep inside. If someone has told us that we don't deserve something, we disagree on the face of it but then we think things like "I didn't want it anyway" "I shouldn't have wanted it" "What I have is better than that" Other people's assessments of our own worthiness is never about us and always about them and how they feel about themselves, yet we take it on board - especially from those we would like to receive love from. Some of us keep ourselves on the outer, we detach ourselves from others so that we cannot be judged by them as unworthy. We feel different from them, feel like everyone else understands how to live life and knows their worthiness apart from me. We feel like an alien in our own world, instead of realising we are the world. Personally I have tried all of these attempts to feel worthy, and many more, but none of them have worked because the only thing that will make you feel worthy is knowing and feeling this truth: You are worthy just because you are a magnificent child of the universe. The way that our higher selves see our worthiness can be best understood by us when we look at the energy of a queen. A queen is worthy just because of who she is. A queen is respected just because of who she is. A queen receives from many just because of who she is. It would be disrespectful for a queen to refuse to receive anything from anybody. A queen can achieve great things through inspiring. A queen has great self-worth, self-respect, self-confidence and it is mirrored back to her by the world. Meditate on the energy of the queen within you. Let this energy become you. This is alignment with your higher self. This is self-worth. ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() Our relationship with ourselves creates the relationships that we have with others. When I didn't love myself very much and didn't even like myself very much, I had unfulfilling relationships with people that I didn't like that much either. I strived to love them anyway, but that love was very conditional and always disappointed me. I got in a pattern of trying to love and like myself through others loving and liking me more, and it never worked. They always reflected how I was feeling about myself back to me. Sound familiar? There came a point in my life, around 7 years ago when I decided enough was enough. I could not carry on going through these same patterns, having the same kinds of relationships over and over with a new face on them. I stopped. I withdrew into myself. I not only withdrew from romantic relationships and men, but I also withdrew from my friendships. I needed space to find myself, to learn to like myself, to learn to love myself. That space was all I needed to get clear on what I really wanted, what I really deserved and the space allowed me to realise that I could have what I wanted too. I then went through a process of letting go of all my previous relationships, the ones I held a torch for and the ones I felt resentment toward - I cleared my relationship karma. I decided what I really wanted in a partner, who I really wanted to be in a relationship and it didn't take long to manifest my soul mate, the one that is always on the same path as me, who shares my values and dreams. This week's best life tip is to allow yourself space when you need it. It's ok with withdraw. The world will keep turning. You are your highest priority, so give yourself the time you need to get clear about yourself. In the healing path to your soul mate, I will teach you how to get clear on what you want, teach you how to release all past relationship emotional debris, teach you how to find your relationship self worth and how to find your perfect partner. ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() Ask your spiritual team for help and support in everything. For the last few years I've had this feeling that there is something that I need to figure out, some secret key that if I find out what it is and then action it I will get whatever I want. I've been going around in circles, paying mentors and teachers lots of money to be told what I already know and have tried already. Learning the secret keys that have worked for others but don't work for me and I realised that the searching for that key itself has been what has been holding the solution, MY solution, from me. The feeling that there is something that if I just find it and offer that then I'll get what I want - that feeling has stopped me from knowing that it's already within me. There is nothing outside of myself that I need to find, no magical key, nothing new that I need to offer. I am already enough. To put the cherry on top I had also been feeling guilty for not finding that secret key yet. A double block to what I wanted. So this weekend I meditated on it and was told to allow my spiritual team to give me what I want, to trust them and to trust myself. I am already enough, I already offer enough. Until now I have been holding what I want from me through the belief that I haven't found it yet and that there is something I need to figure out to get it. I was told to relax and be supported by my spiritual team. This feeling of relaxation wasn't so comfortable for me. It reminded me of my childhood when letting go and being cared for in this way came with a serve of resentment, guilt, violence and abuse. It's a self-worth augmenting loop that I have been through a few times and I guess I need to continue to go through many times more. This week's best life tip is to let go, allow your spiritual team to support you in everything. You have a team of spirits who work alongside your higher self for the good of the whole team, you are all interested in growing in the same areas and you are the only member of the team who is incarnated into a physical body right now, this means you have great support behind you. If you would like to know more about your specific spiritual team, consider a Breakthrough Session with me and get to know them better. Release guilt from not having achieved something you think you should have by now: if you haven't already then you didn't need to already. Everything is always in perfection. Love what is. Make peace with what is. ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() Fear of lack is one of the worst feelings that we have, and most of us have that feeling regularly. Fear of lack comes from a feeling that we need to do it all, it comes from a place of overwhelm and mistrust in the universe. When faced with this fear of lack the majority of us try to DO something about it. Haven't got enough love? Want a boyfriend? We go out and try to find one. Haven't got enough money? Want more money? We try to DO things to get more money. This never gets us what we want, because we are not working with our higher selves nor the universe when we try to do it ourselves from a place of bad feeling. We do this until we throw our arms up in to the air and give up saying ' "This is too hard! I can't DO it!" When we get to that point we are right, we can't DO it. So what can we do? What is the solution when we feel this fear of lack? Here are the 3 counter-intuitive steps that work every time if you stick to them. 1. Stop what you are doing and start to do something that makes you feel good. Ignore what is scaring you and focus your attention on something that you really love instead. Go for a walk in nature. Do some gardening. Do yoga. Paint a picture. Meditate. Have a swim. Do whatever takes all of your attention and makes you feel good. This step detaches you from the bad feeling that will block your progress every time. 2. Decide what you really want. What is the outcome you'd really like? If a magic wand was waived and you could have everything exactly how you wanted it, what would that look like? Most of us limit ourselves to imagining a struggle for what we want. What if you were to imagine everything magically falling into place for you with little effort. This step opens you up to allowing the universe to give you what you want in the easiest way possible. 3. Wait patiently for the inspiration to come. Keep doing steps 1 & 2 and wait patiently for the results to show or for the inspiration (the usual way it happens) to be planted directly into your mind by your higher self of the step you need to take to get there. Don't rush it. Be patient. The more you can let go in this step the quicker it will come to you, but the more you try to let go to make it come quicker the slower it will come. Just let go and wait patiently. Trust the universe. Trust your higher self! Let me know how these steps change your experience and let me know what you manifest with ease when you follow them! ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
February 2025