![]() William Shakespeare wrote "This above all: to thine own self be true" Yesterday I began to understand this at a much deeper level than I ever have before. 2 nights ago I had a dream. The dream wasn't particularly eventful, it was set in a place that was a mixture of many places in which I have lived. I was with my partner and we were doing very mundane things like going to buy a pie and getting my pie for free because it was my 10th on a loyalty card. As we walked back to my dream house, I had a sinking feeling, that someone was trying to spoil my fun. My ex-husband wasn't in this dream, but the feeling that I had was that he was waiting there and wanted to spoil my fun. When I awakened I recounted the dream to my partner and how I had this uneasy feeling in the dream that my ex was there to spoil my fun. One of my many gifts is to be able to interpret dreams with the help of spirit guides, and so I know that this dream had in its essence something that was within me - that this feeling of unease was also in my waking consciousness. Dreams bring to our attention something that is ready for release, so it was time to release this feeling. As with all self-healing, the first step is to completely own the issue and the feeling, it hadn't come from anywhere else, but from inside of me. The next step is to figure out why I feel this way. It's no secret that my ex didn't support me in my spiritual path and growing into my true self, in fact I have many people from my past who did not and do not support me, and that is ok. We all incarnate into the conditions, around the people, that will give us the lessons that we want to learn. This gives us not only the chance to learn and grow from there, but also the burning desire to want better for ourselves. Therefore, as we learn and grow within ourselves it is right that we no longer energetically match those that are around us. As we let them go and move forward in life we attract those who are an energetic match to our new selves and the process starts all over again. The hard part of this process is letting go and releasing. Hands up who still wants family, ex's, people from their past to validate them, too? Well they can't ever do that, because they are fully immersed in the issues that you have released yourself from, they are no longer an energetic match and therefore cannot validate something that they are not. What's more: you chose them to give you those lessons because they are fully immersed and experiencing those issues. It is totally up to their higher selves whether on this life path they will grow, or just experience more of the same issues, to get a deeper understanding of them. Your path and their paths are valid and right. My feeling of threat to my joy which I had pinned onto my ex-husband came from a feeling that his (or anyone else in my past's) opinion still mattered to me. There is nothing he can think or do that can affect me, even his attempts to control me through my children hasn't stopped me from being me and growing. With this realisation I have been set free. Not only are the opinions of those in my past irrelevant to who I am and the way I feel, but so are the opinions of my supporters and fans. Neither lack of support nor support, attack nor praise can shake who I am and the way I feel. Sure I prefer to receive praise, support and validation, and I can get that from those who are in alignment with me, but it's futile to try to get it from those who aren't in alignment with me. Freedom! To my own self I am true! How about you? ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
![]() Some of the best feelings available to us as human beings come from these focuses: 1. Meditation, inner focus. 2. Giving to others. 3. Sharing with others. 2 days ago I felt the need to meditate, not because I wanted to release something or figure something out, but just because I wanted to experience the great feeling that meditation gives me. As I started the meditation my guides asked me to extend this meditation to others. So I posted on the Be Healing facebook page that I would be sending healing to all Be Healing customers for the next 30 minutes, the time that I had wanted to meditate for. I then proceeded to make my meditation into a mass healing, sending loving and healing energy out to all those who have been involved with Be Healing at any point, team members past and present, suppliers, customers, absolutely everyone that has touched or been touched by Be Healing. As I did this a wave of gratitude filled me, for my life, for my gifts, for my business, for my customers, for everything I have experienced through Be Healing. This feeling of gratitude was a far better feeling than simple meditation, or giving to others, or sharing with others, it was a joyful feeling of extreme gratitude that was the highest feeling state possible. I had asked the universe for that great feeling that comes from meditation, the universe just heard "great feeling desired" and decided to disregard the "way" that I had said that it would happen. I had been willing to do whatever necessary in order to get that feeling that I desired and also to share that feeling, and in return I had been given much more than I had asked for. What would you like to feel today? How would you like to feel right now? Ask for it and then meditate and see if the universe gives you a feeling gift, too. ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() In the past 24 hours I have been shown how I have achieved balance in my life. It wasn't always this way. Until recently I had an unhealthy focus on work and my business, I would work 12 hour days 7 days a week. I wanted to help people and seemed to want to do it with no regard for myself - putting my customers needs ahead of my own. I quickly became exhausted and it was too much for me. I realised that I had felt that anything worth having needed to be struggled for. But the struggle is exhausting, something had to give and that something had to stop being me! Many years ago I had an unhealthy focus on relationship. I was obsessed. My number 1 priority was to find my soul mate. It seemed to be on my mind all of the time. My healing services took a back seat. I wasn't happy. This desire for my soul mate had taken me over and nothing else in my life was in balance. I learned to make myself happy first, by focusing on my inner journey, on my work and on my friends. In this period of non-focus on bringing my soul mate in, he turned up! Now I have a healthy balance between work, play, inner work, community, friends, partner and family. None is more important than the other, though if I had to choose one which is dearest to me, it would be my inner work because it makes everything else possible. Which area of your life are you focused on? Do you have a healthy balance? ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() At the end of 2011 I finished writing The Healing Path Within and published it. It had taken me about 3 years to write. I could have completed it within a year but I wasn't ready to have it published until I did. In the previous 3 years I had been elevating my sense of self-worth and confidence in order to be ready to be more out there in the public eye. So once it was published I felt ready. I have an intention to help millions of people with my work and I felt that this book could do this. I was ready! At least I thought so. As soon as the book was published I meditated, I was feeling really great and told my guides "That's done, now what shall we work on?" Their answer suprised me: "You still need to work on this book, you're not done yet. You are not ready for this book to help millions of people. You are not yet open to receiving the amount of money in royalties that will come from this." This was very disappointing to hear, I thought that I'd readily accept millions of dollars of royalties, but my guides insisted that I wasn't yet open to it. So what I know about being ready for something, or being aligned with it: when you are aligned with something for it to manifest you have only positive feelings and thoughts about having it. It was time to start to investigate my negative feelings towards money. My guides asked me to focus on abundance to clear my blocks. I was suprised at what came up, I was surprised at just how much I was blocking true (and great) abundance. I won't go into my full path to healing my blocks to abundance here, it would take me too long. The steps are so personal & different for everyone. Money readings from my higher self helped! This abundance path took me in so many different directions and had me look at some deep negative beliefs that I held about money and also about myself. New and exciting levels of abundance have opened up for me as a result. I have come to the end of this exercise now. My guides have given me the guidance this morning to refocus myself back onto service. For many years I was focused on service, on helping others to heal themselves using my gifts, but what I found was while I had these blocks to abundance there was always a limit, a glass ceiling to the amount of people that I could help with my work. Generally the customers (and staff) that I was attracting would have abundance issues too and it was all so much hard work to deal with so many blocks in play coming from all angles, stopping my work from being of true value and help to others. Now I can easily focus on service knowing that I have released my blocks to abundance, knowing that those many months of inner work are complete and knowing that I will probably have new layers of abundance issues to deal with in the future because healing is never complete, there are always new levels of expansion and learning. My goal is to help millions of people to empower themselves and my full focus is on being of service with my gifts to do just that. I have full support of my angel guides, more than that, without them my work would be impossible. I am so blessed to work in the spiritual realm and being a grounded Taurean I can easily bring that spiritual help to those who really need it. If you find you are experiencing abundance issues and you would like my help in releasing them please check out my readings. ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() Coming from a negative, unaware and abusive family has it's upside. Yes: you heard me right. You see I could not have been even a tiny little piece of the healer that I am today if I hadn't had to heal myself in droves. This self-healing has given me the tools, the skills, the information and the desire to help others with their healing journeys. As I healed those parts of me that had believed and accepted negative and abusive teaching, releasing it all and finding a new empowered and aware way of being in its place, I found that there was an emotional side of me that hadn't quite kept up. In other words, I had intellectually healed it all and chosen better for myself but a part of me still felt bad for having detached myself from my past and more importantly from the people in my past. I found that I was still getting many repercussions from people in my past, being blamed for things, being put down, attacked,... I found myself constantly asking "Why am I still attracting this thing that I think I have healed?" I must have been doing it somehow, because I am a creator spirit who manifests everything that I experience, so why this ongoing issue? Then I heard this "Guilt seeks punishment". It resonated straight away. I was feeling guilty for breaking tribe, for leaving people behind as I healed myself and moved forward. My guilt was causing ME to manifest PUNISHMENTS for myself from these people. So to release this feeling of guilt I forgave myself. I know that my family and everyone in my past are at the right place on their own spiritual paths. They have been in my life to give me the lessons that I needed so that I could have this incredible urge and passion for healing, but it's not in their life path to heal themselves in the same way. It's OK to leave them behind. I don't need to feel guilty anymore. I don't need to seek punishments for myself anymore! I felt an instant emotional relief. Then something incredible happened. My biggest punishment that I had created was released. My ex had been encouraging my children to ignore me and my eldest son decided it was time to stop all of this, he arranged a conversation and mediated it so that we could come to a better arrangement for the good of our children. I learned to accept him as he is and not expect him to bring my children up as I would, but honour that my children have also made a choice to receive lessons and experiences in their lives which will help them to grow into aware, healed and empowered individuals. What are you feeling guilt about? What are you seeking punishment for? How are these punishments showing up in your life? Would you like them to be released? ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
February 2025