![]() How can you remain positive in times of adversity? How can you accept what is happening, when what is happening doesn't feel good? On the east coast of Australia we have just been battered by an ex-tropical cyclone. That's a hurricane or a tornado to those in other countries. For 3 days we were subjected to high winds, almost constant rain and flooding which has wreaked havoc for thousands of people here. For those 3 days it was safer to stay indoors at all times than to go out at all. Even venturing to the back garden could yield you a tree on your head. Sadly a few people who decided to go out and sight-see the floods and devastation whilst the storm was still in progress, were killed by trees falling on them. We were lucky, we lost power and therefore internet for just a few hours on Monday. Others (including my son) aren't so lucky and haven't had power for 4 days now. It ended this morning. We woke up to the sunrising and silence. It was a very good feeling. I went out to look at the damage, and found a tree completely blocking us off from the road, as the picture shows above. ![]() I called the council to let them know that the tree was down blocking us from being able to get out and informed them that my parter is disabled and even though I can climb over to next door to get out, he's stuck where he is. Within 15 minutes 2 trucks had turned up and our tree was chopped into pieces and taken away. I've cleaned up the rest of the debris around the outside of the house and apart from lots of shredded leaves, everything is now clean. Whilst Oswald (the ex-cyclone) was battering us, there was nothing to do but accept that we could go nowhere and do very little. I was on the final 2 days of a cleanse detox and knew that it wasn't safe to go out to get veggies for our meals, it just wasn't worth the danger involved. We made do with brown rice and mixed beans with a little frozen spinach. While we were housebound we made the most of our time. Instead of lamenting what we couldn't do, and focusing on what we didn't have, we focused ourselves on what we did have and felt an appreciation for that. We had electricity most of the time, we had internet and television most of the time so that we knew what was going on and when the end was in sight. We had water, we had plenty of food in the cupboards to sustain us for longer. We spent our time relaxing and enjoying each other's company. Cooking a quinoa breakfast by candlelight was fun - luckily we have gas so with a box of matches to light the stove instead of the electrical ignition, we could still have warm meals and drinks. We were very lucky. We still are very lucky. We live in an area that doesn't flood. Other's aren't so lucky and are still experiencing the after effects of all of that water that came down on us making its way to the ocean. We are so lucky, we live across the road from the beach. There were 7 meter waves. Luckily the ocean dumped more sand on the dunes instead of eroding them and flooding our houses with sea water. My point is, while we focused on what we had, what our blessings were, how lucky we were, we just got luckier and luckier. In the midst of adversity, we managed to create our own luck by our positive focus throughout. The final piece of luck being our fallen tree being removed within an hour of my calling the council. We are still counting our blessings and will remain doing so to attract even more blessings. I wasn't always so positive and able to see the benefits of every experience. I taught myself to be like that after experiencing quite possibly the most negatively focused family in the world. When I was negatively focused all those years ago, I was miserable. The misery caused me to desire change. I had had enough of feeling bad. I decided to find another way. The other way was acceptance of everything. As soon as I accepted everything, instead of resisting my experiences, I started to see the benefits of everything. I started to become positively focused. It changed my life. What are you negatively focused on? Would you like to change those experiences by being able to focus positively? Let us know in the comments below! ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
![]() This morning I was going for my daily morning walk along the beach until I reach the sacred womens tea tree lake, swimming the length of the lake, watching the fish jumping which always makes me laugh, watching the birds flying above whilst enjoying the whole lake to myself. Swimming back to where I started and stopping in the water on my knees to stretch my shoulders, meditate and really appreciate this beautiful scene. I felt joy and the song Paradise was in my head. Leaving the lake to walk back along the beach I noticed many other people on the beach doing their morning spiritual rituals, too. There were countless people surfing where there was a particularly good break. There was a kayaker riding the waves over and over. There were people running, jogging and walking. There were people doing yoga, tai chi and boot camp. There were people meditating, doing handstands and playing with their dogs. It struck me that we were all doing what we each love to do in the mornings, in our own unique ways, and as a result every practice that I saw was a spiritual practice. It reminds me of the big message from the universe that I got this weekend when pondering on how I will structure my next book: that when you decide to be happy, when you decide to do whatever makes you happy and disregard what anyone else thinks of what you are doing, when your priority is to make yourself happy, everything you want, everything that will also bring you joy comes flowing to you quickly. In my 20's I was angry, I was defensive, I was living a life that I didn't much like yet it seemed to be what everyone else wanted for me. I made the decision when I turned 30 to choose happiness instead in a particularly angry moment when I was let down by my family. I realised that they were never going to change and that I need to choose happiness for myself and disregard trying to please anyone else. At that point, almost instantly, I got happy. During my 30's I remained happy BUT I was still attracting abusive people, rapists, controlling people, etc. It prompted me to heal myself, to focus on healing myself. This took away the joy from my life on many occasions but ultimately it led to more joy because I faced and healed those things inside of me that were stopping me from having all the things I really wanted, like a soul mate relationship, like the business of my dreams, like abundance and like freedom from the abusers. Now in my 40's I'm so happy with my life and with what I attract into my life. I live in the place that is paradise to me. I am in a relationship with a man that is perfect for me. I love the house I live in sandwiched between the beach and the rainforest reserve. My weekly routine brings me joy and little stress. I love my work and have an awesome business that allows me to honor myself whilst giving the best value to the world I can possibly give (for now). I am constantly learning and growing. My life is exactly as I want it to be. It struck me this weekend that because I had so much to heal (if you don't know my story read this) and it took me over 10 years of almost 100% focus on my own healing in order to accomplish it, that I have got into a pattern of looking for the blocks in myself, of looking for the problem behind something that isn't happening for me, of looking for what needs to be healed for the next step. I don't need to do this anymore. I can choose to do only what brings me joy again and everything will flow to me with ease. You can choose happiness too. You are allowed to choose only what brings you joy. If you make this decision and you follow through with putting it into action, I promise you that your life will improve. And YES if you are a fan of Be Healing then you have been attracted to me because you have some healing to do along the way, but choosing joy will get you there so much quicker. What brings you joy? Do you have a morning spiritual ritual, too? Let us know in the comments below! ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() Get everything you want right now with these 3 simple steps! Everyone loves clear and simple step by step instructions of what to do in order to get what they want from life. So here it is made simple, the 3 simple steps to manifest what you want right now in your life! 1. Spend time every day, both specific time (15 minutes in the morning) and occasionally throughout the day, focusing on what you appreciate about your life right now, what you have, what you have access to, the wealth you have around you & everything that is going for you. 2. Specifically think about the things that you want that you don't have, and then think of the aspects of those things that you already have or have had. For example, if you want to travel, think of the times you have travelled, appreciate that you are in a country that allows you access to airports and easy travel, appreciate that you have your luggage and clothes for the trips you want to take, appreciate how ready you are for it,... 3. Notice and give thanks for anything that is shown to you that matches these vibrations. For example, you might be walking along and see an aeroplane in the sky, give thanks that you are already attracting the essence of what you are asking for. It means that you are almost there. This will bring the changes you desire come flying toward you so fast you'll become an instant manifestor like me! I'd like to manifest a MacBook Pro to replace my old laptop, so I'm focusing on how much I love my laptop and everything it allows me to do. What would you like to manifest? Leave your comments below, and let us all know when you receive it! ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() As a society we have got used to having everything instantly. Who would have believed even 15 years ago that we would all have a small device in our pockets that can access all of the information in the world in an instant? As soon as we have a question in our minds, we can pick up our phones, or go on our computers and find out the answer, and all it takes is one moment of our time. Do you remember when we used to have to go to a library and spend hours pouring through reference books to get our answers? This instant information is great, it gives us so much more potential than we ever had before. However,... That's a big however! This instant access to information has caused us to want instant access to everything else too. We get frustrated when we have to wait for anything. Manifesting what you want in your life can be instant, but only when you are aligned with what you want. You can instantly receive whatever you want as long as you feel only good about that thing. Most of us aren't aligned with what we want when we ask for it. The very act of asking means that we haven't had it manifest instantly already. What do we do when we have to wait for it? We can get angry, get frustrated, blame somebody else, blame something else, blame ourselves, think that we have done something wrong,... But those won't get us anywhere we really want to go. Or we could just know that the Universe has placed the steps for us to get there as soon as we have asked. We could patiently take those steps one at a time and reach our destination without all of that angst. How can we stop ourselves from being in instant information mode, to being in patiently taking one step at a time mode? Meditation. ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() The New Year sees so many of us making resolutions to make healthy changes in our lives many of which require us to eliminate something that has been a part of our lives for a long time. But how many new years resolutions are broken by the end of January? Let's make sure that this doesn't happen this year by changing the way we think about these resolutions or eliminations! Don't stop it, swap it! You want to eat more healthily and decide to cut certain foods out of your diet. Sounds great! But as soon as you want those foods again, if you haven't thought of an alternative to allow yourself, then you will fall at this hurdle. So instead of your new years resolution being "I will stop eating cake." turn it into "I will swap cake for fruit." You will be able to keep this one up. I have learned about what certain inflammatory foods are doing to my body and have decided to eliminate gluten, soy, dairy, peanuts, eggs, corn, sugar and most carbohydrates from my diet to allow my digestive system to heal. Most are easy because I eliminated them long ago, but some - namely gluten, eggs and carbs needed to be replaced by something else, or I would go hungry and cave in! So I learned about the paleo diet, and learned from JJ Virgin's new book The Virgin Diet (which I highly recommend) and now I know what I should have on my plate. I switched my carbs for very small portions of brown rice and increased my protein (organic meat) and good fat (coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, avocados) intake so that I don't feel like I'm missing anything, apart from the weight that is dropping off me and the lack of horrible inflammatory symptoms like bloating, bumpy skin, wind, painful gut,... and I'm loving missing those! Would you rather ...? The other thing that I wanted to change was my alcohol drinking habits. I had been using alcohol to switch off from work, something I used to find hard to do without it. But since I accepted that it was better to use alcohol than to never switch off, I have been able to give myself more time off and now I no longer have the excuse that I need alcohol to switch off from work. So Jarrod and I decided that when it came to alcohol we would always ask ourselves and each other this question: "Would you rather have wine or save that money and go out for a great meal at the end of the week?" "Would you rather have wine or save that money and go away for a city break each month?" We are honest with each other about the amount of money that we would have spent on alcohol and we put that amount of money in a cocktail shaker (it seemed more appropriate than a jar!). Now we will make conscious decisions on spending that money on something we'd much rather do with it. Do you want to carry on what you have been doing over and over, or would you rather choose something better for yourself now? ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
February 2025