![]() This happy chappy is called Masuru Emoto & his work rocks. He has been experimenting with water & words. He talks to water then freezes it & looks at its structure under a microscope. What he found was positive words make pretty ice crystals & negative words make ugly ice crystals. Considering we are watery beings these findings have great consequence for us. I saw this experiment he did with rice today & I want to explain how to use these principles to grow your finances because you can & it's easy! ![]() Here are 3 jars. Each contains rice & water. The jar on the left was told "I hate you" & you can see from this picture that it has turned brown & it starting to rot. The jar in the middle was told "I love you" & you can see from this picture that is has remained healthy & white. That putrified rotting mess on the right hand side was told nothing - it was completely ignored! These principles apply to water, to rice, to us, to everything in the world including your finances! Most people have finances like the jars on the left & right. Which is yours? If your finances are in the left jar you struggle with them, you do not like your finances, you are dissatisfied with them , you talk about how you don't have enough & so the universe continues to give you rotten finances. If your finances are in the jar on the right, you are so scared of your bills, your credit card debt, your rent, everything, that you stick your head in the sand & completely ignore your money. The universe continues to rot your finances & take them away from you as fast as it can. However, if you would like to have your finances in the healthy jar this is what you need to do: Love your finances right now just as they are. Even if you have $20 in the bank (I have been there, done this & it works!) give thanks that you have a roof over your head, that you somehow pay your bills, that you are in a financially stable country, that your finances are better, even if only slightly, than they were before. Love your finances right as they are. Really love them. Do not ignore them anymore, face them & love them. Your finances will flourish with this energy & you won't even need to do a thing, the universe has this one covered, it grows that which is loved & it will do it for every grain of rice & every single person including you! Enjoy your growing finances. ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
![]() I was sat outside my favourite cafe waiting. I was waiting for my soul mate to show up & for a place to live in to show up. This is how I used to manifest, it was that easy, I could ask & sit in a cafe & just wait. A little dialog was going on in my mind "I'll sit here all day if I have to, so you'd better hurry up!" I knew exactly what I was waiting for, I knew what my soul mate would be like, I had written a list of all of his aspects about 3 months prior. I didn't know where I was moving to, but I knew that it would be good. He showed up that day, my soul mate, he asked me on a date, I said yes. He was everything I wanted & more. He asked what I was doing there, I gave him a shortened version "I'm waiting for someone to show up who will offer me somewhere to live because my housemate threw me out" He said "You can stay at mine" It was then that I remembered what I had asked for 2 months before, when I had moved into my last place. "Let my next move be in with my soul mate" Granted, all 3 requests, easy peasy. Within a few days I was completely in love & living with my soul mate. ![]() I was happy as can be & I wrote & published this book -->> I told the universe "Now I can help millions of people with my work" It replied "Not likely, you will not accept the abundance in return" I tried to manifest it anyway in the way that I had manifested everything in my life. It didn't work. I had to face my blocks to abundance, I had to heal myself. That was 2011. This is 2014. It took me 2 years of constant self-work & looking within to release my blocks to abundance. Firstly, I had to release the beliefs that I had picked up that had me only wanting a little. Then I had to begin to love abundance, money & wealthy people & release my judgments of them. Next I needed to heal the parts of me that thought that I only deserved a little. I needed to move away from the place I lived that was full of people who were like my old self & move to a place that is full of people who are like my new self. Next I had to heal the vows I had made to not receive because it had not been safe. Then I had to be firm in who I am, what I deserve & the truth of abundance in the universe. Finally I had to forgive myself for having all of that crap within me in the first place. Then it happened, I was reminded of how I used to manifest with ease. I was given the green light that I can go back to that old way of asking, waiting (sometimes patiently, sometimes not so much, but it not mattering either way) & it showing up. Manifestation is easy & instant. Until it isn't & that's when you have blocks that need to be healed before it becomes easy again. I'm living proof.
Be Healing!
February 2025