You are the average of the people that you are around the most. If you are the brightest, shiniest, richest, most ambitious, most motivated person in your posse, you need a new posse, one that will stretch you and keep you growing. When you feel insecure about yourself, when you have self-doubt, it can feel much more comfortable to keep the top dog position, so that you are never stretched, but you will remain stagnant and stunt your growth. Life IS growth. I realised that when I moved to Byron Bay, 10 years ago, I had a good amount of savings in the bank. I had quit my corporate job 2 years prior and had used some savings to fund myself whilst I did volunteer work for charities, but I still had plenty of money left. I had sold my (most favourite techno blue VW New Beetle) car in the UK because I could buy a new New Beetle for the same amount as it would cost me to ship my 2 year old car over to Australia. I had a plan! I was going to get my car and set up my business with my savings. Then I arrived in Byron Bay. Coming from extreme abuse, moving to the other side of the world, what I wanted most was a new family, a new community. What I found when I arrived here was a loving, supportive, nurturing, spiritual community which was perfect for me. But as in everything in the world there was balance, there was the flip side, the drawbacks of this community. There was (and is) a lack consciousness here that seems to touch everyone in the community. I wanted to fit in, so I couldn't get my new car because I would have been outshining my new community. Instead I made a conscious decision to match them and spent all of my savings until I had $0 in my bank. It took me 2 years of partying to do it. It was great fun. Now I wasn't outshining anyone. The thing is: they didn't love me for it - some loved me, some hated me and everyone else was in between. It didn't matter whether I had $0 in the bank or savings at all. This weekend, whilst having a garage sale and getting to see all the various shades of lack walking down my driveway, I realised that I have been carrying on this pattern of not outshining or out-earning everyone else around here - even while I hid away at home working exclusively online. I've been hiding my light under a bushel, whatever that is. I hadn't reversed that decision that I had made and forgiven myself for making it. The ever loving universe has been showing me a different story. Over the last few years I have improved myself, learned, grown, so much so that if I was still in my corporate job I'd be a millionaire by now and if I had been welcoming money as an entrepreneur I'd probably be a billionaire by now! The universe has shown me my worth through my lifestyle, through the houses that the universe has gifted me to rent, through various upgrades in my life. I would only allow certain upgrades to be given to me, only the upgrades that I could hide from my community. Upgrades to my living conditions, but not to my clothes. Upgrades to my working environment but not to my bank account. You are the average of the people that you hang out with. Byron Bay is falling apart, not being maintained, there is an overwhelming lack mentality here and it has been consuming everything, including my business! It's time for me to leave, but as I have previously said, I'm not just leaving this house, I'm not just leaving Byron, I'm leaving all of the beliefs and energies that have had me holding money away from myself since I have lived here. I don't regret my time living here. Byron Bay was the supportive nurturing place that I needed to call home whilst I had a massive amount of self-healing to do. I have changed my life whilst living here. It will always feel like one of my world homes. Now I'm ready for the money to go with it! It isn't just about the money, it's about doing what I do in a big way. It's about being able to reach and help many people. It's not possible when I won't accept the return energy back to myself: I know, I've tried long enough! I'm ready to live large and super size my business. Even if I hold on to "it's not safe to outshine those around me" patterns, I will still be around millionaires in my new place, so that gives me plenty of room for growth. But I don't intend on keeping those patterns, I'm leaving them behind in this house, in this town. Not only is it safe for me to outshine my family, friends, partner and neighbours, it's also safe to outshine Tony Robbins and Oprah! It's safe for you to outshine Oprah, too! The best thing is that once I made this breakthrough, yesterday, I set a new grand goal. This morning I woke up just before the sun with a new and exciting business plan in my mind. I know exactly how I can achieve this goal now, and the best thing is, I already have everything I need within me and already prepared to be able to do it. How have you been holding yourself back? Who do you stay around to feel comfortable instead of stretching yourself? Are you ready to set a new grand goal? I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
There is an art to receiving that takes practice to perfect. On Christmas day we went to visit family and took a basket of gifts for them. Some people received their gifts graciously saying "Thank you" with a smile, it felt good to give to them. However, some received with a grimace saying "You shouldn't have" and made it quite clear how bad I was making them feel by giving them a gift. I agreed with them - I shouldn't have, I wish I hadn't given to them, there was no pleasure in making someone feel bad like that and I have no wish to do it again. The universe is no different. It wants to give everything to us. Can we receive graciously? When you receive something, a compliment, a gift, a prize, some charity, ... what do you say or think? "Thank you ... I really needed it (but I wouldn't allow myself to get it for myself)" I'll use it for something important (and not for my frivolous self)" I'll pay it forward (I won't keep it for myself)" I'll help others with it (I don't deserve it but others do)" You shouldn't have (I'm not worthy unless I return a gift)" I'll do something for you in return (I am not worthy to just receive)" What do you add to your thank you? When anything is added to your thank you, you are taking the joy away from the giver and they will not continue to give when you make them feel bad for it. And that includes the universe - it wants to give to us, it knows we are worthy, but it will not, can not give to us when we will not just accept it, allow it, with a simple "Thank you" If you want to receive something from the universe then say "Thank you" for it before you even have it, don't justify it, don't want to give it away, know that you deserve it, that you are worthy and just say "Thank you" as you visualise receiving it. The universe wants to GIVE to YOU Will you ALLOW it? Practice the art of receiving graciously and just say "Thank you" every time you receive anything from anyone. Become aware of what you are thinking or saying around that thank you, are you adding something on to it? Face the lack of self-worth that your add-on is showing you and release it. You are worthy just for who you are: a magnificent child of the universe worthy of love, abundance and support. No justifications required. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! As women we are supposed to be divine receiving vessels: so how is it that we are all wearing superwoman capes and wearing ourselves out? HERstory got lost somewhere along the way to HIStory. The divine feminine was suppressed and we were all left wondering who we are and what our divinity actually IS as women. As a gender we felt this rift on many levels, and it caused women to desire equal rights. But in a man's world governed by HIStory, those equal rights came at a cost. "OK," said the men, "you can have it all, but only if you will be a man and a woman at the same time." Not being the kind of people to shy away from a challenge we took it on, regardless of the fact that it's impossible to be everything at once. First we all stitched our superwomen outfits, with just the right amount of bling to make it pretty, then we hauled the weight of the world on our shoulders. We could do it all - because we wanted it all! It didn't take us long to wear out. Giving, giving and then giving some more, and hardly stopping to receive a thing: it wears us out, it's not sustainable. What next? There is no rule book. HERstory has been lost. We have no role models. There are no examples. Because HERstory has been lost (or was it destroyed?) we're having to make it up as we go along. This isn't a bad thing, it means that we can create it as we want it afresh. NOW is our time to decide what we really want as women. I see many of my fellow entrepreneurial women in the same boat, we are all figuring this out as we go along. Together we will not only define who we want to be, how we want to BE (not DO!) in the world, and what we are prepared to give for it and what we aren't prepared to give for it; we will figure it out whilst living it. It's time to take off our superwomen capes ladies! I took mine off yesterday and today I feel like a new woman. We are moving house in 13 days. I was not only trying to clean the old house, pack and organise everything that needed organising whilst being the main breadwinner in our household - I was also trying to manifest the extra money we needed for the house deposit. Manifesting an extra $3,200 + money for moving this week, whilst scrubbing the cupboards out with bicarb of soda instead of being sat at my desk - it's just not going to happen. Even if I sat at my desk instead of having my head in cupboards, it's just not going to happen and you know why? Because I don't need to take responsibility for everything: I am not superwoman and I don't need to be. My ego could justify wearing that superwoman cape as follows: ~ I am the main breadwinner, I need to do it. ~ My partner is disabled, he can't do so much of the physical moving and cleaning ~ My partner is starting out as an entrepreneur and it's my duty to carry him But my spirit said this: ~ You don't have enough self-worth to let anyone give to you ~ Everything is not your responsibility ~ Let go So I listened to my spirit, because my ego is exhausting. My soul reminded me that my ex-husband wasn't disabled and I was wearing my superwoman cape then. His idea of cleaning was to put everything into tidy piles, instead of in the bin or away where they should be, that was all the excuse that my ego needed to do it all, as well as to equal his income (so as to feel worthy) and to carry responsibility for everything on my shoulders. Resonating? Take a look in the mirror, do you see that cape that is on your back? Enough. It's me, not them. The cape is not in a tidy pile for me to pick up later, it's in the bin. I've released responsibility and control (this layer of it anyway) and I will receive! So ladies, and I know from your response in the last weeks that so many of you are learning about receiving alongside me, first you must take off your superwoman cape. It was holding me back and it's holding you back, too. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! Many of us, especially women, do not know how to receive from the universe or from the universe through other people. We cut ourselves off from source, which IS abundance, by not being able to fully receive that abundance that is source. This is something that I have personally struggled with all of my life. I have had so much pain connected with receiving, or rather, not receiving. It has been a personal mission of mine to uncover the source of this issue and release it within myself and to help others do the same. Here is a meditation that has helped me through this issue and has allowed me to start to receive all the good that the universe has to offer me. I hope that it helps you, too. Find a comfortable place, either sitting or lying down. Maybe light a candle, or burn your favourite essential oil. Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. Say each of these sentences in turn on every out breath, fully feeling each word contained within. Feel your body's response to the words, feel for any constriction or tension. "The universe gives me everything that I want" "I allow myself to receive it all" "I am honoured. Thank you" As you repeat these sentences you will begin to gain a greater understanding of what it means for the universe to GIVE, without trade, without barter, without justification, just giving. You will start to feel what it means to RECEIVE when something is given freely by another. Feel any constriction in your breath as you say these words. Many of us are holding on to emotional pain connected with receiving - especially women. For me it felt like a constriction of my chest, making my in-breath difficult, like the feeling of grief has on your chest. I felt the same constriction in my throat, again, of grief that was unexpressed. As you feel whatever emotional pain you find, allow it to come out in any way you want it to, cry, cough, sigh,... As you allow it to come out name it "All of this pain, grief, fear, sadness, is being released now" Visualise a bright white light of joy coming into your body with every in breath, and the pain being released from your body in the out breath. Continue to either say the mantra out loud or just in your mind. Feel the peace and joy contained within those words. You are a divine child of the universe and the universe has been trying to give you everything that you have ever wanted. It's your time to receive, to allow yourself to accept your divinity, to allow the universe to honour you. Use this mantra whenever you feel fear, scarcity, lack, unworthy, etc. Allow the truth of it to override your minds lies. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! You think you're doing the right thing by teaching your values to your children but let me explain why it causes issues that can debilitate them throughout their life. This is for parents and for adults who don't understand why they sabotage themselves throughout their lives, so that we can break the chain of pain and realise who we really are. Our personal values come from our spirit, they come directly from our soul. Every single child born, no matter where they are in the world has the same values of connection with others, play and learning. That's because those values come from their soul. Our values change throughout our life, because there are stages of life that require a change in values for us to continue growing. In an ideal world our values would look something like this: * the age groupings are general 0 - 19 Connection, Play, Learning 20 - 30 Connection, Play, Learning, Trying many things out, Finding myself 30 - 40 Connection, Play, Learning, Finding my tribe or creating a family 40 - 110 Connection, Play, Learning, Sharing my gifts, Being of service (work) When adults have children, they have different values than their children should - yet most try to teach their children their values. When a parent tries to teach their values to the child, values of sharing their gifts, of work, or worse still skewed values taught by others of hard work, independance, competition, etc. At best they are trying to give their child a head start, teaching them how to be a 40 year old instead of how to be a child. At worst, they are teaching their child that their values are wrong, which means that who they are is wrong. That they have no worth, which means that their worthiness is only in what they do instead of who they are. This leads to a life of trying to justify and prove their worth through doing things, through work before they even know what they are here to give! It leads to a life of always feeling not good enough, that the inner knowing that you had and have is wrong, that you are lacking. It leads to a life of knowing you are worthless, believing in lack, and not trusting yourself. The lucky ones amongst us have a breakdown or breakthrough at some point in this misery. This leads to a spiritual awakening and finds us questioning everything we were led to believe. When this awakening happens what we really need to do is to regress to our childhood values and live them again. By returning to connection, play and learning we lay the foundations of who we are, being happy with who we are. Then they will feel the need to find themselves, and live the 20's that they missed, trying many things, finding what is aligned with them and what isn't. Then they will naturally share their gifts with the world, because when you are truly yourself and aligned with your spirit, there is nothing else you can do! Do you still value yourself for your work instead of who you are? Symptoms can be: Talking about your work to loved ones. Getting busy doing something when other's are around. Feeling guilty when you are not working. Wanting to give more than receive. Finding it hard to switch off. Praising your children for what they do and not who they are. Feeling the need to motivate your children to do things. Many adults are still trying to please their inner parent (the parent inside of you that takes over parenting yourself in the exact same way your parents did) not realising that those values were never your own in the first place. Then they will naturally do the same thing with their own children. This has led to the majority of this planets population being lost, not knowing who they are, what they are here for, and constantly feeling bad. Parents, trust your children, allow them to find their own values that are right for them. Adults, set yourself free: If you didn't follow the ideal path in life, choose it now, allow yourself to let go and start again, this time with awareness, you will find your life purpose and have plenty of fun along the way. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
September 2024