![]() As women we are supposed to be divine receiving vessels: so how is it that we are all wearing superwoman capes and wearing ourselves out? HERstory got lost somewhere along the way to HIStory. The divine feminine was suppressed and we were all left wondering who we are and what our divinity actually IS as women. As a gender we felt this rift on many levels, and it caused women to desire equal rights. But in a man's world governed by HIStory, those equal rights came at a cost. "OK," said the men, "you can have it all, but only if you will be a man and a woman at the same time." Not being the kind of people to shy away from a challenge we took it on, regardless of the fact that it's impossible to be everything at once. First we all stitched our superwomen outfits, with just the right amount of bling to make it pretty, then we hauled the weight of the world on our shoulders. We could do it all - because we wanted it all! It didn't take us long to wear out. Giving, giving and then giving some more, and hardly stopping to receive a thing: it wears us out, it's not sustainable. What next? There is no rule book. HERstory has been lost. We have no role models. There are no examples. Because HERstory has been lost (or was it destroyed?) we're having to make it up as we go along. This isn't a bad thing, it means that we can create it as we want it afresh. NOW is our time to decide what we really want as women. I see many of my fellow entrepreneurial women in the same boat, we are all figuring this out as we go along. Together we will not only define who we want to be, how we want to BE (not DO!) in the world, and what we are prepared to give for it and what we aren't prepared to give for it; we will figure it out whilst living it. It's time to take off our superwomen capes ladies! I took mine off yesterday and today I feel like a new woman. We are moving house in 13 days. I was not only trying to clean the old house, pack and organise everything that needed organising whilst being the main breadwinner in our household - I was also trying to manifest the extra money we needed for the house deposit. Manifesting an extra $3,200 + money for moving this week, whilst scrubbing the cupboards out with bicarb of soda instead of being sat at my desk - it's just not going to happen. Even if I sat at my desk instead of having my head in cupboards, it's just not going to happen and you know why? Because I don't need to take responsibility for everything: I am not superwoman and I don't need to be. My ego could justify wearing that superwoman cape as follows: ~ I am the main breadwinner, I need to do it. ~ My partner is disabled, he can't do so much of the physical moving and cleaning ~ My partner is starting out as an entrepreneur and it's my duty to carry him But my spirit said this: ~ You don't have enough self-worth to let anyone give to you ~ Everything is not your responsibility ~ Let go So I listened to my spirit, because my ego is exhausting. My soul reminded me that my ex-husband wasn't disabled and I was wearing my superwoman cape then. His idea of cleaning was to put everything into tidy piles, instead of in the bin or away where they should be, that was all the excuse that my ego needed to do it all, as well as to equal his income (so as to feel worthy) and to carry responsibility for everything on my shoulders. Resonating? Take a look in the mirror, do you see that cape that is on your back? Enough. It's me, not them. The cape is not in a tidy pile for me to pick up later, it's in the bin. I've released responsibility and control (this layer of it anyway) and I will receive! So ladies, and I know from your response in the last weeks that so many of you are learning about receiving alongside me, first you must take off your superwoman cape. It was holding me back and it's holding you back, too. ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
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Be Healing!
February 2025