Affirmations, vision boards, new moon/full moon lists,... There are so many tools that we can use to manifest what we want from life. Let me add another to your tool box with the Positive Life Journal! ![]() Positive Life Journalling is a way of turning your life around by not only causing you to focus on the positives in your life, but also by highlighting your problems in order to find solutions. To manifest anything requires us to focus on what we want, and also to feel good about it at the same time. Without those two ingredients mixed together we will not experience what we want to. Keeping a Positive Life Journal keeps you focused on what it is that you want. If we let our minds alone try to remain positive it is very easy for them to slip into negative thinking or feeling when we believe we are being positive. Keeping a Positive Life Journal allows you to notice when you are slipping into negativity and when you are feeling negative about what you want. When you allow your mind to go over and over problems or frustrations in your life you will create more similar problems, attracting them right toward your matching energy. Keeping a Positive Life Journal allows you to get the problem out of your head in order for the solution to find you. If that hasn't sold the idea to you yet, then how about I tell you that I have been keeping mine for only 4 days now and I have experienced same-day or next-day manfiestations and solutions for the things that I have been writing in it? Transform your life with a Positive Life Journal! First of all get yourself a journal, a special diary for this purpose, a notebook, or use an app like Evernote for your computer, iPad or iPhone. There are plenty of great ways to record information like this now, just make sure it's easy and accessible to you, because you might want to record in your Positive Life Journal several times each day. Commit to keeping this Positive Life Journal at least once a day. You can start in the mornings and/or evenings until you experience how powerful it is and want to start adding to it throughout the day. Each day start by writing about what you are thinking and feeling. Do not try to limit this to be all positive, let it all flow. You can tell the journal what you have been doing, where your mind has been, where your focus has been, what you have experienced, what is frustrating you, what you want, what you hope for, what you wish for,... whatever you are thinking about and feeling. Now read what you have written with an awareness of the positive and negative focuses and for each. You're not just looking for the problems and the frustrations; you're also looking for those things that you want but you're not feeling positive about receiving, or the wishes that you have that you feel desperation for because they haven't arrived yet. Read through your journal entry piece by piece allowing your emotional state to tell you whether each sentence has a positive or negative force behind it. Does each part make you feel joy or feel down? Then for all of the negative feeling sentences: write in your journal the positives about this. A problem/frustration example: "I still didn't manage to put the audio book on my iPhone, I have been trying to do this for 6 months now. iTunes is driving me crazy not working like this. Why don't they fix it? It took my mood from great to frustrated and left me feeling that way for the rest of the day." The positive entry about this: "I'm glad that this is coming up for me again so that a solution can come my way. It would be great to have that audio book on my iPhone. I welcome the solution coming my way, not only to have that audio book on my iPhone, but also so that I don't have to have this frustrating experience again. I'm glad of the chance to exercise releasing frustration again, too. My life flows so positively in most areas that it's kinda good to see that some things can still shake me and there is still some inner work to do." A wanted example: "I wish I had the new bed already. I got so close to saving the money for it last year for it all to go on bills that needed to be paid. I wish the universe would just give me this bed already." The positive entry about this: "I have manifested so many amazing things in my time. It seems that when I manage to ask for something and let go of it, without getting attached to it and starting to feel bad about it, then things manifest really quickly. Last year the money lesson was about something else completely, it wasn't about this bed. I release the attachment that I had to that negative experience and my new bed. The universe isn't withholding this bed to punish me. The universe wants me to have this new bed as much as I want it. It's just waiting for me to allow it into my experience by feeling good about it. The new bed is so nice, it matches our bedroom so well, it's sooooo comfortable and big! I love that feeling of oozing into one of those new memory foam matresses. It would be so good to have crisp new sheets and beautiful new bedding for our new sized bed. I'm excited that this bed is heading in my direction and I am opening myself up to receiving it now." Turning the negative feeling entries into positives might take some practice and you might need some help with that. Persevere with it and you will experience when what you have written has successfully turned your feelings around from negativity to positivity. You will experience it because what you are wanting will manifest. When you experience a manifestation look back at the entries about it and pay attention to how you turned your feelings around. Apply this same method to your next entries and you will achieve the same success. Finally write all of the things that you are grateful for in that day. This final step will take you from just feeling good to feeling joyful. Recording of your thoughts and feelings into your Postitive Life Journal will give you: A clear idea of where your negativity is still being held, so that you can release it. A quick release of the negativity. A new positive focus for the things that you want. Quick finding of solutions. Super quick manifestations. Start keeping your Positive Life Journal today and let us all know in the comments below what you have manifested with it! Happy Positive Life Journaling! ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
Be Healing!
February 2025