We are not machines! We are complex biological, spiritual, emotional, physical & mental beings yet conventional medicine tends to not only isolate one of these such as physical, they also isolate each organ & system, as if we are merely a machine with separate parts to be "fixed". We are so much more than this. Any issue that we have will change most other systems in our bodies. For example, when we have an emotional issue it affects every cell in our bodies, it changes our hormones, it affects the gut microbiome, how much fat our body will lay down to protect us, our mindset, our subconscious mind goes on high alert & is more active than usual to protect us. An emotional issue isn't just an emotional issue. We do ourselves a disservice when we label something as purely emotional, or purely physical. We are living in an age of extremism that doesn't serve us. It's either black or it's white, not shades of grey in between. Be careful falling into the trap of thinking everything is spiritual or emotional & never physically about your lifestyle choices & your environment! Just as a pain killer can allow you to get the essential sleep that you need to be able to heal when you have a headache for example, so too energy healings can clear the way, soothe your reactions, relax you to be able to access your own innate healing within. With my psychic gift I also give essential clues as to what is really behind how you're feeling in your body. All it takes is for you to be open & ready to receive the healing. That might sound like a given, but sometimes we hold onto our pain because it serves us in some kind of a way. Perhaps you have a hard time receiving from others, being taken care of by others? This trait often renders people unwilling to accept healing energy, even when you really believe you want to receive it, there is a lock there. But fear not! I feel those blocks & I ask for their release so that I can get in deep! My guides told me to switch the live meditation show on YouTube to an energy healing show, in order to showcase my energy healing work but also to help those who need this healing. Whether you come live or watch the replay you will be included in the energy healing if you are open & ready to receive. All you need to do is watch the video, click like of course, comment "Open & ready to receive" then follow my prompts to a meditative state & receive! Come along & share it with your friends too! Click here to find the replay of the last session & subscribe to be invited to the next live healing
Worry is like praying for what you don't want. When we worry we are imagining the worst possible scenarios, we are focusing on what we don't want happening in the future. Our minds hold our super powers. We are conscious creators & we attract what it is we are thinking about. The way this happens is by the law of attraction. When we worry, when we focus on what we don't want to happen, worried that it might happen, firstly we attract more thoughts that are like that worried thought. When we worry it feels bad, this heightened negative emotion tells us that our higher selves don't agree with the way we are thinking, but it also shows us that we are adding our other super power, our emotions, to fuel the attractor pattern, we are literally throwing gasoline on the fire that we already started. So our minds will naturally pick up on even more worrying thoughts, thoughts that other people have had, thoughts that you have had in the past & your mind gains a kind of momentum on this same subject of worry. This momentum will then attract evidence in the world around you, so you will see what you are worried about around you, you will see it happening to other people, you will witness it around you. With this evidence, your mind believes it even more & more momentum is gained. Until you manifest it for yourself & say "See! I knew that would happen! I was right!" but the truth is "See! I made that happen! I created it!" So how can we break free of this worrying pattern? It might seem logical to affirm the opposite, so if you're worried that you will fall off a cliff, to repeat to yourself "I won't fall off the cliff, I won't fall off the cliff" or if you are worried about money to affirm "I am wealthy". However, the mind is not stupid, it cannot be convinced of these things that are in opposition of its trajectory. The 5 steps to stop worrying 1. Own up to you using your super powerful mind to create what you don't want. Make the decision to change this from this day forward. 2. Be compassionate with yourself. Negative thoughts feel horrible. It's important to soothe ourselves rather than punish ourselves for this. Give yourself a hug. 3. Know that with a momentum of worry it will be hard to change, that you will naturally keep attracting similar thoughts for a while, but with ongoing awareness you can turn it around. 4. Relax. Breathe. Clear your mind. Focus on the small simple things that make you feel better. Stroke the cat. Go for a walk in nature. Do the gardening. Work out. Wash the dishes. Clean out the garage. Take care of yourself. Eat well... When you focus on these small things, taking care of yourself, on the simple things that make you feel good, you distract your mind from the other stuff. Meditation will be difficult when you are in worry, but once you are focused on the simple things, you will feel better & meditation will be easier. A clear mind will naturally tend to the positive because your higher self will pull you in that direction 5. Don't talk about your worries with others. Don't engage in conversation about it when others want to talk about their worries. Don't read about things that worry you. Don't watch the news. Don't watch worrying movies. Protect yourself from anything that instigates more of the worry energy. Give yourself the best chance possible. Listen to inspiring podcasts. Watch inspiring movies. Read inspiring stories. Look for evidence of positivity in your world & you will find it. Practice these 5 steps consistently until you gain a positive momentum that is easy to maintain. See you on that positive spiral! The only thing stopping you from instantly manifesting anything you want is not being in alignment with it, or in other words, a block to it. A block is a resistance to, or a contradiction to, what you really want. What is your biggest block? How can you release it? Your higher self knows the easiest path to releasing your greatest resistance & can lead you step by step to breaking free of it. Click here to book your biggest block reading today! You know when you blow up a balloon? You take an in breath and blow it up a little, it takes a great effort to start it off. Then you take another breath and blow it up some more, this goes on and on until it eventually gets to the size that you want it to be. There is very little stress involved in this process, because you understand the process well. Now imagine that you are totally focused on the balloon and not on the process that it’s going through. You’d see it grow then get disappointed that it had stopped growing, then see it grow again getting excited, but oh no it’s stopped again, there must be something wrong with it, oh hang on it’s growing again. It still gets to where you want it to be, but you’re focused on the outcome instead of the process, and it makes you feel like crap. So it is with life. If you focus on the outcomes you're going to feel like crap because you are not seeing the reality that is all in the process. You set an intention for expansion in your life & then you go through a process of growth to get there, along the way there may be gifts & outcomes, but it won't be steady, there will be those in breaths & out breaths. Carry on. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! These days we are so plugged in that we hardly give ourselves a break! We rarely give ourselves time, true me time, and me time is essential for being able to connect, not only with yourself and what you really want in life, but also to connect in with your higher self, angel guides and source itself. So starting this week make a sacred day. For most this will be a weekend day, Saturday or Sunday. On your sacred day, do not check email, do not plug in at all. Make it a day of complete you time, time spent with family, time spent with your loved one, or time spent alone doing what you love to do. Yesterday I had my first sacred day for many years. One of the drawbacks of having your own business is that it's all too easy to work constantly. So I decided to switch off completely yesterday. Usually I "take time off" at the weekend, yet I'd still check my email, still post on my facebook fan page, still deal with customers,... I was still working! What I found yesterday when I switched off completely, was that I started to get more organised with my thoughts. I started to think about what was really important to me. I went for a swim, picked up the paper, had a big breaky with my partner, did some more exercise, watched an Elvis film (OK that isn't so important to me, but to allow myself to watch something frivolous was something I haven't done for a long time) We had dinner and a bottle of wine and talked about what we would do together this week, what we wanted to sort out, what our priorities were. So, next weekend and from now on I will have sacred weekends. This means that I will be unplugged completely and any readings, sessions, healings ordered on the weekend (Friday and Saturday for those in the US) will be seen to on the Monday, as will all emails etc. Unless my partner is working and then I might schedule a webinar so that more of yo Next I am working on creating sacred times every day in the morning before I start work (this morning I did well, I didn't check my email until after I had exercised, and had breakfast) and sacred times when I finish work. Would you like to join me? I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
November 2024