I'm currently on day 11 of my 100 day meditation challenge, I'm meditating for 2 hours every morning & recording my insights & experiences in a video every day, you can watch my journey by clicking here. Breakthroughs are coming every day & I'm sharing them, not to replace your own meditation practice of knowing your true self, because these words can never replace that, but in case it helps you in any way at all. Right now I'm in a place of seeming failure. You can read yesterday's blog here if you want to know all about that. What came back from that blog post was love, love from many people, love for me in my failure. I say seeming failure because the ingredients of this particular kind of failure are the perfect fertile ground for simplifying my life, knowing myself better, redirecting myself, getting back on track, looking after myself, & taking a long soft look at myself in my daily meditations. The love that came back to me from that blog post about my failure was calling me, I asked myself what is this calling from me, the answer came right away: to love myself in failure. Of course. I am not my success. I am not my failure. I am not my wealth. I am not my poverty. I am the awareness that is experiencing EVERYTHING. And wow this experience of poverty right now is bringing me so many gifts. I realised that I took my parents lead by loving myself only when I was successful. Even though I have shared my hard times in this blog, so I had the courage to be vulnerable in my failures, I wasn't loving myself in that place. I was trying to fix myself. I was waiting to get back to success so that I could love myself again. I uncovered so many "shoulds" in this mornings meditation. You know the ones. I should have a house & savings at my age! My business should be successful. I shouldn't have to spend my savings. It shouldn't be this hard. I should be successful by now. All of these beliefs & more were standing in the way of me loving myself no matter what my external circumstances are, because they are not me, I am the presence that is there throughout it all. I have been so hard on myself. So this long soft look at myself in meditation every morning is exactly what I needed to see through my mean ego's judgments of me. Loving myself in failure was easy when I realised what I had been doing to myself. So now I welcome it all, success or failure, both will come with gifts & challenges, with lessons & joy. & money started magically showing up again as soon as I reached this point. I invite you to watch my daily meditation video's by clicking here & I hope to inspire you to join me in this practice of the long soft look at yourself every day. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
I'm in a vulnerable place right now. The in-between. Nothing is working. I have little inspiration (apart from to write this). There are no new ideas. My business stopped working on auto. I'm down to my last $100. I don't know what to do next. It's scary. It's uncomfortable. I recognise this place. I've been here before. I've even written about it in my books. This is the scene that replays in my life, the blank page in-between chapters that requires me to let go of everything before the next chapter starts. All I can do is be present & look after myself. All I can do is feel it & know that this feeling won't last. All I can do is listen to my thoughts & know that they are not me. My ego is screaming in panic, get a job, "work" on your business, do something! But I know from experience that listening to those voices & doing something from this fearful place doesn't make anything good happen, it just increases the discomfort, it makes the in-between even scarier. My deepest voice within knows that what comes next is a new adventure, my next chapter, something completely new & different, something amazing that even I couldn't have imagined. I recognise this. I've been here before. This is what has made my life magical. This is what makes my life magical. Surviving the in-between is what allows the amazing to find me. This is the place that I encourage others to be in so that they can live the magic. Yes, I try to get others to join me in this hell, because what is beyond is heaven. Maybe one day the in-between will be easy & I'll feel good in it. It does get easier every time. All I can do is sit with it, meditate, look after myself, love where I'm at & wait for the next chapter. I know it's going to be a good one. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
January 2025