![]() Break yourself free from negativity We can often put up with all kinds of things that we don't like, or continue doing things that cause us to feel bad in some way. Why do we do this? Often people put up with all kinds of things that bother them rather than take action to release themselves because of 2 inner problems: 1. Putting others feelings above their own. Not wanting to hurt someone else's feelings and so keeping suffering something or having their feelings diminished by it so as to protect the feelings of the person responsible. If this rings true for you ask yourself why you will allow someone or something else to continually hurt your feelings? Your feelings are diminished by this - you feel worse, therefore you are having your feelings hurt. Your feelings are the most important, because you are the only one who can change them. No good ever comes from something that doesn't feel good, it's energetically impossible - therefore become more aware of your own feelings than guessing what other people's feelings might be if you do or do not take action to change, and take action to release yourself from this. That might mean saying no, it might mean ignoring other's protests for a while too. 2. An attachment to drama. It seems interesting to have something to complain about or to share with others. If a solution turns up they are likely to say "it's ok it's not bothering me that much" Does this ring true for you? What would be even more interesting than drama in your life? Following your life purpose path to sharing your gifts with the world? Improving yourself, learning about yourself, growing within yourself so that you can be more, live a fuller life and give more? Life is supposed to be full. If you are living a diminished life, your life will fill up with drama instead of the good things in life that you really want. Make a decision now to decide what you want in life and start to live it now, turn your back on the drama, pay it no attention anymore. There are many other ways that you might be keeping yourself in negativity, are you ready to break free of it? Are you ready for real change in your life? It's time to live your life purpose! I empower you with simple and practical guidance that will help you to release the past, release the pain, release everything that is blocking you from your true life purpose, the relationships, career, health, manifestations & anything else that you want to be, do or have! ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
![]() When something in your life feels overwhelming, more than you can handle, the first reaction that we all tend to have is to blame someone or something else for it. There is a good reason to do this - it makes us feel better. Blame feels better than overwhelm. But there is something that feels even better that that - empowerment. We can blame our parents for teaching us something, a partner for not being who we wanted them to be, our body for its shortcomings, someone that tried to help us for not succeeding, ... Worst of all we can blame ourselves for things going wrong, or us not getting what we want. But ultimately blame blocks you from moving forward. You are the only creative force in your own life. Everything that you experience, or don't experience, happens because it's a match to your energy, or not. The only person who can change your energy is you, through changing your mind, your thoughts, your beliefs and your emotional or energetic state. There is nothing that you cannot achieve if you take responsibility for your life and intend to change what you are creating in your life. This requires you to really want to change, anything less that total determination will not do, it won't cause a change. I noticed this weekend that although I had been asking for more income for a long time, that extra income never came UNLESS I had something to put it to good use for - this wasn't because the universe will only give me money for a good use, but because I had no determination to make the changes that were required unless I had a good use for it. I realised that I was just wanting extra money for no specific purpose, yet I could never have a holiday, nor own a house, nor get my teeth fixed, nor many things that are actual needs that I have. Once I realised this, and realised that I need to earn 3 times the amount I earn now, I have determination, I have good reason to do it and I won't settle for what I was settling for before. What are you settling for? What are you blaming something or someone for? What do you really want? Why do you REALLY want it? If you can't convince yourself then you'll never convince the universe to give it to you! Are you determined to get it? ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() There is a common misconception going around that money is bad, money is the source of many problems, money is not aligned with spirituality,... The truth is that nothing is only good or only bad. Everything has a complete balance of benefits and drawbacks, including money. The most important thing is: Are YOU aligned with the benefits of money or the drawbacks? Money is a tool. It is a promissory note that anyone can use to trade some of their value (time, ideas, skills, inspiration, resources,...) for someone else's value. It is a note that values everybody and everything equally, it is attracted to everyone at the exact value that they will value themselves. To believe that we could have a world in which everyone values everything and everybody but not money, the tool that represents all of that value, is a misguided belief. Money isn't the problem: beliefs about it are. Let me tell you a story... A group of spiritual people dreamed of an ideal world without money, a world where they could trade the value that they had to offer with each other without the need for that evil money that wrecks everything. They got together and decided to set up a system of swapping their products, services, their value, with each other. It soon became apparent that sometimes Jack would want Jill's product, but Jill wouldn't want Jack's services, she wanted Fiona's product instead. So they created slips of paper that showed that some value had been given and everyone could use that slip of paper to trade with anyone in the scheme. All was going well until it became apparent that what Jill had to offer was worth so much, Jill was turning people's lives around with her revolutionary product, but Jack's services were quick and easy for him to do, they didn't provide so much value. So they created slips of paper that were worth different values in order to have fair trade. They had just reinvented money! Instead of only being able to trade with a select few people around them with their form of money, they could use money that was invented long ago to solve the very same issues and if they used real money they could trade their value with everyone in the world. They also had valuable insight as to the benefits of money, why money is, and what a great tool it is for its purpose. Their BELIEF had changed about money, and it was only ever their belief that was misaligned in the first place. Replace any negative beliefs that you have about money with positive beliefs. Make your peace with money, it's a great tool, it serves us well, it serves its purpose perfectly. Food for thought: If you were to have someone build you a house, if you were to invest your trust and resources into that person, wouldn't you want them to be able to build a house well? Wouldn't you want them to be the best at what they do? If you are to trust someone with your money, if you are to invest your money in an institution, wouldn't you want that institution to know about money and be able to grow your money? Banks SHOULD be the best institutions on earth in making money because their expertise IS money. Would you want to put your money into a bank that loses money? Would you want to trust your money with an institution that barely makes a profit and whose running costs actually decreased your money significantly and quickly until you had nothing? Do you have beliefs about banks that are actually attracting you losing all of your money? Be careful what you wish for! Do you have beliefs about money that is repelling money from you and therefore stopping you from contributing your full potential value to the world in return? ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! ![]() Our emotions hold our biggest clues. I like to pay my bills as soon as they come in, rather than wait until they are due. It feels good to me to do that. I like when my customers pay their bills promptly too, that feels good. I like feeling good, and so I make sure that I always pay them straight away to keep that energy going in my life. This week I felt something that I had not really focused on before. I had an emotion when I payed a bill and it didn't feel good. I recognised that I always have this same emotion when paying bills, but because it didn't seem to make any sense I had been ignoring the emotion. It was very fleeting after all. But this week I felt it and I decided to focus on it. The emotion felt bad. I allowed myself to feel it fully in order to put that emotion into words. It felt like I was being a naughty little girl and I would be told off for paying my bills! What is that all about? I asked myself and I asked my guides. No answer came right away but as I chatted to a friend about it the answer popped up in the conversation. ![]() When I was a child I really really really wanted a BMX. I would buy BMX magazines and spend so much time looking at the pictures of the Mongoose that I really wanted. I was determined to have a BMX. I asked my parents for one, but they wouldn't get me one. I was still determined to have a BMX. A boy at school, Ryan, told me that he was getting a new BMX, I asked him what he would do with his old one, he said he didn't know. I asked could I buy it from him. He said yes. I had already saved up most of the money for it, from my pocket money, so I gave him that money and told him I would give him my next 2 weeks pocket money too and then he could give me his old bike. I finished paying for it and on the day that he came to deliver it to my house, he turned up red faced with his parents. They wanted to talk to my parents. We both got told off for what we had done. No explanation was given for what we did wrong, we were just told that we shouldn't have done it. I was confused. As a child I learned that it's wrong to pay people for things. I still really really really wanted a BMX. So I started to save my money again (I hadn't got my money back from my previous purchase) and I bought part after part from my local bike shop and started to turn my shopper bike into a BMX piece by piece. Apparently it was ok for me to buy things from shops, but not from other people. Ever since being told off for paying for something that I wanted when I was a child I have felt like a naughty girl for paying anything to anybody. It didn't make sense. It still doesn't make sense. We must have hurt the adults egos for them to react in that way. It was about them, not about us. Ryan and I weren't friends after that incident. We both hurt from it and felt bad to be around each other. There was more we lost that day than the security of knowing that it's ok to pay money to people, we lost faith in each other as well as ourselves. Ryan died young before we ever got a chance to heal this between us, although I'm sure he was with me in spirit last week helping me to understand the experience we both had. Thanks Ryan! This week's best life tip is to face your emotions, question them. Don't let a negative emotion stay with you without the light of awareness being shone on it. Named must your fear be before banish it you can. ~ Yoda ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
February 2025