Abundance is a vibration. It's not just money, it's not just wealth, it's infinite plenty of everything for everybody. And it is available to everybody who has the abundance vibration. I was invited to a celebration a few nights ago & came home in a very high vibration of love & plenty. I listened to a meditation before I fell to sleep & it made me realise that UNLIMITED abundance is available to me. I woke up with this same high vibration, woke up happy & feeling so abundant. So I raised it even further by focusing my thoughts on unlimited abundance & the abundant day ahead of me. I expected to see abundance & abundance is what I was shown. Something that particularly stood out to me was as I rode home from the gym, I turned a corner & about 100 white butterflies all took flight as they saw me come around the corner, so all of a sudden I was surrounded by an abundance of white butterflies. I loved the bigger influx of readings that came in from customers too! Thank you! So how can you get into the abundance vibration? 1. Open your mind to perceive expanding abundance. Abundance is all around us, it literally IS the way the universe provides us with what we need. But you will only experience what you can perceive. It's like the glass half full or half empty thing. Some people will experience the exact same conditions, but one will perceive it as abundance & another as lack. The one who perceives it as abundance will attract more & more examples of abundance for them to perceive. The one who perceives it as lack will attract more & more lack. 2. Ask to receive more abundance. Ask to be shown it. Look out for it. Notice it when it comes. Perceive it. Don't put limitations on it. Ask to be shown unlimited abundance. Be open to more & more coming YOUR way. Be open to every kind of abundance. Abundance of money. Abundance of butterflies. Abundance of fun. Abundance of friends. Abundance of invitations. Abundance of cat videos. Abundance of smiles. Abundance of love. Don't ask for the particular abundance that you are particularly resistant to & therefore struggling with, ask for it all, abundance in general. 3. Expect it to come. Be ready for it. Know that it's around every corner. Say yes to every single example of abundance that you are shown. Recognise it as abundance. Even if it's not the kind of abundance you are struggling with yet, know that as you recognise it as abundance & say yes to it as abundance & appreciate that the universe is showing you that abundance is there for you so that it can grow. Expect to see hundreds of butterflies. Expect to find pennies on the street. Expect to be given gifts. Expect a raise. Expect people to contact you who want to give to you. Expect more clients. 4. Abundance loves love! Be love as much as you can, feel it, accept love from others. Wake up every morning & remind yourself that abundance is everywhere, to set your day up to expect it & to look for it. At the end of the day (or throughout the day) write down all of the examples of abundance that you witnessed & received that day. Focus on abundance & see just how much it grows in your life. Then come back here & tell us what you manifested! The only thing stopping you from instantly manifesting anything you want is not being in alignment with it, or in other words, a block to it. A block is a resistance to, or a contradiction to, what you really want. What is your biggest block? How can you release it? Your higher self knows the easiest path to releasing your greatest resistance & can lead you step by step to breaking free of it. Click here to book your biggest block reading today!
On a beautiful sunny day I was walking along the beach, returning to my beach bungalow when I saw a group of my friends from the nearby yoga centre, they were worried. The yoga teacher had lost the key to the yoga centre, it was a beautiful antique key for an antique padlock from Tibet. There were only 2 keys, the owner had one & the other was for whichever yoga teacher was taking the next class. Losing the key was a big problem for them. She knew where she had walked since she had last had the key, she had walked between the yoga centre & the beach. She felt so terrible for her boss, she didn't want to have lost the key that had sentimental value to him. More people joined the search for the key. I needed to go buy some food, so as I walked the stretch of path between the beach & the yoga centre, I casually looked down, hoping to find it, but I didn't. On my way back with my food, they were still searching for it & as I got closer to my beach bungalow I glanced to the right of the path & there was an antique key on a piece of ribbon. I picked it up & skipped back to the yoga centre with it to give it back to them. They were so grateful. I explained that you can't find what you believe is lost. So even though many people had looked at that section of the path, they hadn't found it because they believed it lost. But it was more than that. They were all very emotionally involved with the lost key. They were worried, they felt terrible. I wasn't emotionally involved in it, I was carrying on with my day after a casual attempt to find it & I had let it go. This is why I could see it there on the path when others couldn't. I was reminded of this story last week by the still very grateful yoga centre owner. But again, reminded of it today, this time by my higher self as a key to helping me with my life right now. There are two things in my life I am struggling with right now, I am totally emotionally involved in them. I'm worried, I'm fighting it, I'm not accepting of either of them, I'm trying to control it, I'm trying to change it & both are completely lost to me. I can't see the key on the path. I'm too emotionally involved in it. I know that I need to let go. I even know that everything is ok & will be ok, with both of them, because they always are. But still I am struggling with this emotional involvement, which is keeping the manifestation of what I want to come about easily. I'm struggling to let go & allow the key to reveal itself. So I ask my higher self for some help. What can I do to let go? This was the response: Refocus on something else that you don't have a problem with, one step at a time, every time you find yourself focused on what is worrying you again, refocus on something else. How often do you stay focused on the struggle, on the things in your life that you are emotionally involved in, thinking that you can figure it out? Has that ever worked for you? Or is it only when you have let go of it, surrendered, that what you wanted manifested with ease? It's time to focus on something else, on something that is easy, on something that you're not worried about, on something simple, like getting your dinner, like taking care of yourself, those easy things that have no emotional attachments, knowing that the universe will show you the key that you have been looking for in good time. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! We have been sold a lie that it's our action that makes things happen, that it's our words that cause changes in people & situations around us, that it's our will power that is our true power. None of this is true. Our true power lies in our energy, in our consciousness, in our alignment. The universe & people respond to your energy more than any words that you speak. You only need to look around you at those you react to to see that this is true. It's not about what they say, it's about who you feel they are. This means that confrontation is not the best way of dealing with problems. Because the problem is within us & our energy. However, when the problem is in us & it causes painful situations, we still need to feel & release those emotions involved, through expressing them, but not using this to try to change another. An example: Mary is insecure. She's in a relationship, which is a good relationship, but she feels jealousy when he sees her partner show any attention to another woman. This jealousy feels terrible to her, it's not something that can be ignored because it hurts her. But confrontation is not the way to approach this, because the problem is not with her partner. Yet she needs to express her feelings truthfully to release them before she can look deeper at the cause of this within her. The best way to do this is to write a letter that never gets sent. Her feelings are real, they are a reaction to her thoughts & the situation, and in writing a letter to her partner about her feelings, she can feel them & release it. It's like having the confrontation that your emotions are telling you to have, in order to release them, without having the confrontation itself. This sets Mary free to then look within at why she has a pattern of feeling insecure so that she can choose to feel secure. The whole world responds to your energy, your alignment, more than your words or actions. Your energy is already heard by the whole universe, you don't need to plead your case to be heard. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! I'm not into fluffy-nonsense spirituality. If it isn't practical & it can't help me to get into alignment then it can flow right out of my experience. Don't get me wrong, there is a place for soothing, there is a time for comfort & hugs when you are damaged & raw. But once we are over those wobbly times we need empowered practical advice! The path of love: Fluffy nonsense or practical life advice? I googled path of love just before I wrote this, I found some fluffy nonsense & I also found some things that are just plain wrong: it's not for the faint of heart, it's a test, it's charity, forget the I, it's never a smooth ride,... Let me tell you what the path of love actually is, according to my very practical higher self! You are a unique being, you have your own personal blend of likes, dislikes, & things you love. As you focus on the things that you love, doing them, writing about them, singing about them, you feel more love. As you feel more love you attract thoughts, things, people, opportunities that match that. This means that you attract thoughts about more things that you already love or will love if only you knew about them. You attract things that you love. You attract people who you love & those who you will love once you meet them. You attract opportunities to feel more love. You become a total love magnet, attracting the things that YOU love. It's very much a personal path of selfishness. You can't get that same feeling by focusing on things that other people love but you don't. You can't get it by focusing on what you don't like in the world. You can't get it from focusing on what you don't like. You can't get it by focusing on what you think is wrong with the world, with people, with you,... Once you are on this path of love, you get super focused on certain things that you really love, you start to share it with the world, people who would also love what you love can't help but be attracted to your love vibe, they want to love what you love too, they want what you have. You attract your tribe of people who love what you love & you all love it together feeling more & more joy. It's infectious. Then you see something that you don't love. You don't feel good. Now you're on the path of hate, you don't like it, you attract more things that you don't like, you start to see things wrong with people, the world, you feel worse & worse, you attract people who don't love either, who are hating too, you get together to right the wrongs of the world & you fool yourself into thinking you are on the path of love, it's not for the faint of heart, it's a test, it's charity, forget the I, it's never a smooth ride,... Then you wake up, you focus on what you love again, you get back on the true path of love. The only way onto this path of love is from within. You MUST focus on what YOU love & remain true to that. When you get on this upward spiral it gets easier & easier to stay on the path of love. You will be amazed at where the path of love will take you in life, to the best places, the best people, the best opportunities, the best feelings, the best relationships, the best business, the most joy, the most fun, to everything you have ever wanted! Where can you start today? What do you love? Tell us in the comments. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! In my many years of giving psychic readings, helping my customers to get aligned with what they want in life & manifest it all, one thing comes up over & over again, that is: asking for the wrong things from the universe in the first place. Mary wants to lose weight, so she has an idea that she might exercise. She asks the universe for more air, she knows when she has more air she will be able to exercise. She writes it down in her journal, more air please universe! She affirms it "I have more air!" She tries to find out why she hasn't got more air, she tries to heal it in herself,... She never gets more air. OK, this is a silly example, but it's what people do, over & over again. Everyone knows that you just start exercising & then your body naturally starts to breathe harder & faster, the air is already present in whatever quantity you need. So if Mary had just asked for what she actually wanted, to be slim, then started to exercise, because she had already had the guidance to do that to get to where she wanted to be, she would have naturally attracted more air into her lungs. It was always there available for her, she just needed to do it. Of course people rarely ask for more air, it's usually money that they ask for, thinking that they can only start to ask for what they really want with that money once they have that money, so that they can fulfil their desires themselves & not rely on that pesky universe that demands alignment with what they are asking for! Can you see the problem here? Abundance of anything, air, money, friends, opportunities, apples, yellow butterflies, smiles, customers, ideas, words, thoughts, anything, is ALWAYS available to EVERYBODY. You just have to ask for what you actually want the money FOR & go for that, just start doing it! You just have to ask for what you actually want those friends FOR & just start doing that! You just have to ask for what you want those opportunities FOR & do that! You just have to ask for what you want those apples for & go pick them! You get the picture. Another way that people ask for the wrong thing is that they ask for what they don't want anymore. For example, they might ask for their anxiety to go away, or they might ask for their illness to go away, or they might ask for their depression to be healed. On that face of it this seems like an aware ask, but it won't work. Why do you want your anxiety to go away? What is it that you want a good mental state for? What would you do with that? What is it that you REALLY want? Ask for that! Why do you want your illness to go away? What is it that you want with health & wellbeing? What would you do with that? What is it that you REALLY want? Ask for that! Why do you want your depression to be healed? What is it that you want with a good emotional state? What would you do with that? What is it that you REALLY want? Ask for that! Dream bigger, go deeper, what is it that YOU really want? Share it in the comments below I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
January 2025