There is a time for being alone, and a time for getting support from others. We are vibrational beings. We cannot separate ourselves from the everything, source. We will always try to match all of the vibrations around us, because alignment feels good and difference feels bad. This means that we are affected significantly by the people around us, whether we like it or not. We are creator spirits. Our energy creates our every life experience. This means that our energy, our vibration, is key to what we create in our life experiences, and what we don't manage to create. This causes a conflict when we want to grow, when we want to reach for a better experience in our lives. To be able to grow, to experience something new, we are required to break free of our old vibration, which also means breaking free of alignment with everyone else that is around us. This can be painful to do, because it feels bad to break rank, it feels bad to break from the tribe and what they are all doing. However, our spirits drive us forward in constant growth so that we cannot ignore this urge to experience more, better than we have previously experienced. To make this process easier on ourselves requires us to know when to be around others, when and what to share with others, and when to retreat and keep things to ourselves. I wish to help you out with this process. When you want to grow, or experience something more than you already have: DON'T Argue with those around you who aren't wishing for the same change. Talk to people around you what you are doing, they will not understand. Spend a lot of time around those who are not making this same change. Look for anyone or anything else to tell you that what you are doing is right. Seek answers or solutions from those who haven't already made that same change. DO Make friends with those who already have what you want to have. Share what you want with those who have made that same change and who have achieved it. Spend more time alone getting comfortable with the change within your own mind. Be your own validation that this is right for you because you want it. Seek answers and solutions from those who have already made the change that you want. Your energy, your vibration, is all you really have and it is the only thing that creates your life experiences. Take care of it. Be more selective with whom you share your energy with, and whom you receive energy from. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
I never thought that I would disagree with the Dalai Lama, but alas, I do and here is why... The Dalai Lama is quoted as saying "The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds." A few years ago I would have agreed with him and probably shared in on Facebook as many unsuccessful peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds are sharing it right now. I was unsuccessful then and frustrated at my lack of success. Since then I have learned better. I know a higher truth than this. Success is not the opposite to love. Success is not mutually exclusive to all of those things quoted by the Dalai Lama. Failure is the opposite to success. When you agree with the Dalai Lama's sentiments on this you are actively holding success away from you, demonising it or thinking that it is exclusive to all of the things that you agree with and are passionate about. This belief will hold success away from you as it held my success from me for many years. Nobody really wants to be a failure. If something is worth doing, it's worth doing successfully. Do we really want more failed peacemakers, failed healers, failed restorers, failed storytellers, and failed lovers on the planet? No, not at all. We all actually want more successful peacemakers, successful healers, successful restorers, successful storytellers and successful lovers, but many of us repel our own success by our misaligned beliefs. On my own personal journey to success I learned that the path to success requires great inner work, it requires considerable feats of alignment with your higher self. If you really want to achieve something in the world, if you really want to leave your mark and increase the vibration of the world, you are required to embrace success. Here are 4 steps to success to get you started: Firstly, you must have an obsessive passion for what you want to achieve in order to even get close to achieving it. Without complete passion you will not have the motivation necessary to achieve it. Secondly, you must persist with that passion, through the many obstacles and challenges, learning the lessons that they bring and add what you learned to your energy, your thoughts, your beliefs and your actions on a consistent basis. You need to persist with your mission through all of the failures that you will encounter, learning how your energy, your thoughts, beliefs and actions are preventing the success that you desire and actioning what you learn from it every day consistently. You must never give up on your vision. Thirdly, you must always aim for success, embrace success and be happy for successful people no matter what their particular passion is - no matter whether you agree with their passion or not - their achievement is one of alignment with their higher self and is a high spiritual state. Once you get on your own path of success you will learn to appreciate anyone who has achieved success, because you will understand just how much inner work it takes to get there. You will be able to accept others' passions and not judge what they are doing, but appreciate that they managed to achieve and be successful in anything that they are passionate about. And fourthly, many people will disagree with your passion, they will think you are wrong to want success, they will think your passion is wrong, evil, or unneeded. People will criticise you, they will demonise your success - everyone has a unique point of view and unique passions, we need that variety in the world. You will need to carry on regardless, accepting that their point of view is their valid point of view but knowing that it makes no difference to you, because you are clear on your passion, you are clear on what you want to achieve and nobody, NOBODY, is going to stop you. With these 4 steps in place in your everyday life you will achieve success, if you have chosen to pursue success in whatever you do. Everyone else will continue to fail and that is ok, it is their choice and it is also required on this planet too. Without failure there would be no success. I would love the Dalai Lama to be successful in his passions, but if he believes the sentiment above then he won't be successful, because he is not aligned with it. I'd love to mentor him to success, but I doubt whether he actually said those words at all. I would love you to be successful with your passion. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! Stop saying no Start saying yes Contrary to popular belief, positive change in the world doesn't happen through people complaining, protesting, Facebook petitions and focusing on what they don't like in the world. Positive change occurs when one person with a passion seeks a solution and creates a change that will positively benefit the world. Let me tell you a story from the 1980's: A spiritual teacher noticed that many of his followers were complaining and protesting about animal testing. He told them "You are adding to the power of those who are testing on animals with your passioned focus on being against it. No amount of focus will ever diminish anything, it will only ever grow it." Instead, he suggested that they pull together and create a testing facility that companies could use to have their products tested, as they had to by law, without them being tested on animals. You see, the people making products that had to have them tested had no other choice, there was no other solution available. No amount of protesting and name calling would ever change that. But creating and then offering them an alternative, a solution, worked. Those companies that they had been against switched to their solution: a solution that was good for everyone. It was an example of using positive energy to create change, the change that those people would have died complaining and still never achieved if left to their previous ways. Likewise, I see many people today protesting Coal Seam Gas What they don't realise is that they are growing the problem with their focus on it. They are not offering a solution. They are adding to the energy of the problem. The companies that are using CSG are power companies. Their passion is to supply power to everybody to use. It is a nobel and much needed service; power enriches our lives. Those power companies choose from solutions that are offered to them in order to generate the power to service the population. That they have chosen a solution that is having a negative impact on the environment means that they were not offered another suitable solution. So where are those people that are passionate about solar power, or generating free energy? I very much doubt whether even 1 of the millions of people around the world who are protesting about CSG are passionate about power enough to want to BE THE CHANGE, to come up with a power solution (of which there are many available), to put a feasible business plan together and to take it in to the boardrooms of those companies. Not 1. So if they are not passionate about power, if their life purpose - what they are here to share with the world - is not concerning power, why are they concerning themselves with power and creating more of the problems as a result? Why not either leave it to those who are passionate about power to champion a plan to get enough solar panels, or other clean power alternatives that are already available? Why not put their energy into backing those who are championing and creating positive power plans? Why not be pro-solar power and be positively sharing a message about it with the world instead? Why not use their positive creative energy in an area that they ARE passionate about, in an area that is in their heart and spirit to share with the world? Why not focus on their positive contribution, on their life purpose, on what they can create and put their energy into that? To say that protesting, complaining, demonstrating, judging what others are creating just because you don't like it, etc. is a waste of energy is a massive understatement. It is actively growing the very thing that you don't want to happen. It is using your personal power to try to destroy, instead of create, and it never works. That is the law of the universe: what you focus on will expand in your reality. The irony is that those who are complaining, protesting, demonstrating think that they are aware, that they are spiritual even. They might be a little more aware than those who are blindly following social structures. But it is not spiritual to focus negatively and therefore manifest negatively. It is not spiritual to use your creative energy and focus it onto things that are not improving the world. There is a level of awareness and of spirituality that is above this: Being aware of your creative force, aware of who you really are, aware of your power to create, aware of the power of your focus, channeling your focus into positive creation of solutions to benefit the whole world. We are not here to judge each other. We are not here to seek out what we don't like in the world and point the finger. We can notice what we don't like and in that moment let it go and turn our attention to seeking solutions. This is the way that positive change is created in the world. We are creator beings here to add our own positive energy by creating the change that we would like to see in the world. Nobody can create anything positive with a negative focus, it goes against the laws of the universe. It has never worked and it never will work. So I am asking all of you to please stop. Stop saying no Start saying yes Ask yourself these 5 questions: 1. What positive change do you want to see in the world? 2. Can you champion something and create that change? (If not, turn your focus onto something positive that you can.) 3. Is it within your personal passion? (If not, turn your focus to something that is within your personal passion.) 4. Will it bring you joy? (If not, turn your focus to something that will bring you joy.) 5. Are you willing to create the solution and share it with the world? I used to ask "Why doesn't someone do something about this?" Then I realised that I am someone. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! Never make a decision based on lack again! When we make decisions based on lack, such as: "I can't afford it." "I'll wait until I have more money." "I will have to sacrifice something else if I get that." "I'll wait until I pay the electricity bill first." We are tuning ourselves in to lack. We tell the universe that we are lack, that our thoughts are lack and that we want more lack. By having the thoughts and words above we are affirming: "I don't want to be able to afford things." "I always want to wait for what I want." "I want to have to sacrifice something if I ever want anything new." "I want more bills." That isn't what we want at all, yet by having these thoughts we are lining ourselves up for a whole lot more of struggle to come our way instead of abundance. It takes an intention and determination to follow through with that intention to make any changes in our energy and therefore our lives. If you want abundance you need to commit to it today! Your new intention: "I will never make another decision based on lack again." Then persist with this, be aware of your thoughts and words at all times. When you catch yourself having a lackful thought or saying a lackful statement, turn it around. At first this seems irresponsible, it seems like we are being frivolous and not taking control of ourselves. But the truth is quite the contrary. We are tuning in to abundance by doing this, we are shifting our focus from lack to abundance and when we do that, the universe sends us abundance to match us! My example from this past week. About 10 days ago Jarrod and I went to our local Apple shop to make our wishes for a MacBook Pro each into more of a reality, by getting a quote, using them in the shop, learning more about them from the very helpful salesman who spent around 40 minutes with us explaining all kinds of things. We took the quote home and I decided to look into it further. I spent a long time that day looking at reviews of all kinds of Macs and decided that it would actually be better for me to get an iMac for my desk, then I would have a big screen to work from and a small MacBook Air, for when I am away from home. I emailed the shop to tell them that I had changed my mind and wanted an iMac first, and asked could I do the training that they offer before I get it so that I can use it as soon as I take it out of the box (I'd never used one before). They said I can only do the training once I have made a purchase, but they asked which iMac I wanted, because there was a wait list and they had no stock in of some, but stock was due to arrive the next week. I decided to spend my Saturday last weekend doing online Mac training. I wanted to be prepared! With every module I was more and more in awe of what I would be able to do with my new iMac and how much easier it would make my work. I wanted one as soon as I could! I knew how much money I needed and I set about getting it. I didn't do anything extra, nor special to get it. I just intended it and affirmed "I will have one of those iMac's that are arriving next week at the shop!" The money started to flow in, more than usual through the business and a few unexpected payments came my way too. I was half way there mid week! I was 85% there by Friday. I had such a busy day on Friday, one customer after another and very little time to myself. In the afternoon I had 15 minutes before my next customer and I felt compelled to put a deposit down on one of those iMac's to make sure that my name was on one of them. I called the shop and said I'd like to put a deposit down and asked when they thought they would arrive? He told me, the shipment has just turned up right now, he said that he would call me back later to tell me whether there was one for me in there. When he called back he told me that there was enough of the iMac models that I wanted for all of the waiting list plus 1. Would I like it? YES!!! I went in the next day, on Saturday morning to pick it up. I needed to raid my 'don't ever touch' savings a little to cover the purchase, but that didn't worry me at all. This was a gift from the universe and I knew that the timing was perfect - that I'd be able to get it set up and get used to it all weekend ready to work on it today. And here I am, typing from my new iMac, in my beautiful workspace which is now complete with everything that I wanted in it. It looks beautiful don't you agree? It works even better than I had imagined! Follow my lead, never make a decision based on lack again and the universe will lavish you with abundance, it's available for you right now. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! Whether we are in a relationship and thinking about how we will honour and treat our loved one on Valentine's Day, or we are single and wishing to find that special someone to make our Valentine's Day special, February is a great month to focus on enriching our relationship journeys. I want to share a little of my personal relationship journey to encourage you all! I had a dreadful start in life, being beaten and molested by those men and boys in my life who I expected to love me. The consequences of that childhood were devastating across many areas of my life, but it set me off on a particularly interesting relationship path. I chose controlling men, I chose men who I should have been scared of - believing the fear that I felt to be love, it was all that I knew. I chose rapists to date. I chose men who treated me badly. Looking back I can see that I was choosing my family members again and again hoping that this time they would love me instead of abusing me. Needless to say: it never worked. The final time I was raped I knew deep inside that I needed to heal and release this, whatever it was that was causing this repeating pattern, because if I didn't and if I was raped again I knew that it would finish me. I was suicidal, especially when the rapist was deemed 'not guilty' by a court. Luckily because this time I went to court I had access to counselling and my counsellor saved my life. She helped me to get my life back to normal, from a highly emotional suicidal state. She taught me how to take control of my relationships. She role played with me so that I not only knew but had practised how to deal with controlling and abusive men. She stuck with me through my release and realising the family issues that were the cause of it. She taught me how to have firm boundaries and how to respect myself. While I went through this healing I had decided to give men a total break for 2 years while I changed my energy and attractor patterns. When I felt ready for a relationship I attracted 2 young very open hearted men, one after another. They were more than 10 years my junior and both were passing through the area, so they were very short term relationships. It seemed to me that the Universe was showing me the kind of man I would have been dating in my earlier years had I had the energy and attractor pattern I had now. It was a delight to experience open hearted men and gave me great hope. for t I believed that my soul mate was out there but that he wouldn't be where I was living, because of my negative experiences with men in the area that I lived in. I went away to Europe only to realise that I am happiest in Byron Bay, Australia. I love it here and if I love it here, my soul mate will love it here too. I wrote a list of everything that I wanted in a partner, it was an extensive list and I returned here with an inner knowing that not only was he here, he was also ready for me. Within 2 short months of returning here I needed somewhere new to live. I had 2 weeks to find somewhere new and I had forgotten at the time, but when I had returned I affirmed "My next move will be in with my soul mate!". I've always experienced magical miracles whenever there has been change in my life and so my attempts to look for a new house were far from conventional. I didn't look in the local paper, I didn't go to any real estate agents, I sat in a cafe in the middle of town and waited for my new place to come to me! I noticed a man would always be in that same cafe, he intruiged me. I was attracted to him, but not in a lustful fear way, in a curious way. He would sit there and take out a pad from his bag and draw, or he would sit and read the paper. I was curious about him because, like me, he went there alone and was quite happy sitting there alone. I started to go to the cafe just to see him, I'd forgotten that I needed a place to live, I just wanted him to ask me out! On my list of what I wanted in a man was that he is strong enough for me and therefore will pursue me and ask me out. So I went there each day and waited for it to happen. One day I was so determined that it would happen, that I told the universe that I was going to sit there and not leave until he asked me out. It took many hours, but I persisted. I noticed that he had gone through about 6 coffees and was still there. He got up and my heart sank, I thought he was leaving, but he didn't leave, he came over and sat on the table next to me, asking me to watch his bag while he went for another coffee. When he returned we started chatting. He asked what I was doing there and I told him I need somewhere new to live and was waiting for someone to turn up with the solution. He said that I could have his lounge if I needed it. He asked would I like to go to the cinema with him and I said yes. We went straight away and watched Run Fat Boy Run. We had a chat afterward and I learned that he was disabled, with only 1 leg. He asked would I like to go to dinner and I said yes, we swapped numbers and I went off on my bike to ride home. I was so happy riding home, I was grinning and catching flies in my teeth. I was scared. I am such an active person, riding my bike all the time and the bike path home was particularly beautiful, I was sorry that I would not be able to share it with him. As I had that thought, wondering how I could share the things I loved with him when his disability would prevent it a miracle happened. The universe showed me how and it made me cry. 2 dogs were running toward me at full speed, when they got closer I saw that one of them only had 3 legs but was able to run alongside the other because he was leaning on the other. Together the dogs disability didn't hold him back. I'm crying now just thinking about it. It was the most beautiful sign I have ever been given. We went out for dinner the following night and within a week we decided that even if I got another place to live I'd always be at his place or he at mine, so he asked me to move in with him. Getting to know him more and more he was everything on that list that I had written and more, things that were perfect for me that I hadn't even thought of. We love the same things, we had loved the same things all of our lives, we had even bought exactly the same things years and years before we met. The only thing that was on my list that he wasn't was "free in his work". I wanted to be with someone who had the time freedom and creative freedom that I had. He was working in a shop (he had had 2 weeks holiday in the week that I met him). So even though he wasn't free in his work, he also has an amazing gift, he's a brilliant cartoonist and writer - he just hadn't believed in himself enough, and believed that he could earn a wonderful living from it, until he met me. So I let him lean on me while we both run full speed together in our businesses while we not only achieve our goals together, but create the life of our dreams together. We are more in love now than ever and have been together for 5 years. I share this story because my relationship journey was and is a significant healing story. I was guided to teach others how to heal themselves and create their own soul mate relationship in the same way. I believe that everyone can have their soul mate, their perfect match. But I know from experience that it is only possible when you have healed the past and have let go of all relationship issues. It's for this reason, that I put together my Healing Path to Your Soul Mate program which is in The Be Healing Store. I will take you through the 10 steps that will take you, not only through the law of attraction part, but also the healing steps to being ready for your soul mate and bringing them in. My tip for this week is to set the intention to be free of any negative attractor relationship patterns that you have going on, and to improve your relationships, because you are worth it! I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
January 2025