![]() Stop saying no Start saying yes Contrary to popular belief, positive change in the world doesn't happen through people complaining, protesting, Facebook petitions and focusing on what they don't like in the world. Positive change occurs when one person with a passion seeks a solution and creates a change that will positively benefit the world. Let me tell you a story from the 1980's: A spiritual teacher noticed that many of his followers were complaining and protesting about animal testing. He told them "You are adding to the power of those who are testing on animals with your passioned focus on being against it. No amount of focus will ever diminish anything, it will only ever grow it." Instead, he suggested that they pull together and create a testing facility that companies could use to have their products tested, as they had to by law, without them being tested on animals. You see, the people making products that had to have them tested had no other choice, there was no other solution available. No amount of protesting and name calling would ever change that. But creating and then offering them an alternative, a solution, worked. Those companies that they had been against switched to their solution: a solution that was good for everyone. It was an example of using positive energy to create change, the change that those people would have died complaining and still never achieved if left to their previous ways. Likewise, I see many people today protesting Coal Seam Gas What they don't realise is that they are growing the problem with their focus on it. They are not offering a solution. They are adding to the energy of the problem. The companies that are using CSG are power companies. Their passion is to supply power to everybody to use. It is a nobel and much needed service; power enriches our lives. Those power companies choose from solutions that are offered to them in order to generate the power to service the population. That they have chosen a solution that is having a negative impact on the environment means that they were not offered another suitable solution. So where are those people that are passionate about solar power, or generating free energy? I very much doubt whether even 1 of the millions of people around the world who are protesting about CSG are passionate about power enough to want to BE THE CHANGE, to come up with a power solution (of which there are many available), to put a feasible business plan together and to take it in to the boardrooms of those companies. Not 1. So if they are not passionate about power, if their life purpose - what they are here to share with the world - is not concerning power, why are they concerning themselves with power and creating more of the problems as a result? Why not either leave it to those who are passionate about power to champion a plan to get enough solar panels, or other clean power alternatives that are already available? Why not put their energy into backing those who are championing and creating positive power plans? Why not be pro-solar power and be positively sharing a message about it with the world instead? Why not use their positive creative energy in an area that they ARE passionate about, in an area that is in their heart and spirit to share with the world? Why not focus on their positive contribution, on their life purpose, on what they can create and put their energy into that? To say that protesting, complaining, demonstrating, judging what others are creating just because you don't like it, etc. is a waste of energy is a massive understatement. It is actively growing the very thing that you don't want to happen. It is using your personal power to try to destroy, instead of create, and it never works. That is the law of the universe: what you focus on will expand in your reality. The irony is that those who are complaining, protesting, demonstrating think that they are aware, that they are spiritual even. They might be a little more aware than those who are blindly following social structures. But it is not spiritual to focus negatively and therefore manifest negatively. It is not spiritual to use your creative energy and focus it onto things that are not improving the world. There is a level of awareness and of spirituality that is above this: Being aware of your creative force, aware of who you really are, aware of your power to create, aware of the power of your focus, channeling your focus into positive creation of solutions to benefit the whole world. We are not here to judge each other. We are not here to seek out what we don't like in the world and point the finger. We can notice what we don't like and in that moment let it go and turn our attention to seeking solutions. This is the way that positive change is created in the world. We are creator beings here to add our own positive energy by creating the change that we would like to see in the world. Nobody can create anything positive with a negative focus, it goes against the laws of the universe. It has never worked and it never will work. So I am asking all of you to please stop. Stop saying no Start saying yes Ask yourself these 5 questions: 1. What positive change do you want to see in the world? 2. Can you champion something and create that change? (If not, turn your focus onto something positive that you can.) 3. Is it within your personal passion? (If not, turn your focus to something that is within your personal passion.) 4. Will it bring you joy? (If not, turn your focus to something that will bring you joy.) 5. Are you willing to create the solution and share it with the world? I used to ask "Why doesn't someone do something about this?" Then I realised that I am someone. ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
1 Comment
15/1/2015 05:04:20 am
Thanks Claire, Its a great thing to remember!
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February 2025