![]() Today's New Moon is a follow on from the last new moon, taking the lessons one step further. The last new moon showed us our self-destructive patterns more clearly than we have ever been shown them so that we could feel them & make new choices. For the whole lunar month we have been feeling this, dealing with it & slowly releasing it. This new moon is asking us to move forward from this place instead of backwards. Our old patterns were very familiar but we have been shown that they do not work, they do not support us in the way that we truly deserve to be supported & to support ourselves. We are being called to move forward, to be courageous & step into the unknown, the uncharted waters, to trust the universe, to trust the process that we started last month & to keep moving forward. Our hearts are being opened through releasing the patterns that caused us to have to protect ourselves & close down. Our new lives are calling with the promise of a greater love: self-love, love from the universe & love from others. new moon reading
Your thoughts and energy are especially powerful during a new moon! 🌑 Use this time to identify and shift any limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Align your thoughts with your higher self and focus on changing the emotional energy that might be blocking your dreams and goals from manifesting. 🌟 This new moon, step into your power and create the reality you desire. 3 pages of transformational guidance from your higher self: delivered to your inbox within 48 hours Prices are in Australian dollars (AU$160 is approx US$123 UK£89 EUR103 CAN$155 NZ$171) ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
![]() One look at any social media lately & you will see a contradiction of memes. Is that the correct collective noun for them? I find myself in a constant commentary to myself "That's not true... that's only true for some... That's going to mess someone's life up... That's my truth, but probably not someone else's..." I stopped commenting publicly a while ago because it could turn into a full time job. How many times have you seen a meme & thought that it must be true? How many times have you seen a meme that has triggered some shame or guilt in you because you think & do otherwise? There is very little absolute truth in the world. We all have a different perspective, different needs, different desires, & our unique path to live. A meme saying "Eat less!" will only be true & good advice for some people. Those who need to eat more will be misled if they read it & believe it. A meme saying "The more you give, the happier you will be" would make over-giving believers less happy & more resentful. You see we all have our own truth, our own paths based on our own complex life journey. So rather than blindly follow the contradiction of memes out there, follow your own inner guidance: Ask "Is this true for me?" then notice how you feel, if it feels light it will be right for you, if it feels heavy it is wrong for you. Meditate to listen to your own inner self & once you have found your own truth, follow it, don't preach it & definitely don't share a meme about it (like I did here) ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! The universe gives us what we will allow ourselves to have. What we allow ourselves to have isn't just an intention but it is shown by our actions. Today I invite you to join me in a daily challenge, to value ourselves more. Watch my video for details. I'm going to add a self-valuing change into my life every day & report on it here in the comments. I invite you to do the same. When we share this journey together we can give & receive ideas from each other that will increase our allowing exponentially. Happy self-valuing! PS. I'm starting by valuing my time, my gifts, my business, my money, my expertise & myself by putting my prices back to the old prices. Commit to this shared journey by telling us the change that you will make today to value yourself more in the comments below! ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! Sometimes our sense of self-worth can be floored by other's opinions of us. If that's happening to you, here's what to do about it: When you sit in meditation & listen to the mind, simply listening to whatever thoughts come up & accepting them, even loving them, as existing, but realising that they are just thoughts, & therefore they aren't real, you can free yourself from them. How many times has somebody actually told you what they think of you? I mean since high school. Can you think of any examples? You see, often our subconscious mind is making it all up, it's imagining what other people think, it's imagining how other people feel & it's very rarely positive! Our negative imaginings of what other people think about us is actually only a reflection of what we think of ourselves. Our own negative self-judgements are voiced in our imagination by someone else's voice coming out of someone else's face. Even when you are the only person in the room. When we sit in meditation we can see through these illusions, delusions & imaginings, we can see them for what they really are: they aren't real. Then we open the door to what is real & that's where the real fun begins! ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! You know that part of your life that you struggle with, that is always a problem: here's why it isn't a problem at all: About 5 days ago I had a breakthrough, I realised that I was judging myself on something that made absolutely no difference to my life experience at all. So I let go of that judgment, knowing that I'm good no matter what. Last night I realised that my sneaky subconscious mind had pulled me back into the thinking that I had a problem. Although I wasn't worrying, nor judging myself, I had gone into fix it mode, listening to affirmations about it, doing hypnosis for it. That sneaky subconscious wanted to make it a problem again! Now I'm back to relaxing about it & when my mind tries to pull me back into that struggle, I say "Oh really? No thanks!" ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
February 2025