![]() Healing Your Throat Chakra After a Conversation That Leaves You Stuck We’ve all been there. You muster up the courage to speak your truth, to express how something or someone has hurt you. You do your best to communicate your feelings clearly, hoping for understanding, resolution, or at the very least, empathy. But instead of being heard, the conversation takes an unexpected turn. The person deflects, shifts the blame back onto you, or makes it all about their own feelings. They don’t take responsibility, and in fact, you end up feeling worse than you did before you spoke up. In these moments, you may feel a deep emotional ache—like your words didn’t land at all, and no one is listening. But what many people don’t realize is that when our voice isn’t truly heard, it can also manifest physically, often as a sense of tightness or constriction in the throat. A sore throat, a feeling of being choked up, or even getting a cold soon after a difficult conversation are all signs that something deeper is going on. You’ve tried to communicate, but your throat chakra—the energy centre associated with self-expression—hasn’t been able to release the emotions you were holding. ![]() The Throat Chakra: The Energy Center of Communication The throat chakra, or Vishuddha in Sanskrit, is the center of communication, self-expression, and speaking your truth. When balanced, it allows us to express ourselves clearly and authentically. But when this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, our ability to communicate freely becomes restricted. It can result in physical symptoms like a sore throat, tension in the neck, or even the inability to speak up at all. In the context of difficult conversations, when we’re met with deflection or blame instead of understanding, our throat chakra gets even more congested. Not only are we left feeling emotionally frustrated, but the energy in our throat becomes stuck, preventing us from fully expressing what we feel. This is where emotional and physical discomfort often arise. ![]() The Aftermath: When Communication Doesn’t Land After a conversation where you’ve tried to express your hurt, it’s common to feel emotionally drained or confused. You went into the discussion with the hope that you could resolve something or at least be understood, but instead, you leave feeling invalidated, unheard, or even worse, blamed for the situation. It feels like your attempt to speak your truth only added to your pain. You may experience a tightening in your throat, a nagging sense that your voice is not being allowed to fully express itself. It’s almost as if the energy of that unspoken emotion gets stuck in your chest and throat, blocking your natural ability to release it. This disconnection between your intention and the outcome of the conversation doesn’t just leave you feeling emotionally defeated—it often has a direct physical impact. ![]() How the Body Responds: Blocked Communication and Physical Symptoms Your body speaks to you in ways that words sometimes cannot. When we have unprocessed emotions or unresolved conversations, our body may react by showing us signs of energetic blockages. The throat is particularly sensitive to this kind of emotional turmoil. You may experience a sore throat, tightness in your neck, or a feeling that you can’t “swallow” your emotions. In more extreme cases, you might even get a cold as your body’s immune system becomes compromised by the emotional strain. These physical symptoms are not just coincidental; they’re a sign that the energy of your throat chakra is out of balance. It’s your body’s way of communicating that it’s time to release the buildup of emotions and start healing the blockages preventing you from speaking your truth. ![]() Healing the Throat Chakra: When Resolution Isn’t Coming from Others When we face situations where the person who hurt us refuses to take responsibility or hear our side, we often feel powerless. But here’s the good news: we don’t have to wait for them to change in order to heal. The key to healing the throat chakra lies within ourselves. We have the power to restore balance to this energy center, even if external resolution isn’t possible. Here are some ways to support the healing of your throat chakra:
![]() Introducing My Mini Energy Healing for Your Throat Chakra Sometimes, the best way to heal is with a little outside support. If you’ve been struggling with blocked communication or unresolved emotions after difficult conversations, I’m offering a mini energy healing session focused specifically on clearing and balancing the throat chakra. Conclusion: Reclaiming Your Voice and Healing From Within
It’s frustrating when we try to speak up and don’t get the response we deserve. But remember: your voice is powerful, and you deserve to be heard. If the resolution doesn’t come from the other person, it’s up to you to create healing within yourself. The throat chakra is a vital part of your energetic system, and by nourishing and balancing it, you’re giving yourself permission to speak freely, express your feelings, and release any emotional baggage that no longer serves you. If you’re ready to clear the blockages and restore balance to your throat chakra, I’m here to help you along the way. Healing your throat chakra isn’t just about feeling better physically—it’s about empowering yourself to be heard, to speak your truth, and to move forward with confidence.
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![]() I don't know why I'm writing this, because I know it will not get any engagement. Nothing worth anything gets any attention anymore. It's literally the dumbing down of humanity. Make a video of a cat, or a useless life hack that doesn't even work, the algorithms applaud & show it to everybody. Make something with useful content that might help somebody improve their life & it gets lost in the ethers. I know it's not the people who are choosing this either. It is the algorithm. Why? Why would "the powers that be" want us dumbed down? We live in a world where narcissists reign, they just want to make money, more money, they have enough already but it's not enough for them, they want a bigger pile of money to sit on & to die on. They don't care about anyone else, in fact they've found a way to make the most money, they make addictive food like substances & then pay the government to push it & to fake science that real food is deadly & causing health issues. They fake management of the health issues that they are creating, not the real food, so that they can make even more money by health issues never going away. Constant supply & demand. It makes the pile of money they sit on even bigger. Don't believe their lies that they are doing it to solve world issues, they are not, they could do that, they have enough, the world has enough resources that we could all live incredibly amazing lives where we are all enriched by our evolution. But they want a pile of money instead, so to hell with what's best for people & the planet. They just pay for backwards news to be put out that makes people scared of the things they shouldn't be scared of & makes people choose the things that are harming them. If they had an ounce of compassion or empathy, they would do the right thing. But they don't, so they continue to play their game of monopoly even though they already won. It's not enough for them. When will it be enough for them? How much destruction do we need to have before they're done? Hmm, they have no empathy so no amount will change them. The real question is when will YOU have had enough of it? When will YOU stop going along with it? When will YOU stop buying their shit? When will YOU stop believing their shit? Abusers will abuse until the victims empower themselves. It is true in your romantic relationships, in your friendships, in your families & in the world at large. YOU have the power to stop it, we all do, just opt out, play no part in it anymore, show others that we don't need to go along with it either. You will never stop a narcissist from being a narcissist, they are never going to stop, they don't have what it takes to stop: introspection, ownership of their issues, empathy, compassion, a flexible & open mind, a heart, a soul, responsibility,... Waiting for them to stop is as futile as staying in a relationship with a narcissist waiting for them to stop abusing you. Of course they won't, they are getting away with it, you are letting them get away with it. They will always carry on until we empower ourselves & say no, no more, you don't have my permission to do this anymore, I am not available for you to do this to anymore. Is that a scary prospect? I can't see it being any scarier than the progression the world is taking right now, can you?
![]() I see empaths feeling bad about themselves, comparing themselves to the success, money & shiny things of the non-empaths. Don't do this to yourself! The non-empaths can do anything, because they don't care who it affects, they can sell you snake oil, they can make up a problem & fake a non-cure, they can sell you harmful things, and they do, they make a lot of money from it & gain a lot of success from it. They pretend to be perfect, they fake their results, they yell "look at me" whilst not being any of those things in reality. Do not compare yourself & your results to these people - the world is rewarding narcissistic behaviour enough, don't become a part of it! ![]() Non-empaths are feeling bad about themselves when they should be feeling good! We are sooooooo much better than the narcissists, our hearts, our love, our caring, the way we do the right thing, they way we want to make the world a better place, the way we will not compromise ourselves. We not only need to appreciate these things in ourselves but we need to speak out to others and appreciate them openly for them doing the right thing too. We can make a huge difference in an empaths life by telling them "You're great, you really care, it is so lacking in our world, you're the best!" "You always do the right thing, you really care, I love that about you!" Tell the empathic men too! "Your caring is so attractive, it's so much more attractive that all that money & the fancy cars & the bling" "I'd pick a man with a good heart like you over a man with outer success any day of the week!" They need to know, it needs to be spoken out. Sometimes we need to hear it to remind ourselves, yes, it's true, we are soooooo much better than the narcissists! It's harder to do the right thing in a world that rewards ding the wrong thing more! ![]() Let's stop appreciating the empaths traits silently. Let's shout about it! Let's point it out & make each other feel better, feel more empowered, feel more able to shine. Help the empaths with their businesses, stop buying from the narcissists, let's show the world that we promote empaths, we support positive human traits in people, we reward these people! Be the change you want to see in the world! By the way, your heart, it's awesome, I love the way you do good in the world, you are awesome, I wish there were more people like you, I appreciate you!
![]() At my partners family events we used to play this game: try to get his sister to ask how you are. This game started long before I joined in. The empaths in the family would try to get the narcissist to have a 2 way conversation. Each empath would try, but she would never ask about the other person. In that family dynamic my partner, his mum, his brother & I were the empaths. His father and sister were narcissists. When there was a shared humour between us empaths it was easier not to take their behaviour personally. We were there for each other, to validate each other's experiences, she really didn't ever ask about anyone else, it was all about her. ![]() I grew up in a different dynamic. I was the only empath amongst narcissists. There was no safety & certainly no humour to be found. Within the dynamic it was very difficult to ascertain my own reality when I was being told that I'm too sensitive, "that didn't hurt", words don't hurt people, that it could be worse, that they are good people & other people are worse. The few times I went away on school trips, without my brother being there, there was a slight reprieve, I would always cry when I returned home not really understanding my tears or my feelings of not wanting to be there. It was only once I lived outside of the family home at university with other people that I realised it wasn't true, other people weren't worse than them. I had a taste of kind hearted, generous, loving people & so began piecing myself back together again. ![]() Unfortunately I didn't take it one step further & disconnect completely from my family. I can look back wishing I had, but this was back in the 1980's, there were no narciccistic abuse books, YouTube channels or even therapists who could help. I was one, amongst many, who had to heal ourselves with whatever help we could get. I wish I knew back then that healing is only possible with no contact. I understood eventually, that I could not be present, could not be fully functional, could not be there for other people, while I was under constant attack. With great guilt & shame I disconnected & I began the real work of healing. I picked myself up, I faced my feelings, feelings that I had been told, didn't matter, I had even had it screamed in my face "I don't fucking care how you feel!" I realised that my feelings did matter, and that it was ok to feel them, that I was human to feel them. The dehumanised part of me, that allowed me to be victim to the constant bullying, belittlement, gaslighting, devaluation, she was loved by me, until she realised she actually wasn't the problem after all. ![]() Many years into this healing I quit drinking alcohol, the substance that I had used to take the edge off the constant social anxiety and other feelings that were just too hard back then to fully feel. I found Muay Thai kickboxing which made me feel powerful, strong, able to handle myself in any situation. I became someone who cannot be bullied anymore. I became very strong, strong enough to confront others when I see bad behaviour, strong enough to stand up for other people being bullied, strong enough to call people out when they are being cruel. It's amazing how the bullies & narcissists flee once you are strong. Their fragile sense of ego, that has to make them right, that has to make it all about them, it cannot handle someone who might tell the truth, who might stand up to them. This is intolerable to their ego, they must remain in control by avoidance. Their avoidance is good for me too. I know that I deserve to have good people in my life, who do fucking care about how I feel, who even ask me in healthy 2 way conversations how I feel, without it having to be a game to coax it out of them. I choose people who have empathetic hearts, who are open, who can talk about things openly to solve problems when they come up. I choose people who are able to love & who offer love in relationships, any kind of relationships. I now notice the signs, more quickly than ever, of narcissistic traits. Nobody has the right to bully me or abuse me. Nobody. It doesn't matter how much DNA we share. Nobody has the right to abuse me. Nobody.
![]() We often assume that others think and feel the same way we do, projecting our own qualities—both positive and negative—onto them. For empaths, this can be particularly risky, as it leaves them vulnerable to non-empathic individuals who may cause harm. Additionally, empaths might try to resolve conflicts using methods that work for them, which may not be effective with non-empaths. ![]() Conflict between two empaths is inevitable—after all, we’re all imperfect humans. However, when both people involved are empathetic, they’ll approach resolution in a way that a non-empath might never consider, let alone be capable of. Conflict resolution might unfold like this: The hurt person expresses their feelings and seeks a resolution. The other party listens to their perspective and may share their own point of view. Through open dialogue, they work towards mutual understanding, eventually arriving at a resolution. This often involves an apology for hurt feelings and an agreement on how to prevent future conflict, whether through changed behavior, improved communication, or both. While this process can be challenging even between two empathetic individuals, it's nearly impossible when one person lacks empathy. ![]() Empathy involves being attuned to and sharing another person's feelings, experiences, and emotions. For empaths, this comes so naturally that it's difficult for them to imagine life without it. However, some people simply lack this ability. Estimates suggest that anywhere from 5% to as many as 1 in 6 people in the world may have little to no empathy. So lack of empathy means being unaware of & unable to share another person's feelings, experiences & emotions. It stands to reason that conflict resolution is going to be very tricky with this kind of a person if it's possible at all. It's crucial for empaths to recognize signs of a lack of empathy in others and adjust their approach to conflict resolution accordingly. While you may initially try to resolve the issue in the usual way, even persisting despite the non-empath's resistance, there comes a point where you must accept that internal resolution is enough. Some conflicts simply can't be resolved with someone who lacks empathy, because the problem isn't yours to fix. ![]() Resolution for the empath requires a different approach. It's about finding inner peace and reflection on the situation. This might involve accepting that boundaries weren’t set or enforced, forgiving yourself for not speaking up sooner, and understanding how you overlooked the other person’s lack of empathy. It could also mean examining why you may have chosen, or allowed yourself to be chosen by, someone like this and coming to terms with tolerating bad behavior in your life. For an empath, resolution involves deep self-awareness—recognizing how their own empathy may have compromised their well-being and learning how to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Instead of seeking forgiveness for the perpetrator, it's about accepting that forgiveness might not be healthy, because a healthy caution toward them is required, and forgiving oneself for any missteps. With this renewed understanding, the empath can develop a plan to identify harmful patterns earlier, ultimately reclaiming their power. This allows them to express their very valuable trait of empathy in a way that protects, rather than harms, their own well-being. Empathy for the self being included. |
Be Healing!
February 2025