When you make a decision in life, that you want more, more love, more money, more fulfilment, more life,... You need to stand firm on that decision and persist with it. The universe loves to give us tests, to see if we are really sure that we want what we say we want. These tests can sometimes feel like we have failed, but only if we don't rise up to the challenge and let it motivate us to be certain and persist with our goal! A few weeks ago I made a decision to stop playing small. To stop giving my short, cheap readings that only help people in a small way that is of little value to them. I decided to focus only on helping those who are truly ready for big change in their life and to help them in a big way that is very valuable to them. At first this decision was scary! I was cutting off the money that had been paying for our rent, our bills and our food. But I knew that I needed to step up in faith and I knew that everything would be OK. The service I had been giving to the many was not delivering the amazing results that I was getting with the few customers who were being mentored by me, and who were having full breakthrough sessions with me. Whats more I was exhausting myself having to do hundreds of these short cheap sessions every week to even make enough money to live off. It was time to stop offering the service that was beneath me, that was not worthy of my customers and invite my customers to join me in taking this step up for themselves too. Then came the tests! I was approached by a potential new customer, who wanted some quick answers, who didn't want the full help that I offer, and she wondered would I be able to give her a short cheap session. I told her no, I explained I no longer work in that way preferring to give a full useful service to my customers. I passed the test. I was not only saying no for myself but for her too. I deserve more. She deserves more. My gift is worth more and can be used for much more than that to deliver far more value than that. A barrage of abuse came back, people don't like hearing no, it causes them to emotionally react. But it was easy for me to let it go. The same day I had another potential customer contact me to say that not everyone can afford the prices of my services. I am glad of that, if everyone could afford my services then I'd really have a problem on my hands, there is only 1 of me and there are billions of people out there who need the help that I offer! I can help billions of people with my books and pre-recorded programs, but not with my one on one time. I stood firm in my conviction that what I was doing is right, right for me, right for my work, and right for the world. There is a delicate balance to find in every area of our lives. To balance your needs and desires with other's needs and desires is important. When you say yes to everyone's requests of you, you are not only in effect saying no to yourself, your own needs and desires, you are also saying no to their best interests too. Incidentally, while we are on the subject, I see plenty of people who believe that they can gain respect from others by just giving as much as they can, by always saying yes, but they never gain respect until they first respect themselves. Nobody respects a doormat. Everybody has equal value. Everybody's needs and desires are important. However, your needs and desires need to be your priority. This isn't selfish. When you are happy you are aligned with your higher self, when you are aligned with your higher self you are delivering the most value to the rest of the world: you are sharing more when you are happiest in yourself. When you look at life from this higher perspective you will see that saying no is not only saying yes to yourself, but also saying yes to everyone else and life itself. How can you prioritise yourself so that you can share more with the world? Start with baby steps, allow yourself something you want, allow yourself to say no to others requests of you that you know will make you feel resentful or bad in some way about the level of help that you would give them. Empower yourself to do the best for yourself and for everyone else! I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
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Be Healing!
January 2025