Like artists, musicians and anybody using their gifts, healers can often find themselves in a struggle to live their passion. Gone are the days of being taken under the wing of a religion funded by donations, healers are choosing to honour their unique spiritual paths and to help others to find their own connection to source from within themselves. This leaves each healer the task of being self-supported, which brings with it its own unique lessons. I am blessed to be a healer with a background in business. My unique combination of gifts and experience attracts healers to me. Over my many years of being a full-time healer I have helped thousands of healers to transform their own lives, empower themselves and start living their passion. There are 7 habits of highly effective healers: 1. Focus on love Healers channel universal energy. Universal energy is love. However, love is not always nice; love often delivers lessons. Healing can feel confronting and unpleasant whilst going through it. As a healer it is important to leave your ego behind. Your job is not to please people but to help people to heal. Customers will sometimes have negative emotional reactions to your work if you are doing a good job! Do not expect or require constant positive feedback. 99% of my customers who have had initial negative emotional reactions to my work have got back to me after a few weeks apologising for their behaviour saying that the truth was hard to hear. Effective healers give the help that is required, do not need praise and are not stopped by criticism. 2. Love what is A healers path is just that: a path. There is no goal, just constant growth and expansion. Through your desires you are constantly reinventing your goals and adding steps to your path. Your direction is completely your creation. As a healer you are not expected to be perfect, yet it is advisable to be constantly active on your own healing path. There will be times when you look back to see that the help that you gave someone in the past is no longer aligned with you. This is only to be expected if you are growing and expanding, constantly improving. However, those that you can help are attracted to your energy and therefore need what you offer at the time it is given. It does not serve anyone to look back with regret. Effective healers love their own unfolding and trust in what they give. 3. Believe in themselves Healers are channels and so is everybody else with any skill or knowledge in this world. Healer spirits, angels, entities,... work through healers as an equal to the healers own spirit or higher self. This means that as a healer you are not just channeling healing energy from other spirits, but also from your own spirit. Without your own desire, passion, creativity, effort, time and energy, the healing connection that you embody would not exist. You are the creative force behind what you do. The healing spirits who work with you receive as much from you as you receive from them. They get to experience the creative process through you. We are all creators, humans and pure spirit alike, and we work together as co-creators. Effective healers believe in themselves, their abilities and take ownership of their own important part in the process. 4. Are creative It is great to learn from other healers but not to copy them. Every healer has their own unique life path which has given them the experiences, the skills, the knowledge and the desire to be able to help others to heal themselves. Every healer as their own unique energy footprint and therefore attracts like-energy customers to them. There is no competition between healers who are being themselves; just cooperation. However, there can be competition between healers who are copying others. Let your own experiences forge your own healing path, let your own healing path drive your desire to help others, let the knowledge that has come from that path mold what you give. Effective healers learn as much as they can from others and offer their unique gifts to the world. 5. Take Action If you wanted to just hold the energy, or to meditate constantly, then you would have remained in the spirit form of pure consciousness. Instead, you incarnated on Earth. You did this because you wanted to experience your creativity in a more dense, physical plane. You came here to expand, learn, grow, create. Some healers think that they came here just to help others: this is not true. You came to expand your own awareness and experience in your interest area of healing as much as you came to help others. So your healing work is as self-serving as any other work that you could do. Your interest in healing at a higher self level brought you here to indulge yourself in learning more about it. Effective healers indulge themselves in healing and put all of their learning into action. 6. Allow abundance Healers often have such a focus on giving that they forget to allow themselves to receive. When there is an imbalance between giving and receiving the universe can only give lessons. Until you can allow yourself to receive the balance of energy back that you want to give, you limit the amount of energy that you can give. So if you are out of balance the universe holds those people that you could help away from you. Inbalance of giving and receiving shows up as limited funds, limited customers, yo-yoing finances, inability to reach and help more people. Abundance in plenty is available to everyone as a birth right. You do not need to prove your worth, nor in fact do anything in particular to receive it. All is required is for you to allow it. Effective healers allow the balance of giving and receiving abundance to flow. 7. Speak their truth Healer spirits want to incarnate into an experience that will ensure their direction in life. As a healer you will have chosen your parents and surroundings very carefully so that you would experience the conditions that would lead you to desire to heal yourself, to create your healing path from this desire, to follow that healing path, to gain the knowledge and experience from doing so, to pass that knowledge on to others. Your life path experience is at the core of what you can give as a healer. You attract to you those people that you are one step ahead of, so that you can help them to heal themselves in the way that you have healed yourself. The more you heal yourself, the more you can help others. Effective healers draw on their own life experience and healing to best help others to heal themselves. ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
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Be Healing!
February 2025