8 years ago I had an old Kombi that had so much rust it was a surprise that my children didn’t fall through the floor on the school drop. The rego was coming up and I knew that it would not pass. This Kombi was ready for Kombi heaven – a place in the hinterland where a local Kombi lover pulls them apart to repair those in better condition. I was a self-employed single parent of 3 children between ages 4 and 12 at the time. I had a small income and plenty of money drains as I juggled being there for my kids and bringing in as much money as I could. A new car just didn’t figure in to my budget – yet I needed one. I believed that all of my needs were always met and that I didn’t need to know how, it would just happen, because it always did. (I’ve now changed this belief to include that all of my desires are also always met – it’s much more fun!) So I went ahead anyway. I asked a friend who worked in a local servo to look out for a car that would be suitable for me and I called local Kombi lover to come take away our dying friend, selling it to him for $50 (I was lucky to get that!). A few days later, my friend called me. He told me he had found a great little car that would be perfect for me and that it was $2000. I told him that my Kombi’s funeral was in 2 days time and so I would take the car. Again, I went ahead, trusting that the Universe would cover it somehow, a whiff of puzzlement came over me “Where’s my $2000 Universe?” but deep down I had faith. The next day my expected miracle came. $2000 was deposited directly into my bank account. I went straight to the bank, withdrew it and gave it to my friend for the new car. Kombi pick-up day arrived and it coincided nicely with the day that my new car was arriving. Seamless car ownership. Thank you Universe. Something else happened that day. I got a call from my bank. They said that they had received a call from another bank who had accidentally deposited $2000 into my account. My bank told them that they would contact me and ask nicely if I would return it – because as it was their mistake, but I was under no obligation to return it to them. So I politely declined the offer. Later that day I bumped into some friends of mine, one of which was a retired bank manager. I relayed my magical story to them. He told me that when banks make mistakes like this they write off any amount of $2000 or less – it’s not worth them to pursue it. The Universe had found the easiest way to give me the maximum amount that it possibly could by the method that it used and delivered the exact amount that I’d asked for on the exact day that I needed it. Was it a miracle? Hardly! It’s manifestation. I asked. I trusted. I went ahead like it had already happened. It was delivered. What do you need or desire? What would give you the confidence to take a leap of faith in order to manifest it? ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
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Be Healing!
February 2025