Are you putting up with less than the best of the best? I was! Every new moon I write down what I want to create in my life and I look at what I wrote the previous month checking which I have created and which I haven't even acted on yet. This month I wrote "Get my teeth fixed" and when I looked at last month it was on there too. Oops! I had in fact acted on it a little, I had taken the first step and had contacted a dentist that I was intuitively attracted to. They had agreed to give me a special offer for my first visit considering the amount of work that I need doing. I had their generous offer sat in my email inbox inviting me to call to arrange my appointment and I hadn't got around to it yet. My reason: I wasn't sure I'd have the spare money NOW. Approximately 8 years ago I was eating crinkle cut salt and vinegar chips and as I bit down the chips got a whole lot crunchier! My tooth was falling apart and I spat out the chips of potato along with tooth into the sink. It was scary. Apparently my tooth had been decaying inside whilst pretending it was all good on the outside. My nerves were hurting on that side of my mouth so I went to see the free dentist because I was a single parent of 3 kids with a limited income at the time. He filled the gaps and told me to wait until the nerves had settled down and stopped hurting before I came back. I never went back. That was 8 years ago and ever since I have chewed predominantly on the other side of my mouth to avoid the nerves screaming at me. I have been a master at avoidance. 2 months ago I felt like it was time to get my teeth fixed properly so I put it on my new moon list and took the first step straight away, but didn't go any further than that due to fear of lack. This new moon, Thursday, I wrote it again and that same night I bit down on a cashew nut and my tooth hurt again. I didn't think much of it because it stopped hurting. On Friday night I was driving back from dropping my partner at work and my face started to set on fire. From my temple to my jaw, from my ear to the centre of my face, intense pain, so much so I didn't think I would be able to get home. I did get home and I did some serious deep breathing when I arrived. I couldn't sleep, each day the pain got gradually less and less but not low enough to ignore it. I called the dentist. I had had 5 sleepless nights by the time I got to see the dentist and I WAS SCARED! The nerves had gone from a 10 on the pain scale to about a 4 and there I was going to allow someone to touch the tooth that would scream 10 at me again when they did. Yet I knew that this needed doing. I also had a thought during that week that went something like this "Wouldn't it be nice to have a dentist who could help with my jaw tightness too, a holistic face/teeth/jaw doctor." and this "Wouldn't it be nice to have a dentist who wrote out a plan of action with the prices on it so that I can manifest and schedule" The dentist visit was unlike any I have ever had before. My new dentist Alison examined my mouth and teeth thoroughly, picking up on the tightness in my jaw on the left side before I even told her about it. She said that she wanted to write a plan of action for me with all the work that she could do so that I could book in for it when I was ready. I love the way the universe gives me exactly what I ask for. She took numerous x-rays of my teeth to find out what was really going on and she saw that not only was my problem tooth split vertically, it had also been filled so it prised the gap open, right across the nerve. This hadn't just caused all of my pain over the years but it had caused the tooth and nerves to be in defence mode. I had been putting up with the pain of botched free dental work FOR 8 YEARS. It was then that I realised that I deserved the best. I deserved the best of the best. No more putting up with pain, or less than. She extracted the tooth, there was no saving it, now I'm in recovery and my next appointment is in 3 weeks to do the next work. What have you been putting up with? Do you deserve the best of the best? (PS the answer is YES!) Share your ah-has in the comments below I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
14/4/2016 05:15:50 pm
Thanks for all the enthusiasm to offer such helpful information here however it proved to be Very helpful to me thank for sharing ..
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January 2025