“Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew.” - Guillaume Apollinaire Whether you're just beginning to feel that there must be more to life, or you know what changes you want to make to your life, the anxiety and overwhelm is the same. There comes a time for us all when we need to take A Leap of Faith in order to leave behind what we already have and step into a life that we really want. Whether it's a new job, your own business, a change in lifestyle, a move to a new location, increasing your level of abundance, breaking free of a relationship, stepping into a new relationship, releasing people around you,... when you get to the point that you want to let go and move forward, doing so isn't that easy. FEAR comes up! The amount of courage required seems way too much! What if you could breeze through these leaps of faith? What if I were to take you by the hand and lead you through the 6 steps necessary to get ready for taking A Leap of Faith with ease? What if you were to have these 6 steps at hand at any time in the future to guide and support you through your future Leaps of Faith? How much would that empower you to have the courage to change your life? I have taken so many Leaps of Faith in my life, I have given up all of my posessions twice, I have relocated countries many times, I have broken free of a highly paid corporate career to start my own business, I have left a 7 year marriage that wasn't supportive to my life mission, I have left behind family members that weren't supportive of who I really am, I have released my children whom I love dearly so that I can deliver my message of love to the whole world. Each time, looking back, I have taken 6 distinct steps to get me to the point of action of my Leap of Faith. ~ Face What Is ~ Universal Connection ~ Intention ~ Detach from What Is ~ Release Blame ~ When to take The Action Step! I have taken these steps without knowing where they would lead me, but in faith that they were leading me to a better life, more aligned with ME. The bonus was that my life transformed from mundane to magical. My friends call me the queen of manifestation. I believe I am the most qualified person in the whole world to teach YOU how to take YOUR Leap of Faith. I want you to experience the magical life that awaits you! Would you like to transform your life from mundane to magical? Would you like to swap feeling lost for feeling awake? Would you like to find direction where you have no direction? Would you like to be truly happy? Would you like to go from having a pointless life to having excitement for life? Would you like to go from a life of no meaning to a life of meaning and fulfillment? I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
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Be Healing!
January 2025