![]() Imagine if guidance from your higher self made all the difference to feeling good about a difficult or stressful situation instead of feeling bad or stressed about it. Let me tell you about Tyler, Tyler is an awesome 17 year old young man with a serious health problem that had him in a lot of constant pain. His mum contacted me 2 days before he was due to go in for life-changing surgery. He was terrified! The surgery was irreversible & it wasn't even guaranteed to make him better. They were both going through all kinds of emotions, fear being a big part of it. They weren't even sure if this surgery was the right path for him. His mum was trying to convince him to have a reading & energy healing, but Tyler was terrified of what his guides were going to say to him. She wanted to know what advice his guides had for him, if they can give him peace of mind that this surgery was the right decision to take. He just wanted to know WHY? So she convinced him to have the session & this is what happened. ![]() His guides told me that this surgery was the correct path, & that this path would make him have to accept help & love from others along his life journey. That through this vulnerability he would learn lots, that he chose this for that reason, & that he will have plenty to share to help others because of this path. The reading & energy healing went into a lot of detail & also gave him a visualisation to do to make him feel better, gave him some energetic relief from the anxiety, fear & lack of peace that he was feeling, & some other important messages from his higher self. When his mum read the guidance and energy reading reports she got in touch right away. "What a blessing to read those. It put me at ease with what's about to happen and I know it'll put Tyler at ease. Just beautiful and profound. This was beautiful to read! Thank you Claire for the message and your Gift! Love you!" But the big difference happened when Tyler read them "When Tyler read it he was so grateful for it! He instantly became at peace with it all. He said it all made sense now and that it was perfect." Tyler had the surgery, spent some time in Intensive Care & then was sent home to recover. He still has some challenges during the recovery process but he's doing great. Tyler had a Guidance Reading & an Energy Healing, you can order them by clicking on them What if you could go from terrified to not just at peace but a deep inner knowing that everything is perfect through hearing the higher truth from your higher self about your situation or any past situation in your life? What difference could that make to how you feel? What if you could face stressful situations armed with knowledge of the true reasons for it from your higher self? How differently would you deal with everything in your life? Share your ah-ha's, experiences & comments below ![]() I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
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Be Healing!
February 2025