Self healing is a never ending journey. Just as you think that you have healed something, released it and moved forward, the universe shows you another shade of the same issue for you to heal. With that in mind I have put together this list of 50 shades of healing, or, how you can help yourself on your inner healing journey. 1. Travel. When we travel we are in a state of openness which allows the universe to bring us so much more opportunity. This state can be achieved without actually travelling; detach from the routine, allow yourself an adventure, open yourself up for the magic to pour in. 2. Follow your own inner knowing. You have a perfectly designed inner guidance system. When you feel good your higher self is telling you that you are on the right path. when you don't feel good your higher self is telling you that you're off the right path. Your path is unique and your guidance system should not match everyone else's. 3. Allow. "Do or do not... There is no try." Sorry to knock Yoda out of the water but "Allow or allow not, there is no do." 4. Be heard. You have a unique message or gift for the world. It is not your place to keep quiet about it. As you let yourself be heard there will be lessons along the way, not everyone will like you, in fact, if your message is profound less people will like you. 5. Release jealousy. Jealousy is feeling bad about something that someone else has managed to allow in their lives. You would like to be able to allow it too, so don't push them away, invite them in so that you can learn how they allowed it! 6. Release blame. You create your own experiences. Nobody else can ever have a creative effect in your life. You're a creator you know! 7. Forgive others. If you feel that someone else made your life harder, the real truth is that they delivered a much needed lesson and they did that out of their higher self's love for you. 8. Release doubt. Doubt cancels all of your hard work out. Manifestation stops when doubt blocks its way. 9. Know yourself. Who is the real you? Stop trying to be who others want you to be. Stop trying to match others that you admire. To be yourself firstly you must know yourself. 10. Be in the now. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that's why it's called the present. 11. Listen to your guidance. Listening to your inner guidance is a skill. Skills need practice. Learn how to meditate. 12. Be your own best friend. Put yourself first. Know that the support and help that you give to others is exactly what you need to receive yourself. 13. Refocus on what you want. Minds run wild if we don't learn to use them to our own benefit. A mind running wild thinks about drama, about what could go wrong, it fears, it focuses on what you don't actually want - and then your mind creates all of that into your reality! Refocus on what you actually want. 14. Nurture your connection. You are a divine being with a connection to your higher self, source, or God. This connection needs to be nurtured with spiritual practice. Spiritual practice is anything that you do with an intention of nurturing this connection. 15. Release guilt. Guilt seeks punishment. When you feel guilty you unconsciously punish yourself to make yourself feel better. It doesn't work. Only releasing the guilt itself makes you truly feel better. 16. Have gratitude. Focus on what you already have with gratitude in your heart. We are all far more wealthy than we allow ourselves to realise. Focus on how far you have already grown with gratitude in your heart. 17. Empower yourself. Being spiritual doesn't mean being nice, or being a doormat. Love yourself enough to have clear boundaries and uphold them. 18. Be willing. The number 1 question asked by my customers is "How do I know what my life purpose is?" The answer is, it doesn't matter whether you know it or not, all that is matter is that you are willing to follow the path to it. Life is about the journey, not the destination. 19. Constant growth. A lesson is never complete. There is always further expansion available. You cannot ever master anything. There is always constant growth. Don't be disheartened that there is never an completion point, this is life. 20. Have respect. Respect will only be given to you once you respect yourself and others. Don't search for these things outside of yourself. 21. Believe in yourself. The only person better than you is the person that you are yet to become. 22. Live life with passion! Have you ever wondered where your passion comes from? It's from your higher self. This feeling is given to you to show you that this is super important in your life path. Follow your passion. 23. You are innocent. Forgive yourself everything because you are innocent. Anything that you have done that you wish you hadn't was an important part of your learning, and you also you played a part in someone else's learning too. It was right that you did this. Lessons are the reason we are all here. 24. Love what is. Love the lessons! Love that you need to learn the lessons. Love it when an uncomfortable feeling comes, because there is something new to learn about yourself. Become a willing student in life and rejoice in the lessons. 25. Love where you are right now. You are on a path from ignorance, or not knowing yourself, to knowledge and experiencing a fuller expression of yourself. Where you are on that path right now is perfect. You shouldn't be further along that path than you are already. 26. Peace is a choice. You can choose to feel peaceful in the face of anything. You can also choose drama and conflict if you want. Learn how to choose your reactions. 27. Put love into everything you do. Make the whole of your life a living meditation by putting love into everything that you do. 28. Appreciate yourself. Money that is put into a savings account appreciates in value. Appreciation means growth. You are constantly growing. Appreciate yourself by making time for self growth every day. 29. Be of service. Your path is to learn all about yourself, and share what you have learned with the world. When you focus on being of service to others, whilst being open to receive the same energy back to yourself, life will become miraculous. 30. Freedom is yours for the allowing. Freedom is available to you right now. It is a choice that you can make. Nobody is keeping you in servitude, nobody else can have a creative effect in your life. Drop the conspiracy theories and create your own freedom. 31. Abundance is yours for the allowing. Abundance is available to you right now. It is a choice that you can make. Nobody is keeping you in lack, nobody else can have a creative effect in your life. Drop the lack stories and allow abundance. 32. Guidance is all around. You have access to the whole collective spiritual consciousness that is God, or source. Everything that you ask is answered. Ask for the help that you need and it will be given to you. 33. Soften your masks. When people feel insecure they put on a mask of strength and courage. When people feel unhappy they put on a mask of happiness. There are as many masks as there are individuals. Soften these masks, allow your true self to shine through. 34. Follow your joy. Your inner guidance system is always showing you the way to go. When faced with a decision, choose the option that will bring you most joy: this is the option that is aligned with your higher self. 35. Trust your intuition. When something feels off, turn around and walk in the opposite direction. When someone doesn't feel quite right, turn around and walk in the opposite direction. Trust your inner guidance system. 36. Go within regularly. Make meditation a part of your daily routine. Like brushing your teeth each morning, take care of your mind and spirit by meditating. 37. Take one step at a time. You're on a path from not being or having something, to being or having it. The energy gap between the 2 is large and cannot be accomplished in one jump. Know that you are only ever required to take 1 step at a time, then something that once felt overwhelming will come easily. 38. Stay in the flow. When something is working, do it. When something isn't working, stop. When something is coming with ease, do it. When something is a struggle, stop. Keep yourself in the flow and out of the struggle. 39. Face what needs to be healed. Feel those uncomfortable emotions. Allow yourself to ponder those uncomfortable thoughts. The first step of healing is owning what needs to be healed. Shine a bright light onto it and it will dissipate. 40. You are already perfect. It's great to want to grow, but when it makes us feel less than perfect as we are, we block ourselves. You are perfect as the learning and growing spirit that you already are. 41. Detach from everything that isn't you anymore. As you grow, your energy changes. As your energy changes, you attract new people, experiences and things that are a match to you - unless you can't let go of the old matches... 42. If in doubt, let it go. Did you know that your higher self can do everything far more easily than you can alone? If you have a problem, let it go. If you want to do something, let it go. Your higher self knows what you want, and if you get yourself (ego) out of the way, it will give it to you with ease. 43. Take time to be alone. Be alone, still and quiet often. It is far easier to know who you really are when you don't have everyone else's energy around you. Spend time alone and clear everyone else's energy out of your system. 44. From wisdom comes understanding. Understanding doesn't come from just hearing wise words, it comes from experiencing and living them. 45. The biggest transformations come from adversity. When we experience things that we don't want, it gives us the desire to improve our lot. This desire gets the wheels of manifestation in motion and we grow. We cannot grow without adversity. 46. Spend time in nature. It will clear your energy, your mind, and show you your connection to the divine. 47. Love yourself. If you want to be loved, love yourself. This means spending time figuring out how and why you are not already loving yourself, healing and releasing it. 48. Allow yourself to receive. If you are out of balance, you will be given lessons. If you give without receiving you are out of balance. Many people are out of balance in this way. Open up to receiving. 49. Feel fear and push past it. Fear is not a real emotion, it is not an emotion from your inner guidance system that is felt right away. Fear is felt after a thought, it comes from thoughts aand judgments about an original thought. Inner guidance emotions come in the present moment. Fear comes from the ego, minutes, hours or days after the moment. 50. Your life path is a mystery. It's a mystery for good reason. You are creating it with every thought, desire and reaction that you have. It is up to you where you life heads. Spend time daydreaming the life that you really want in order to create it into being. Leave your comments below. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how!
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Be Healing!
January 2025