![]() Healing Your Throat Chakra After a Conversation That Leaves You Stuck We’ve all been there. You muster up the courage to speak your truth, to express how something or someone has hurt you. You do your best to communicate your feelings clearly, hoping for understanding, resolution, or at the very least, empathy. But instead of being heard, the conversation takes an unexpected turn. The person deflects, shifts the blame back onto you, or makes it all about their own feelings. They don’t take responsibility, and in fact, you end up feeling worse than you did before you spoke up. In these moments, you may feel a deep emotional ache—like your words didn’t land at all, and no one is listening. But what many people don’t realize is that when our voice isn’t truly heard, it can also manifest physically, often as a sense of tightness or constriction in the throat. A sore throat, a feeling of being choked up, or even getting a cold soon after a difficult conversation are all signs that something deeper is going on. You’ve tried to communicate, but your throat chakra—the energy centre associated with self-expression—hasn’t been able to release the emotions you were holding. ![]() The Throat Chakra: The Energy Center of Communication The throat chakra, or Vishuddha in Sanskrit, is the center of communication, self-expression, and speaking your truth. When balanced, it allows us to express ourselves clearly and authentically. But when this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, our ability to communicate freely becomes restricted. It can result in physical symptoms like a sore throat, tension in the neck, or even the inability to speak up at all. In the context of difficult conversations, when we’re met with deflection or blame instead of understanding, our throat chakra gets even more congested. Not only are we left feeling emotionally frustrated, but the energy in our throat becomes stuck, preventing us from fully expressing what we feel. This is where emotional and physical discomfort often arise. ![]() The Aftermath: When Communication Doesn’t Land After a conversation where you’ve tried to express your hurt, it’s common to feel emotionally drained or confused. You went into the discussion with the hope that you could resolve something or at least be understood, but instead, you leave feeling invalidated, unheard, or even worse, blamed for the situation. It feels like your attempt to speak your truth only added to your pain. You may experience a tightening in your throat, a nagging sense that your voice is not being allowed to fully express itself. It’s almost as if the energy of that unspoken emotion gets stuck in your chest and throat, blocking your natural ability to release it. This disconnection between your intention and the outcome of the conversation doesn’t just leave you feeling emotionally defeated—it often has a direct physical impact. ![]() How the Body Responds: Blocked Communication and Physical Symptoms Your body speaks to you in ways that words sometimes cannot. When we have unprocessed emotions or unresolved conversations, our body may react by showing us signs of energetic blockages. The throat is particularly sensitive to this kind of emotional turmoil. You may experience a sore throat, tightness in your neck, or a feeling that you can’t “swallow” your emotions. In more extreme cases, you might even get a cold as your body’s immune system becomes compromised by the emotional strain. These physical symptoms are not just coincidental; they’re a sign that the energy of your throat chakra is out of balance. It’s your body’s way of communicating that it’s time to release the buildup of emotions and start healing the blockages preventing you from speaking your truth. ![]() Healing the Throat Chakra: When Resolution Isn’t Coming from Others When we face situations where the person who hurt us refuses to take responsibility or hear our side, we often feel powerless. But here’s the good news: we don’t have to wait for them to change in order to heal. The key to healing the throat chakra lies within ourselves. We have the power to restore balance to this energy center, even if external resolution isn’t possible. Here are some ways to support the healing of your throat chakra:
![]() Introducing My Mini Energy Healing for Your Throat Chakra Sometimes, the best way to heal is with a little outside support. If you’ve been struggling with blocked communication or unresolved emotions after difficult conversations, I’m offering a mini energy healing session focused specifically on clearing and balancing the throat chakra. Conclusion: Reclaiming Your Voice and Healing From Within
It’s frustrating when we try to speak up and don’t get the response we deserve. But remember: your voice is powerful, and you deserve to be heard. If the resolution doesn’t come from the other person, it’s up to you to create healing within yourself. The throat chakra is a vital part of your energetic system, and by nourishing and balancing it, you’re giving yourself permission to speak freely, express your feelings, and release any emotional baggage that no longer serves you. If you’re ready to clear the blockages and restore balance to your throat chakra, I’m here to help you along the way. Healing your throat chakra isn’t just about feeling better physically—it’s about empowering yourself to be heard, to speak your truth, and to move forward with confidence.
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![]() A Path to Transforming Negative Beliefs and Reconnecting with the Universe Life has a way of testing us. Whether it’s a string of difficult experiences, sudden losses, or unexpected challenges, sometimes it feels like the universe is sending us one curveball after another. Over time, these setbacks can erode our sense of trust in the universe and in our ability to create the life we desire. A negative mindset takes hold, and we start expecting the worst. The cycle feels unbreakable, as if we’re doomed to face more hardship and disappointment. But what if you could shift your perception? What if you could see beyond the limitations imposed by your current beliefs, ideas, and experiences? The truth is, you can. One of the most profound ways to begin this shift is by activating your Third Eye. ![]() Understanding the Third Eye: Your Gateway to Expanded Perception The Third Eye, also known as the "Ajna" chakra in ancient wisdom traditions, is the energy center located in the middle of the forehead, just above the space between your eyebrows. It is considered the seat of intuition, inner vision, and spiritual awareness. When activated, the Third Eye allows you to tap into a higher frequency of consciousness, seeing beyond what your physical eyes show you. This deeper level of awareness offers clarity, helps you break free from old patterns, and provides insight into your true potential. But before we dive into how activating your Third Eye can transform your life, let’s understand why you might be feeling disconnected from the universe in the first place. ![]() The Strain of Difficult Life Experiences: Losing Faith in the Universe When you go through hardship, it’s easy to feel as if the universe is conspiring against you. Painful experiences—whether in relationships, career, health, or finances—can lead to a deep sense of disillusionment. You may find yourself questioning the fairness of life or wondering why bad things keep happening. Over time, these thoughts can create a self-fulfilling prophecy: your beliefs begin to shape your reality, and you attract more of the same negative experiences. This is how negative thought patterns form. When you lose faith in the universe, it’s easy to adopt a "why bother?" mentality. You might start expecting more difficulty, more struggle, and more disappointment. And this expectation can become a lens through which you see the world, further reinforcing your beliefs. ![]() Breaking Free: How to Turn This Around If you find yourself in this cycle, don’t despair. There is a way out. The key is to shift your perspective, and one of the most powerful tools for making that shift is activating your Third Eye. When your Third Eye is activated, you open yourself to a higher level of perception. It helps you move beyond the negative beliefs that have shaped your experience so far. With this new awareness, you begin to see things not just as they are in the physical world, but as they could be—through the lens of infinite possibilities. Here’s how activating your Third Eye can help you transform: 1. Breaking the Cycle of Negative Thinking By connecting with the energy of the Third Eye, you start to perceive life in a more expansive way. You begin to see that your current circumstances do not define your entire existence. You can break free from the old story that has been looping in your mind—“bad things always happen to me”—and instead tap into a vision of the future that is filled with possibility and hope. 2. Reconnecting with Your Inner Guidance When the Third Eye is open, you can access your intuition, your inner compass. This guidance helps you navigate through difficult times with a sense of calm and clarity. Instead of feeling lost or confused, you begin to trust that there is a higher purpose behind each experience, even if it’s not immediately clear. The universe, as challenging as it may seem at times, is always conspiring in your favour, and your intuition will guide you to see the hidden opportunities within every challenge. 3. Seeing Beyond Your Current Beliefs Your beliefs are not fixed; they are dynamic, evolving with your consciousness. When your Third Eye is activated, it enables you to transcend the limiting beliefs you’ve been holding onto. These beliefs may have been created by past experiences, but they don’t have to govern your future. With the clarity that comes from an open Third Eye, you begin to see that you are not a victim of circumstances, but rather a creator of your own reality. Your thoughts, actions, and beliefs have the power to shape a life that aligns with your highest potential. 4. Accessing a Higher State of Awareness The Third Eye also allows you to tap into a higher state of awareness that goes beyond the mind. This is where you can begin to see the interconnectedness of all things, where the external world no longer feels separate from you. You realize that the universe is not something that happens to you, but something that responds to you. Your thoughts, feelings, and energy send out vibrations that the universe mirrors back. When you shift your vibration by opening your Third Eye, the universe begins to reflect a new, more positive reality back to you. ![]() The Power of Third Eye Activation Energy Healing In this moment of transformation, I’m offering a Mini Energy Healing focused on activating your Third Eye. This healing is designed to help you clear blockages, release limiting beliefs, and awaken your intuitive sight. As we work together to activate this powerful energy center, you’ll experience a shift in your consciousness, enabling you to see beyond your current limitations. Through this healing, you will:
![]() I hope you enjoyed the holiday season and are welcoming the new year with joy! I had a wonderful time, but I also found myself feeling drained from all the events, parties, late nights, and indulgent foods. Eventually, it caught up with me, and Norovirus forced me to take a couple of days to rest. During that time, I asked my guides for assistance, and they led me through an energy session where I visualized healing energy circulating through my body, strengthening my immune system. Our bodies face many challenges daily—stress, EMFs, pollutants, poor-quality food, emotional strain, and more. It’s no wonder we feel depleted. All these factors can leave our immune systems vulnerable. To support your body through these challenges, here are a few simple ways to recharge: ![]() 🌱Take 3 deep, mindful breaths 🌱Hydrate with a glass of water 🌱Spend 5 minutes meditating to centre yourself 🌱Go for a 15 minute walk in nature 🌱Prepare a nourishing meal with wholesome, organic foods ![]() We are not machines! We are complex biological, spiritual, emotional, physical & mental beings yet conventional medicine tends to not only isolate one of these such as physical, they also isolate each organ & system, as if we are merely a machine with separate parts to be "fixed". We are so much more than this. Any issue that we have will change most other systems in our bodies. For example, when we have an emotional issue it affects every cell in our bodies, it changes our hormones, it affects the gut microbiome, how much fat our body will lay down to protect us, our mindset, our subconscious mind goes on high alert & is more active than usual to protect us. An emotional issue isn't just an emotional issue. We do ourselves a disservice when we label something as purely emotional, or purely physical. ![]() We are living in an age of extremism that doesn't serve us. It's either black or it's white, not shades of grey in between. Be careful falling into the trap of thinking everything is spiritual or emotional & never physically about your lifestyle choices & your environment! Just as a pain killer can allow you to get the essential sleep that you need to be able to heal when you have a headache for example, so too energy healings can clear the way, soothe your reactions, relax you to be able to access your own innate healing within. With my psychic gift I also give essential clues as to what is really behind how you're feeling in your body. All it takes is for you to be open & ready to receive the healing. That might sound like a given, but sometimes we hold onto our pain because it serves us in some kind of a way. Perhaps you have a hard time receiving from others, being taken care of by others? This trait often renders people unwilling to accept healing energy, even when you really believe you want to receive it, there is a lock there. But fear not! I feel those blocks & I ask for their release so that I can get in deep! ![]() My guides told me to switch the live meditation show on YouTube to an energy healing show, in order to showcase my energy healing work but also to help those who need this healing. Whether you come live or watch the replay you will be included in the energy healing if you are open & ready to receive. All you need to do is watch the video, click like of course, comment "Open & ready to receive" then follow my prompts to a meditative state & receive! Come along & share it with your friends too! Click here to find the replay of the last session & subscribe to be invited to the next live healing ![]() How do you know if a thought is your intuition or you're just making it up? How can you be sure that you have received guidance or whether it was just your subconscious mind? How can you tell what is inspired thought and what is just imagination? Deciphering subconscious thoughts from superconscious thoughts is an art that takes practice. The practice is meditation. In meditation we remain present in our conscious minds as much as possible. We notice the distractions of noises, body sensations & thoughts, but we try not to get pulled into them. The more we practice meditation the more we might notice a difference in the types of thought that come up. ![]() The subconscious mind has a negative bias. It plays an important role in our psyche. We have a subconscious mind to protect us from what might hurt us. The subconscious mind therefore tends to have a negative narrative that is constantly going on in the background. It can remind us of what we haven't done, what we did that perhaps we need to think about so that we don't repeat it, what might happen to us. The subconscious mind tends to be loudest when we are distracted, when we are stressed or on auto pilot. Even if we are meditating, the subconscious mind tends to be loudest when we are finding meditation difficult to settle into. There is an imaginative component to the subconscious mind too, those conversations that might happen, if he says this then I'm going to say that... The subconsious mind has a voice that we are very familiar with. It is like a small child, it needs to be heard, it's concerns need listening to, so that it can relax. No amount of trying to deny this mind, or these thoughts will take its power away. Listening to it yet putting it in its place is the best way to deal with this mind. ![]() The superconscious mind has a positive bias. It speaks up mostly when our subconscious mind is quiet. So the superconscious thoughts & imagination tends to happen from a very focused or quiet place within ourselves. The thoughts show up like we are receiving them. These thoughts tend to be about things that you would be unlikely to make up yourself. They can appear to be random thoughts, or ideas. There is an imaginative component to the superconscious mind too, the imagined scenarios that just keep getting better & better. Remember, the superconscious mind has a positive bias. The more we meditate the more we have access to the superconscious mind & the more practiced we get at feeling the difference between subconscious thoughts & superconscious thoughts. They do FEEL very different, their origin feels different. As a psychic I am tapping into the superconscious mind to do my work, When I was learning to trust the superconscious mind I would often read for people & be surprised that the advice that the superconscious came up with was different than I would have advised. It can seem wiser than regular solutions that we might come up with as human beings but it can also seem more random, as if it's not connected to the question at all. It is only through acting on the superconscious thoughts that you get the confirmation that it indeed was right, or as a psychic, on speaking the advice to the customer even when my subconscious mind is saying "that can't be right!" that I get the confirmation from the customer that it's what they needed to hear. ![]() If we act on our subconscious thoughts of course, we tend to get the opposite effect. It's not wise, it's rarely the right thing to do. Subconscious minds are great at getting us to avoid eating that toxic mushroom, or to run from that tiger, but it's not great at navigating life in 2024. The subconscious mind may also appear to be giving you a positive imagination experience when it is really coming from ego, wanting to win, wanting to be right, wanting to save face, wanting revenge, etc. The ego aspect is where we might not see clearly that the subconscious is always always always coming from a negative place. The more you meditate, the more you will notice the subtleties of these two minds, how they feel different, how they come forth when we are in different states of being, how they say different things. Once you get better at recognising what are superconscious thoughts, act on them & you will get confirmation that it is indeed divine guidance. Meditate LIVE with me every day on my YouTube Chanel www.youtube.com/BeHealing
Be Healing!
February 2025