I used to think it was my duty to sacrifice myself for others. I used to think I was a good person for trying to help anyone I saw in need of help, whether they asked for it or not. I used to think I gained some kind of credit for giving up my energy, my wishes, my well-being, my time, to give others what they wanted. At one point I was doing it in my business too, I was giving all of myself, constantly every day & getting so little in return. It was exhausting & I used to think it was other people's problem. I had believed the rhetoric that if you just give, give & then give some more then it will come back to you, eventually. But then it never did. What did happen was that I burned out & I became resentful that I was giving it all without getting what I needed, never mind what I wanted. I learned that this kind of giving is in fact judgment of others. So imagine someone coming up to you & telling you that something in your life, that you love, that you enjoy, is actually a problem & they have come to fix it! You know how that would feel right? Hmm, actually, this isn't a problem, I love it. Or maybe you would believe them & allow them to "help" you? I know I have done both in the past. But I have also been this person perceiving problems where there really aren't any. Trying to help when really I am judging what I see in others as a problem when it isn't, or if it is, that's for them to decide & to find their solution in connection with their higher self. The thing is when we are in alignment, when we are focused on our life & creating what we want in our lives to make ourselves feel good, then we end up being of true service to others, not by looking at them & deciding they have a problem, but by doing what makes us feel great. For example, I love doing the weight loss coaching, but I'm not going up to people who I think are fat & asking them do they want it? Ha ha, I am just putting it out there for those that do & having a great time teaching them & helping them when they ask for it, no judgment involved. I love giving readings, but I'm not going out looking for people with problems to ask them do they want a reading on it (I so used to do that!) I just offer the service for those who want it. I love doing the management for my friend at the Muay Thai gym here, it is so much fun, but it wasn't because I thought he had a problem with it. However, in the last few days I have found myself seeing problems in my close relationships & wanting to help. Just after I shot the week ahead reading I realised that I was doing it again! You see, everything should be a win win situation. You don't need to give up anything for anyone else. Martyrdom isn't cool it's really annoying to everyone including the martyr! When you are in true alignment, doing what makes you feel great, you will want to do things that help others, not because you have noticed there is a problem with them, but because it feels so much fun to do it. Take a look at what you are doing that doesn't feel good. Why are you doing it? What is the problem that you have perceived that needs to be fixed by you doing this? Isn't that a judgment? Could you allow yourself to just do what you love? Let us know in the comments! The only thing stopping you from instantly manifesting anything you want is not being in alignment with it, or in other words, a block to it. A block is a resistance to, or a contradiction to, what you really want. What is your biggest block? How can you release it? Your higher self knows the easiest path to releasing your greatest resistance & can lead you step by step to breaking free of it. Click here to book your biggest block reading today!
Abundance is a vibration. It's not just money, it's not just wealth, it's infinite plenty of everything for everybody. And it is available to everybody who has the abundance vibration. I was invited to a celebration a few nights ago & came home in a very high vibration of love & plenty. I listened to a meditation before I fell to sleep & it made me realise that UNLIMITED abundance is available to me. I woke up with this same high vibration, woke up happy & feeling so abundant. So I raised it even further by focusing my thoughts on unlimited abundance & the abundant day ahead of me. I expected to see abundance & abundance is what I was shown. Something that particularly stood out to me was as I rode home from the gym, I turned a corner & about 100 white butterflies all took flight as they saw me come around the corner, so all of a sudden I was surrounded by an abundance of white butterflies. I loved the bigger influx of readings that came in from customers too! Thank you! So how can you get into the abundance vibration? 1. Open your mind to perceive expanding abundance. Abundance is all around us, it literally IS the way the universe provides us with what we need. But you will only experience what you can perceive. It's like the glass half full or half empty thing. Some people will experience the exact same conditions, but one will perceive it as abundance & another as lack. The one who perceives it as abundance will attract more & more examples of abundance for them to perceive. The one who perceives it as lack will attract more & more lack. 2. Ask to receive more abundance. Ask to be shown it. Look out for it. Notice it when it comes. Perceive it. Don't put limitations on it. Ask to be shown unlimited abundance. Be open to more & more coming YOUR way. Be open to every kind of abundance. Abundance of money. Abundance of butterflies. Abundance of fun. Abundance of friends. Abundance of invitations. Abundance of cat videos. Abundance of smiles. Abundance of love. Don't ask for the particular abundance that you are particularly resistant to & therefore struggling with, ask for it all, abundance in general. 3. Expect it to come. Be ready for it. Know that it's around every corner. Say yes to every single example of abundance that you are shown. Recognise it as abundance. Even if it's not the kind of abundance you are struggling with yet, know that as you recognise it as abundance & say yes to it as abundance & appreciate that the universe is showing you that abundance is there for you so that it can grow. Expect to see hundreds of butterflies. Expect to find pennies on the street. Expect to be given gifts. Expect a raise. Expect people to contact you who want to give to you. Expect more clients. 4. Abundance loves love! Be love as much as you can, feel it, accept love from others. Wake up every morning & remind yourself that abundance is everywhere, to set your day up to expect it & to look for it. At the end of the day (or throughout the day) write down all of the examples of abundance that you witnessed & received that day. Focus on abundance & see just how much it grows in your life. Then come back here & tell us what you manifested! The only thing stopping you from instantly manifesting anything you want is not being in alignment with it, or in other words, a block to it. A block is a resistance to, or a contradiction to, what you really want. What is your biggest block? How can you release it? Your higher self knows the easiest path to releasing your greatest resistance & can lead you step by step to breaking free of it. Click here to book your biggest block reading today! I'm not into fluffy-nonsense spirituality. If it isn't practical & it can't help me to get into alignment then it can flow right out of my experience. Don't get me wrong, there is a place for soothing, there is a time for comfort & hugs when you are damaged & raw. But once we are over those wobbly times we need empowered practical advice! The path of love: Fluffy nonsense or practical life advice? I googled path of love just before I wrote this, I found some fluffy nonsense & I also found some things that are just plain wrong: it's not for the faint of heart, it's a test, it's charity, forget the I, it's never a smooth ride,... Let me tell you what the path of love actually is, according to my very practical higher self! You are a unique being, you have your own personal blend of likes, dislikes, & things you love. As you focus on the things that you love, doing them, writing about them, singing about them, you feel more love. As you feel more love you attract thoughts, things, people, opportunities that match that. This means that you attract thoughts about more things that you already love or will love if only you knew about them. You attract things that you love. You attract people who you love & those who you will love once you meet them. You attract opportunities to feel more love. You become a total love magnet, attracting the things that YOU love. It's very much a personal path of selfishness. You can't get that same feeling by focusing on things that other people love but you don't. You can't get it by focusing on what you don't like in the world. You can't get it from focusing on what you don't like. You can't get it by focusing on what you think is wrong with the world, with people, with you,... Once you are on this path of love, you get super focused on certain things that you really love, you start to share it with the world, people who would also love what you love can't help but be attracted to your love vibe, they want to love what you love too, they want what you have. You attract your tribe of people who love what you love & you all love it together feeling more & more joy. It's infectious. Then you see something that you don't love. You don't feel good. Now you're on the path of hate, you don't like it, you attract more things that you don't like, you start to see things wrong with people, the world, you feel worse & worse, you attract people who don't love either, who are hating too, you get together to right the wrongs of the world & you fool yourself into thinking you are on the path of love, it's not for the faint of heart, it's a test, it's charity, forget the I, it's never a smooth ride,... Then you wake up, you focus on what you love again, you get back on the true path of love. The only way onto this path of love is from within. You MUST focus on what YOU love & remain true to that. When you get on this upward spiral it gets easier & easier to stay on the path of love. You will be amazed at where the path of love will take you in life, to the best places, the best people, the best opportunities, the best feelings, the best relationships, the best business, the most joy, the most fun, to everything you have ever wanted! Where can you start today? What do you love? Tell us in the comments. I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! Have you ever noticed that the better you feel the better life gets? Have you ever been getting ready to go on a night out & you are so excited you just know it is going to be an epic night, then it is? Have you ever noticed how easy it is to manifest something that is just fun? You want a panda suit for a dress up party & then bam you stumble across one. You want to go away for a fun weekend with friends & then bam you manifest the money to do it. You really want to go to that event & the universe just seems to line up so that you can go do it. Then on the flip side have you noticed how hard it is to manifest things that are not fun? Like manifesting the money for bills that make you feel terrible? Like manifesting an outfit to wear to work or school when you can't really wear what you want, but you have to wear their uniform? Like finding a replacement for that washing machine hose that broke the other day? There's a reason for all of this: You are an electromagnetic being. You attract your life experiences from your thoughts (electric) & your feelings (magnetic). Thoughts are straight forward, think about what you want, not what you don't want & you will attract it. Don't think about the drama of not getting it, think about already having it. Use your imagination to think about what you really want to live. Feelings are straight forward too. The better you feel the stronger your magnet. Joy, fun, laughter, love,... they attract things so fast like a really powerful magnet. So how can you feel great about manifesting the money to pay off that debt, when it's not fun, it doesn't make you laugh, you don't love it? It's not by pretending that salads are hilarious, you can't fool the universe by pretending to feel something that you don't feel. It's not by going into the bank laughing & pretending it's so much fun to be paying off your debt. It's by putting YOU & how YOU feel first. So you might THINK the most important thing you NEED to manifest is to pay off that debt, but if you go within truthfully and ask yourself what you really want, what does your heart really want? What will truly make you feel joyful? It's that new bikini, or that trip away with friends, or that gorgeous dress you saw in that shop, or that event, ... You know deep down that you don't want to ignore your debt, or that washing machine hose, or that uniform you need to buy, because that would make you feel guilty about the joy you are having with your new bikini, dress, on that trip away with your friends. You want it all! This is the key. To have it all requires you to know that you can. When you know that you can you will change your asking to include it all. For example, you won't ask for $60 for a new bikini, you'll ask for $560 for all the bills which will leave you enough left over for that new bikini. In this way you have prioritised what makes you feel good so that you DO feel good AND you have made sure that the stuff that will make you feel bad if you ignore it is taken care of too. The prize is the bikini, the path takes care of everything else. This is abundance thinking. Just manifesting one thing, the most serious, the most pressing, the scariest, is SOOOOO hard to do, in fact it's impossible, your thoughts are likely to be on the drama of not getting it & your feelings are like that post stick note that falls off the fridge. So write down the whole list of what you want & ask for it all. Set your prize to be those things that make you feel AWESOME & know the other stuff will be taken care of along the way. This shift can have instant manifestation results, so be sure to share in the comments below your ah-ha & your manifestations! I'm Claire Louise Hay, I help you claim your true power to manifest the life of your dreams through self-awareness and alignment with your higher self. Want to work with me? Click here to find out how! |
Be Healing!
September 2024